
miércoles, mayo 28, 2014

The change has arrived - Marc Gamma ~ 05/28/2014

Can you feel it ?  You know? Change is finally a reality. We arrived in the New Energy of the New Age.
We, I mean all of us are finally where we want the creation. With targeted messages, with lots of energy, many light workers and great support at many levels of spiritual hierarchy, we made the big goal . We are now bent on this so-called stretch finite and can now fully concentrate on our individual ascension us.

Many things have taught us the spiritual teacher of the highest spiritual hierarchy. Many things that were said are never arrived and many things they have told us are a bit different today than at the time of publication. Now you will legitimately ask why it 's so ! The spiritual hierarchy uses our words , our thoughts, our metaphors and Wortverständnisse to bring us a little closer , actually has no words for the Spirit .
In Spirit eveyrthing is energy . The concepts of language, words , emotions and everything that makes us as a human being , does not exist in the spiritual experience level. There is only ONE : "Light and Love " What is light and you will LOVE to ask you and I only say : " An expression of Spirit to bring us a little closer , for which they have no words or concepts "
Now what exists because on the spiritual level ? There is EVERYTHING and ANYTHING and all this at the same time . To understand and to explain this, Spirit is not able to because for them it's all just energy. It has or it has no power and this is what Spirit knows and Spirit we tried to get closer . Soon we need Spirit not explain it , because we will wake up and understand what they have been trying for so long and with a lot of patience to teach us .
Do you feel now the change which has come in you? If not, then it's good , when you feel something, then it is also good. It does not matter , because everyone has wished himself how he wants to know this at the time of ascension. Everything is right and comes at the right time . Each of us will do it, if it is provided in your soul contract. Anyone who is willing in the heart , it has been felt and those who have not yet felt it still , I can assure you. No child left behind and have to stay here, because everyone can make the climb . It is only a matter of time.
By the way Spirit has always said that they have a problem with time and can not predict exact information regarding accurate time points or the arrival of certain events to us for this reason. Do you feel that this is right? Now if I tell you that Spirit understands very well how to deal with time, you will be surprised or disappointed. Spirit IS and IS EVERYTHING! Also that with time Spirit can apply at all levels, no doubt, is their specialty. Time is their ally , because of the time you can play and you can use them wonderful when you want to bring people a bit closer , which can not themselves understand as accurately we humans .
Very soon, all these spiritual teachings are brought us closer and we will show how the spiritual level , the time , the events , the emotions, everything influence, so that we can make our learning experiences. Stay tuned for what is to come.
und jeder von uns wird erkennen, was es heisst zu ERWACHEN. span style="font-size: medium;">All will then be clear and all of us will realize what it means to AWAKENING .

Original in German

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