
martes, abril 29, 2014

Third Force: Vatican Occult Connections

Preliminary Vatican and Occult Connections
(Veterans Today) The ‘Secret Space War’ and ‘Alien Agenda’ article series by Veterans Today columnist Dr. Preston James has made strong strides in legitimising the Biblical worldview in understanding the major events in the world today and throughout recent history. Dr. James’ personal research and source contacts working as part of the alphabet intelligence agencies, particularly in more clandestine or black operations, have added meat on the bones of understanding this Third Force, beyond compartmentalised musings to an area of now evidenced testimony from which greater analysis and logic can be applied.

People in the military intelligence community must be free from bias and only go where the evidence leads. The initial tentative steps have suggested some kind of Christian lens is best fitting the data. Concepts that have been introduced so far like ‘universal rules of play’ controlled by a supremely powerful ‘God Almighty’, the Vatican’s curious constant hand in the mix, and the ultimate agenda of the Third Force through the prophesied ‘Beast’s mark’ are ideas I have researched significantly to hopefully add valuable insights to what has already been presented by Dr. James.
The ultimate concern is to understand and breakdown logically the anatomy of this sinister system to provide a pathway to combat it effectively given the prophesised path set to occur.
Instead of getting to a short climax of merely saying what the Beast mark is outright (the ability to buy and sell is not the mark but a by-product which is much more about showing allegiance to the Creator versus the ‘sun god’, a concept that will properly bisect and connect the Vatican’s involvement to groups like the illuminati and all manner of occult secret societies, New Age groups and the fallen angel hierarchy), the ground work of documented history, witness testimony and scriptural understanding will be laid out progressively to build a solid basis of credibility from which further understanding amongst the community can develop.

Is there something sinister underlying the Vatican?

Preston James has outlined a curious role the Vatican is playing, not only establishing divisions of ambassadorship for the Third Force but also investing in special observatories containing powerful telescope with infrared lenses useful, it is assumed, to monitor inter-dimensional entities. Preston also quotes top Scottish-Rite Mason Albert Pike’s letter which revealed plans beginning in 1871 to orchestrate three world wars, each needed to successfully position the world for what would be the desired outcome, that the Abrahamic religions, and particularly Christianity, would destroy themselves along with Atheism to enable worldwide rise of a Luciferian religion to occur and be desired. [1]
One of the major outcomes of World War Two was the creation of both the United Nations and the new nation of Israel. Since that time the UN has taken on a spiritual dimensional, a philosophy that upholds the esoteric religion of Theosophy. Theosophy at its core is Luciferian and was galvanised into the UN through the help of some notable Catholic raised men. Documenting this effort sufficiently will be a subject of a future article but for now it is enough to say that the main writings of Theosophy, which were transmitted by automatic writing from the Third Force, make a very interesting connection that deserves exploring. Alice A. Bailey, acting as a channel for her ‘spirit guide’ Djwhal Khul, writes:
These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church [Catholicism], the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of the esoteric societies” [2].
The upper echelon of the Vatican, Masonry and esoteric societies are one and the same according to Bailey. She also associates the objectives of Theosophy on to the institution of the United Nations.
Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will untidily bring an end the great heresy of separateness” [3].
If the Third Force is suggesting the Vatican is involved in the New World Order plans then surely such a major institution would find its hands dirty during World War Two helping to orchestrate the affair as a catalyst for the desired changes.

