
viernes, mayo 02, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Spirit is Abundance, Negativity Restricts - May 2, 2014

The fault is not that nothing is happening, for indeed much is underway both at the surface levels as well as the inner levels. But what must be acknowledged now as one is moving forward in their own personal growth and evolution is the extent to which one has been brainwashed, has been indoctrinated into belief systems that are limited and restricted, that are indeed the chains of slavery that humanity has been taught to wear so well…”
That you find yourself in this candy store, surrounded by the many sweet treats that are contained therein. That you have the right to choose anything that you wish, that you have been given carte blanche authority and permission to choose what you wish. But you have entered this candy store, this wondrous store of delights believing that you cannot simply have anything you wish…”
Imagine if you will that you are in the candy store of Spirit. That Spirit offers anything and everything and that it is your right to choose the treats that are there. You are after all a Creator Being, you are of Spirit and as spiritual ones, you have access to the highest heights of possibility, for all is available to Spirit. What is also available to Spirit is the right to choose or not choose, and that it it only one’s limited belief system, the structure of their beliefs, that indeed holds one back from indulging in the treats…”
green hearts bar
For many of these Ascension Process years I’ve wondered how in the world mass humanity could ever extricate themselves from thousands of years of Team Dark’s carefully designed and implemented mental and emotional (and everything else) prison camp — the intentionally monstrously restricted but wholly accepted earth “reality” no matter how negative, evil, bloody, miserable and distorted.
For so very long humanity has been utterly convinced by Team Dark that they have no Divine Rights; no personal connection to Source; a connection to Source but only through religious middlemen; that humans are eternally violent, murderous, warring beings and it’s perfectly normal; that female humans are lower than animals, plus hundreds of other equally insane and false negative “anti-human” beliefs. That’s a lot of distorted negativity for mass humanity to crawl out from under, but, that is exactly what’s slowly happening.
This Rainbow Phoenix general blog message—The Candy Shoppe of Spirit— from Cosmic Awareness is very timely and obviously needed now for each and every one of us, even the Forerunners/Lightworkers/Pathpavers etc. who every now and again forget that they are Divine aspects of Source doing some very difficult Work down here in what’s been wildly distorted and controlled physicality.
Aim much higher, dream much bigger now friends because this is you, me, each of us re-learning that we are Creator Beings Consciously Creating within this NEW evolutionary cycle and world. Shake off the old Team Dark shackles, whatever they are for you, and remember that you are Divine and you have a Divine Right to be happy, healthy, safe, comfortable, creative, free, and to have abundance constantly.
After thousands of years of Team Dark brainwashing humanity and polluting, controlling and directing the human earth Collective, it’s going to take some real conscious effort for each one of us to cast off all the old Team Dark shackles and return to our REAL and natural state of being and reality which is abundance, freedom, safety, peace and creativity for all. There is however abundant Higher help for all of us to do exactly that and so much more. ;)
800x800 heartlight Thanks once again to Cosmic Awareness & Co. for this public blog message right at this much-needed moment.
May 2, 2014