
miércoles, abril 16, 2014

Tiempo de Cine - Movie Time - Supercollider (2013)

After the Hadron Super Collider in Switzerland and France, few thought anyone would ever attempt a larger Collider but Cytron corporation, with a consortium of companies, built it. The Eisenberg Collider, called EC-1 was over 60 Kilometers long, nearly triple the Hadron. Its mandate was to create a new energy source to power the world. On September 9th, 2013 at 9:05AM the first test of the EC-1 Collider was about to commence.... at 9:06AM, that same day, the test was classified as permanently delayed; the program was to be shut down due to lack of funding. What had happened... or what happened that had changed everything? 
Sinopsis: Cuando un super colisionador de hadrones genera un desplazamiento temporal, por culpa de su funcionamiento defectuoso, un científico solitario debe restablecer el orden natural antes de que el mundo se destruya por completo.