I. Uncovering the Secrets of History – The Vatican’s Nazi Friends

The Vatican have a long list of actions which overwhelming indicates war culpability.
Firstly, the Vatican were the mass financial beneficiaries of Nazism. Loftus, a former prosecutor of the US Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting unit accessing CIA and NATO archives under Bill Clinton’s Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act initiative says, the bulk of the plundered wealth from Nazism stolen from its victims ended up in the Vatican Bank some of which then used to finance terrorist operations [4].
Evidenced documents chiefly cited include: 1946 Strategic Services Unit Emerson Bigelow report, 29 August 1947 Gowen memo from the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps, admissions to Yugoslav authorities 26 September 1967 by Catholic Ustashi head Father Draganovic, and US Army Intelligence 9 March 1948 Harrington CIC Memo.
Secondly, Hitler rose to power through Vatican money and their deliberate political interventions. Sister Pascalina, a nun and aid to the Papal Nuncio of Munich who would become Pope Pius XII before the war’s outbreak, reports Hitler coming to the residence of Archbishop Pacelli where he received a ‘large cache of Church money to aid the rising revolutionary’ [5]. High Catholicism directly financed Hitler’s rise and Pius XI dissolving the German Catholic Center Party made way for Hitler further, becoming the first to legitimise the Nazi government internationally through the July 20 1933 Concordant.
Thirdly, the source of the largest multi-decade long anti-Semitism campaigns came from the Vatican. Kertzer, a Professor of History and Italian Studies at Brown University, using long-sealed Vatican archives, documents clearly the anti-Semitism growing over Europe into the holocaust was deliberately orchestrated at the behest of the Vatican, careful to maintain their public face of love and charity, while out of the spotlight, regulating anti-Semitic campaigns to attain plausible deniability [6].
Fourthly, Hitler’s ideology was traditional Jesuit Catholicism. In Mein Kampf, according to ex-Catholic priest Leo Lehmann, he upheld the; indisputability of Catholic doctrine, intolerant attitude of Catholic education, necessity of blind faith, and Papal infallibility [7]. Conway found unpublished Reich Chancellery and Ministries archives recording Hitler in communication with a bishop saying, “As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years” [8]. Hitler’s Vice-Chancellor, Franz Von Papen, is recorded by a French Catholic daily newspaper saying,
“The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy” [9].
Fifthly, the allegiances, sayings and actions of Hitler’s axis power allies are significant. Jesuit Josef Tiso becomes the Slovakia Republic head in 1939 under Hitler’s protection saying, “Catholicism and Nazism have much in common; they work hand in hand at reforming the world”, Tiso declared his Slovakian plans had ‘the full approval of the Holy See’, and his regime was characterised by reducing and eliminating the one fifth Protestant population influence, and sending influential Protestant church members to concentration camps. [10]
Mile Budak, the Minister for Worship of the Nazi allied Independent State of Croatia in August 1941 said,
“The Outashi movement is based on religion. All our work rests on our loyalty to religion and the Catholic Church”.
Croatian Catholic newspapers expressed the flattering compliments Pius XII had for Ante Pavelitch, the murderess Fascist leader, while the L’Osservatore Romano, the most authoritative newspaper of the Papacy, records on 22 July 1941 the top one hundred Croatian concentration camp operators were presented before the Pope for private meeting, their executions targeting specifically Orthodox Christian Serbs and Jews fresh, beginning just months beforehand. [11]
The highest per-capita genocide of anywhere during World War Two occurred by the hand of Croatian Catholics, often in the most disgusting ways imaginable, officered by bishops, friars, monks and priests against neighbouring Orthodox Christians for refusing to convert to Catholicism with Pius XII sent regular reports by Papal Legate Mgr. Marcone, intimately briefed by Ustashi and Croatian Catholic hierarchy [12]. Out of the gaze of world media, the Vatican overtly implements age-old inquisition and crusade like killing of ‘enemy’ minorities.
Finally, protecting Nazis in Italy and organising their safe passage to escape justice in Argentina highlights the Vatican’s true friends. In 1940 Father Julio Meinvielle, the leading voice of Catholic nationalism in Argentina, writes, ’Hitlerism, paradoxically enough, is the antechamber to Catholicism’ [13]. In March 1943 Juan Carlos Goyeneche, Argentine Catholic nationalist and President Peron agent, met in Rome with Catholic Axis Power delegates to ‘reconcile Hitlerism with Catholicism’ [14].
Bishop Alois Hudal, working with Italian police helped direct Nazis arriving to churches, convents and monasteries for hiding. Hudal applied for 5,000 visas for Austria and German ‘soldiers’ to President Juan Peron on 31 August 1948 and Hudal’s work is finance by ‘the Pope’ directly according to Hudal associate Monsignor Karl Bayer, himself recognised by a 1947 American intelligence report as heading ‘the German refuge action of the Vatican’ [15].
Using the conclusive Red Cross archives, Goni asserts the Nazi escape route was masterminded by Cardinals like Montini, Tisserant and Caggiano, bishops and archbishops like Hudal, Siri and Barrére executed procedures, and priests like Draganovic, Heinemann and Dӧmӧter signed passport applications with all these Nazi passport applications had stated religion as ‘Catholic’ [16].
Nazism as a Catholic church action that is willing to attack its own liberal leaning Catholicism during the Third Reich indicates the fanatical third vow and above Jesuits, along with the highest elements of the Papacy as the pervasive multi-decade long planners and initiators of World War Two, following the original commission of the Jesuit founding, to destroy Protestantism, reverse the Reformation and restore the Papacy as sovereign ruler of the Earth by any means, no matter how base or deceptive [17]. Lehmann, in Behind the Dictators, documents overwhelmingly the truth of his claim that,
“Whatever opinion the Catholic Church may now express about Hitler and his Nazi-Socialism, it stands 100 per cent with him and other fascist dictators in their avowed objective of destroying the political and social order that came out of the Reformation” [18].
Beyond this all, the Vatican were set on sinking their teeth into Germany before World War One even began. Kaiser Wilhelm II records Pope Leo XIII insisting upon him that,
“Germany must become the Sword of the Catholic Church” [19].
In intermediate summary, the Roman church hierarchy are strongly implicated as fully facilitating WWII which directly correlated to the desired outcomes of Pike’s Masonry and Mazzini’s Illuminati. With the Vatican supposedly representing Christianity but their fruit producing not only mass bloodshed but a United Nations’ with a Luciferian directed spiritual philosophy, it can be asked that if a Christian lens has been explaining some key data so far, then how does such a lens explain these actions of such a dominant religious institution?

