
jueves, mayo 22, 2014

ANKHORING TRUTH within the CRYSTALLINE HUMAN VEHICLE by Karen Dover - May 22, 2014

The intense energies of the last few linear days may have left many of you by surprise, the upgrading of the human vehicle has been going on for some linear time and the completion of the metamorphic resonance shift will have seen many of you move into a new “bandwidth” of frequencies. It is to be noted that these bandwidths of frequencies have never been experienced by any in a human form before and as such movement into these bandwidths may have seen much come up for you personally.  It may have been an intense period of frustration for you as you sought to work with energy in ways that you believed were “correct” only to find that you were prevented from working in such a way.

It cannot be underlined enough the need to be in balance and in TRUTH, as ONLY TRUTH is supported anything that sits outside this frequency is not supported and the adjustments that you have made at a very human conscious waking mind level will have seen you come into balance and WHOLENESS.  Remember nothing exists that is OUT WITH the frequencies that you are resonating internally. As Idiscussed on the  Beyond the Looking Glass Radio Show, the outside waking world APPEARS to be very real and solid but it is a PERSONAL construct, it is shaped and held in place by YOU at all times.  There is no way that any two people in human form can have the exact experience nor shape this construct in exactly the same way, each human vehicle is unique in its build and its interpretation of the frequencies that exist AROUND IT, THROUGH IT and WITHIN IT.  This is often filtered out at a very human conscious waking mind level for the human eyes are easily fooled.  Think optical illusions and how the human eye is fooled into accepting something that is actually something else entirely. Therefore at this time of vast shifting and fluxing of realities it is not appropriate to ONLY accept that which your human eyes are showing you. This is why I continually reference the need to FEEL TRUTH.
Every frequency that exists has its own energy signature and this cannot be masked, so by FEELing TRUTH you are connecting with TRUTH, it cannot often be seen clearly and visibly but it is ALWAYS felt and as your human vehicle begins and moves through the process of CRYSTALLISATION then this FEELing intensifies.  When you have reached metamorphic resonance you are fully crystalline and you are then able to download and ankhor the New Earth frequencies and then begin to build your outer waking reality with them.
It is to be noted that there is no ONE outer waking reality as with the old 3D earth created reality, it was a CONSTRUCT that the human race were placed WITHIN and TAUGHT to remain within.  This is not TRUTH for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE, you are able to create and change and shift your outer waking reality based on the frequencies that you ANKHOR within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. In order to fully experience multi and inter dimensionality the human vehicle requires to be upgraded to full crystalline form, the carbon based structure maintained within the old 3d earth created reality prohibiting the expansion that is required in order to join with ALL in the UNIVERSE of 3.
It is to be noted that the human “race” are the only “race” that were prevented from ANY ascension and expansion and as such the rapid increase in energies seek to help stabilise a process that is akin to a steep ascent of a mountain.  Once ascension is under-way then it balances out, it continues in momentum but not at such a steep angle, this frequency is guided and overseen by your SOUL at all moments. It is not correct to assume that everyone who is in a human form upon and within Planet Earth will go through and move into the ascension alignment and ascension process to the same degree. Each energy that has incarnated into a human form upon this planet has a specific role to play and no two are exactly the same, this would negate the requirement to have 7 billion human vehicles upon and within the planet. ALL is by DESIGN, you are not here by “chance” or “accident”.
As the energies now begin to build once more you are asked to RELEASE ALL TEACHINGS completely, the new Crystalline structure does not hold on to frequency in the way that the carbon based human vehicle did, it allows FLOW and will not allow for the ankhoring of anything that is not TRUTH. At a very human conscious waking mind level this will see you in much frustration if you allow ASSUMPTION and PAST EXPERIENCE be your guide to something that JUST IS.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.