
domingo, abril 06, 2014

Marc Gamma - Actualities from Blog Healing4You - Apr 6, 2014

InformationDear Readers of this blog !
Time fly by like Sand in stormy Weathers and no stone will stay unturned. Did you sense it too in your outer and inside or have seen it? Such is the way too with me and this blog which I am administering here. It also was this very dynamic ongoing in the outside that effected great changes too and left their traces too. And this is why Spirit shows me the way now in which direction this blog will turn to in times to come.

More than until now I shall concentrate my activities to Video/Lingual Messages in order to minimize the burden of work soon. It is the wish of our spiritual realm that more beings of light will express lingually their highly timely contemporary messages to human mankind through me.
In the following all those beings of lights enlisted hereunder will pay their respect to you :
  • Archangel Michael ( already here )
  • Ascended Master of St. Germain ( already here )
  • Lady Gaia ( once and again)
  • Archangel Metatron
  • Jeshua
  • others will follow in due course ….
It will not be possible to transcribe all of these Video-/Audio-Messages as the input would be so sizable and surpass by far capacities available with my co-operators.So I am left here only to concentrate to the most essentials here.
It furthermore will be left to the community to take care of such issues and all of it may decide themselves which messages will have to be transcribed and be translated. And I leave it to the Light which messages nevertheless are to be transcribed from my part.
Furthermore I should like to express explicitly here that all of us humans will be able to ascertain very soon that much will be changed far and wide around us.This will not in regard to us personally and privately but with all people which are close to us.
Some of them will leave us since we are no longer in resonance to them wanting to collaborate in mutual ways. Newcomers will join us in our lives with whom we shall then enter some new stage of our lives – mutually with much joyful anticipation and curiosity (since there is always a lot of new matter to learn about in such a case).
So let us be guided wholly and entirely by the lead of our souls and with the assistance of our very own intuition – the gut-feeling of ours !  Once we have comprehended what it is all about the tongue of our souls and our hearts and also having been able to integrate it into our inner selves – there will always the right kind of way showing up in the end.
Nether less we may – and this quite rightfully too – repudiate this very road of our heart. Everyone has to make up his mind on his very own decision and belief and everybody of us humans will be accountable and responsible for his own sole well-being and salvation.
“Suum quisque faber” = everyone is his happiness’ smith. Each and every decision will be blessed and honored and respected by spiritual realms of light.
In all the next days and weeks to come we shall be able to recognize that it is “High Noon” to tackle some entirely personal issues of ours. These are topics showing us exactly where our shoe is pinching us meaning that these spots of pressure may be dissolved with the power of love. Such may be done via our intuition and love of our inner hearts but quite so with the assistance and spiritual advice of our guides – let us perceive into our inner cores and we shall get to know what is left for us to be doing still…
That’s it – it is so simple in a way …..
Much love to you