II. The Church, Heretics and Prophecy: Theorising Christian History

Many heretical movements considered the Roman Church not from God, branding it ‘the mother of fornication, the Great Babylon, [or]the harlot’, terminology derived from Revelation prophecy [20]. The conviction of having a theological imperative to defy papal authority was strong enough for millions to, often literally, stake their life upon what they rationalised was true.
Academic neutrality generally avoids incorporating logical consequences derived from elements of Scripture that involve claimed supernatural influence, like prophecy, which may leave gaps in understanding Christian history if such influences are active. A scriptural analysis of the characteristics associated with the Revelation 17 prophetic name branding provides a basis from understanding Rome’s relationship with ‘God Almighty’ [21].
Hebrew Scripture incorporates woman symbolism through the terminology ‘daughter of Zion’, generally associating her to a faithful group of God’s people [22]. Therefore, following the Christian lens, the harlot of John’s Revelation would be followers of Jesus, perhaps recognised collectively as a church, but being unfaithful to God’s Word. The ‘Mother’ aspect from ‘Mother of harlots’ is understood from Cardinal Ratizinger recorded saying,
the one, holy, catholic and apostolic universal church is not the sister, but the mother of all the churches” [23]
Revelation 17:9 describes where this woman dwells [24], the unfaithful church is distinctly recognised by a location that resides by seven hills and the Vatican fulfils this rare mandate, residing a few kilometres west of Rome’s seven hills. Revelation 17:4 describes the woman arrayed in purple and scarlet which are the distinctive colours worn by Catholic bishops and cardinals [25]. ‘Babylonian’ aspects include, but far from limited to, the mitre hat which derives from the ancient Dagon priesthood [26].
Revelation 13:3 and 17:8 describes the papal political status through time, ‘And I saw on one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed…’ and ‘the beast that was, and is not, and yet is’. The terminology of ‘beast’ comes from Daniel 7 and 8 prophecy foretelling the succession of political powers that would rule the earth from Babylon onwards (Dan. 7:17), like the Medo-Persian and Greek empires from Daniel 8:20-21 (also symbolically described from Dan. 7:5-6, through visions of distinctive animals).
In 1798 the papacy symbolically received death blow to its state power, arrested by French General Berthier and the Papal government removed whereas the 1929 Lateran Concordant again forming an independent governing state resurrected the Papal statehood[27].
Revelation 17:4 associates this beast with speaking blasphemously and inquisitor Gui titles the Pope several times as ‘lord pope’ and evidently believes it heretical for the Manichaeans and Waldensians to think priests ordained by the pope cannot forgive peoples’ sins [28].
Finally, Daniel 7:25 identifies the power as ‘intend[ing]to change times and law’, characteristics met by the Papacy who altered the calendar and intending meaning of Decalogue Commandments about idol worship and Sabbath-keeping [29].
What are the logical connotations? Through historicismmatching prophecy to historical events, a profound synchronicity occurs implicating the papal system as satanically attached, logic derived from multiplying successive, rare and often exclusive prophetic characteristics fulfilled. Revelation 13:2 reveals this beast from the sea upon whom the harlot of chapter 17 rides has ‘the dragon [giving]him his power, his throne, and great authority‘. Catholic insider Malachi Martin’s words indicating the presence of Satanic worship inside the Vatican during his time, the latter half of the twentieth century, may not only ring truer that ever but may have been present much longer than anyone imagined, perhaps innate to the system.

