
lunes, mayo 26, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Divine Push into deeper Change & Release - May 26, 2014

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It has been one heck of a time lately hasn’t it? Multiple aspects of my life have been divinely exploded into further change and release since the last week of April 2014. I’m certain many of you can wholeheartedly relate.
For many the April into May 2014 energies have been a Divine blinding blast that helped us fully see, know, understand, standup for ourselves and our happiness and future well-being, make adjustments and/or completely disconnect and release in all ways from certain people/family members/friends/partners etc. if  that’s what was required of us at this time. For me it was with more family members. Sometimes it’s easier to have loved ones die than have them remain in-body and not progress but disintegrate even more, falling into deeper mental and emotional sickness.
Because we’re rarely ever all on the same Stair-step within the Ascension Process—especially within our blood families—you oftentimes find yourself having to indirectly deal with old issues you dealt with many years or decades earlier, but once again now via another family member or loved one that hadn’t directly themselves until this point. This of course means you’re involved again with whatever aspects of the situation that must be dealt with by that other family member/loved one at this time. Said another way, the Forerunners of the Forerunners have been having to help their loved one(s) who are also Forerunners but a few Stair-steps behind them, with old issues, be they family, work, money or whatever.
Once the different levels of Forerunners got themselves, and then assisted their loved one(s) on a nearby Stair-step through these massive personal, see this old issue for yourself  difficult longstanding family dynamics or whatever it’s been for you personally, then the dropped weight from the past has felt exceptionally freeing.
This latest session that April into May 2014 gifted us all with has—despite it being and feeling emotionally and in just about every other way painful—one huge Divine push forward into the NEW for those of us who need to be wholly and completely in the NEW with zero strings attached to old pre-Ascension people, family members, friends, lovers, relationships, personal habits, beliefs, expectations, old blueprints and Soul Contracts etc. Quite often what hurts the most or is the most difficult for us personally turns out to be the biggest gift with the largest long-term benefits for us. It’s amazing to what degree we, while in human form, will go to NOT let go of old limiting things, habits, situations and people when it’s the very thing we must do at that moment within our ongoing spiritual Ascension Process to continue evolving.
These huge changes that April and May 2014 has brought each of us has even touched my writing here at HighHeartLife. In past years it was a Soul Contract of mine (as it was for almost all the Forerunner Ascension Teachers who’ve written books and blog and website articles about the Ascension Process) to write as much as I could as fast as I could despite the constant severe Ascension symptoms I experienced, plus the Team Dark attacks I struggled with simultaneously. I wrote constantly because it was my higher spiritual Volunteer “job” to do so at that time even though I had Ascension ‘brain fog’, sickness and pain and could hardly string a sentence together most days, or figure out the computer, not to mention the Internet! None of that mattered however because I’d agreed to write about the Ascension Process and its many related issues from my personal perspective and experiences long before I incarnated into this physical Denise suit who would physically live the Ascension Process as a First Waver or Forerunner.
It’s no longer as urgent for the Forerunners to get as much of the higher information (Light) out as we could to the global masses via writings on the Internet about the Ascension Process and its many related topics, stages and multidimensional players. That’s been done and many really wonderful and very helpful books, videos, blog and website articles exist for people to refer back to when they need to read them again (or for the first time) for greater clarity about what’s happening and why. But since we entered 2014, this has Shifted too just like everything else and many of the Forerunners have been or are being moved and re-directed into their NEW creative Work(s) in NEW ways and NEW places. I’ve felt this change building since the start of 2011.
What was needed to be dispersed globally very quickly in years past is well in place, and many of the Forerunners have moved on into the next level of the Ascension Process and their personal parts in it. This means there will continue to be exciting and unexpected changes to how many of the Forerunner Ascension Teachers work, teach, write, interact with other people, are reimbursed for their knowledge and help etc. This is just another of many ongoing evolving steps and nothing more so fear not. <3
It’s time now to live it, to put it into play physically, to teach it by living example, by having embodied it and continuing to embody it and showing that to others. Yelling it every few days for free from blogs and websites and videos aren’t the primary locations or methods for this spiritual Ascension related Work now and that’s perfectly okay. We’re all adapting and making the necessary adjustments.
The Angels have been re-directing me into my NEW space, place and work since January 2014 and I’m still deep within this change, this transition on multiple levels. I know there are more twists and turns to come that I can’t See clearly yet but I certainly sense them right around the next corner. It’s exciting, and a bit challenging too because I’m having to finalize and totally release, disconnect from some family members that always have been and still are taking a very different route than I am. Those old blueprints and karma have fully Expired and we need to acknowledge that fact, disconnect neutrally, and move on in our different directions at our different speeds and levels. Many of us are in this same spiritual evolutionary space and position now, but know that the Angles and your Higher Self are not going to drop you into some old miserable crap zone somewhere at this point! No, no; huge improvements are unfolding now but we’ve got to fully release the past blueprints and habits first. That is what much of the April and May 2014 energies were for, which should give us all an insightful heads-up about the changes in physicality that the June 2014 Solstice will bring!
Self-delusion and/or delusions coming from anyone else for any reason simply won’t fly in the NEW energies and NEW timeline. Because of this, those who need important course-correction reality checks have gotten hit over the head with them since April! This is another Divine Intervention even though it doesn’t feel like it at the time so be wise and use whatever has been or is being revealed to you about yourself and other people so that you’ll make the necessary changes, release whatever or whoever you must at this time so you all can continue moving in the directions, levels and speeds that each is capable of at this time.
Stay in your HighHeart and live and radiate your NEW life from this elevated space. <3
May 26, 2014