
lunes, abril 14, 2014

Mother Earth has been liberated and a new Reality opens up accordingly. Mother Earth (Gaia) through Marc Gamma – 04.14.2014

Greetings to you beloved humans – this is I, Mother Earth, speaking now:
Today I am speaking through this channel in order to prepare you for somematter being manifested your reality soon. It is us, meaning you and me together, that we are shortly before to change reality and to leave all that has been illusion until now.
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With the next coming full moon in April (that is today 15th of April, 2014) we shall have finally obtain such favourable constellations allowing us to dissolve energy,  Matrix, and all reality pertaining mutually to these three issues.
You have to comprehend that as pre-requisite first I had to be liberated first in order to give you a better helping hand in your ascension. Since I now have been free for same days already – meaning that there are no limitations nor restrictions in my planetary realm any more – I shall be able to support you with all my full power now.
Photo by Gretchen Wild Iris Hermey
This is meant to be a short message only in order to open up your eyes wide awake for everything that will come upon you. Eirport
http://eireport.wordpress.com/  will have eventually close their message for good since there will be other ways of communication by which I shall speak to you then. My beloved humans on earth here – soon I shall surprise you in my very own way, soon …

I am Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, and I do love you from all my heart <3 !