III. Testimony By Former Illuminati

Former Illiminati child sex-slave ‘Mauri’ has described why she has such an aversion to the Roman church and how she was trained up by a Mrs. Hildebrand in Manhattan Beach, California. Mauri undertook Beta sex programming involving Hildebrand’s Nazi friends threatening her with death if she did not respond with sex to their advances, ‘Please or you die’. These Nazis had been transported to California by U-boat and were harboured by Jesuits at the American Martyrs Catholic Church where they raped children while watching holocaust concentration camp film. Mauri understood Hildebrand, the ex-pat Nazis and some Catholic priests labouring to extend Satanism into the local Protestant churches whilst also engraining themselves in the higher education system and intelligence apparatus of the America. [30]
Through a new alien-based religion which Mauri was forced to spread, she anticipated the Vatican using it to ultimately ban the Bible and devalue Jesus and Almighty God to the point where expression of such former knowledge will be deemed criminal. Mauri saw the Jesuits or Vatican at the top of the cult’s hierarchy controlling people like the Nazis and mafia at the next level down who directed operations. The globalist elite decision making groups would take orders direct from the Jesuits or higher while occultist groups were being harnessed to penetrate politics and media. The lower level foot soldiers had diverse belief systems, often very anti-Catholic yet were wholly unaware of the hand that controlled them. Jews also were actively recruited into the secret societies, and tediously positioned ready by the Jesuits to have them fully thrown under the bus when the time warranted. [31]
Ex-illuminati senior mind trainer ‘Svali’, recounts her memories as a twelve year old taken to a large lower room in the Vatican to complete a sealing ceremony as part of the Illuminati. A human sacrifice of a drug induced baby boy was undertaken for official induction into the Family and swearing allegiance to the Order until death. Svali understood that this same ceremony had to be undertaken if people wanted to rise to certain positions inside the Catholic hierarchy as well. [32]
Interestingly, Svali answers on questions about the predict gloomy end of the Illuminati as told in Revelation and whether the Illuminati are run by extra-terrestrials:
“Basically, they are in denial. They believe that history can be changed, and that John’s prophetic revelation is only one interpretation of the future. They are aware of Revelations, but don’t take it too seriously [33]. I personally believe that the reptilian stuff is actually the demonic at work. I have seen shape-shifting and other stuff because of demonic influence” [34].

IV. Masonic Esoteric Research

32° Scottish-Rite Freemason Robert W. Sullivan IV has spent the past 20 years researching the historical, philosophical and esoteric developments of high mason occulted hope. The Royal Arch degree present in both the York-Rite as the 7th degree, and the Scottish-Rite as the 13th degree, represents the culmination of the great mystery of Ineffable Masonry.
Sullivan traced the development of high degree Masonry to the Jesuit College of Clermont in France where Templar degrees were intertwined with Scot’s degrees forming the 1754 Rite of Perfection, directed specifically as a prong of the Counter Reformation to restore papal monarchy for a spiritual order governed my Egyptianate-Christianity for deistic one world government rule by a solar focused priesthood [35]. A solar Magisterium would connect the occult mysteries from Egypt through the supreme sun deities of Osiris, Horus and Amun Ra, the Persian Mysteries of Mithraism and the Greco-Roman Sol Invictus understood by Sullivan to be the disguised state sanctioned religion that became of Rome through Catholicism, the “Pater”, “Pontimus Maximus” or “Pope” title designated the Mithraic Grandmaster [36].
“Roman Catholicismis essentially a form of masonry”, Sullivan informs, ”the high degrees of Masonry in its simplest explanation are Roman Catholicism, its ecclesiastical hierarchy minus Jesus Christ in keeping with gnostic and Docetic esoteric traditions”, “the Jesuits – esoterically mystic, exoterically Catholic… and Masons should be thought of in terms of two interlinked solar clerisies [37].
Joachim von Fiore’s concept of a Third Age of the Holy Spirit emphasising ideas of humanism and rejoining breakaway reformist Christianity back under a supreme papal monarchy was “adroitly adopted by the Jesuits during the Counter Reformationthis Jesuit ploy seems to have survived inside high degrees of Masonry as developed from French-Catholic sources namely within the Royal Arch degree[where] the United States can be thought of the country that will midwife the world into this Joachimite new age” [38]. Likewise, “the Illuminati was founded[i]n 1776 and was modelled after the Jesuit order” by Jesuit trained Freemason Adam Weishaupt, and with Jesuitism then on the cusp of being banned all across Europe,
Illuminism also emulated an important Jesuit agenda of supranational Roman Catholic mission to restore the temporal power of the Church” [39].
Weishaupt was understood by his closest associate Baron von Knigge to be “a Jesuit in disguise” and French Illuminati member and Freemason Nicholas Bonneville (1760 – 1828), as Sullivan summaries,
believed the Jesuits had introduced High Degree Masonry (the Rite of Perfection) and were responsible for the Knight Templar/Catholic motif found therein” [40].
Illuminismwas the means developed within Freemasonry to transform the world into a perfected and well governed Masonic Templeposition[ing]the United States as a world power to transfigure the world – from darkness to light – within a Masonic context. In Christian terminology the Masonic vision sought a perfection within society conventionally associated with the Satanic reign of peace to come before the end of the world as presaged by John of Patmos (the Divine) in the Book of Revelation…” [41]. “The result was a system of “Catholic” higher degrees of Masonry in which two mediating ordersevangelical preaching monks – the Jesuits, andFreemasons [would]mediate society both in and/or into a third or new agein keeping with the esoteric prophecies” [42].
The central idea or mission expectation in Jesuit planted high Freemasonic esotericism, which filters through many contemporary occult offshoot movements as well, is to replace Divine Law, aka the 10 Commandment, with a counterfeit sun god worship system.
the core saga of the Royal Arch of Enoch ritual derives from the effort to conceptualize the rediscovery in the West of Greek thinking about the divine re-emergence of the Name of God. This makes more sense because the contents of the Ark of the Covenant rediscovered, as depicted in the story line are replaced by an emergent sun, which carried both Zoroastrian-Mithraic fire imagery and the Egyptian Solar God as Light imagery into a substitution for the Decalogue, or the Ten Commandments. [43]”
Youtube – Red Ice Radio: Robert Sullivan IV Hour 1 of 2