
jueves, abril 03, 2014

Karen Dover - Moving into Creation in TRUTH - April 3, 2014

The New Earth energies continue to increase and expand and many of you may feel as if you are in a holding pattern.  During the Beyond the Looking Glass radio show last night it became evident that many of you are in deep frustration around how you can create in a world that you have detached fully from.  The old 3D earth will try at all moments of all moments to try to persuade you that your “work” in the old 3D earth reality is not finished.  It may attempt this in various ways and all are designed to contain and suppress you and keep you within the VOID. The void being the point of creation for it is pure energy, but you MUST interact with said energy, sitting in the void “waiting” will see you wait and wait and no movement.

I used the analogy last night of a child that is given some LEGO bricks, in order to make anything out of said bricks the child has to interact with the actual LEGO bricks.  The child having the choice of imagining all sorts of creations it can build with the bricks but unless it physically interacts with said bricks the creations remain within the mind.  It is to be noted and acknowledged that the old 3D earth reality kept you within the mind for a reason, this is to prevent your movement into your heart space to contain and suppress your human life EXPERIENCE.   I highlight experience for life within the old 3D earth created reality is a thought process. At all moments of all moments you are taught to imagine and then to further imagine, at no point are you supported in the manifestation of your imagining and this is deliberate for the old 3D earth is a CREATED CONSTRUCT.  In order for this construct to survive it NEEDS your emotional reactions which are frequencies, everything within the old 3D earth created reality is set to negative polarisation. This means that everything, even that which appears to support is constructed in a way to trigger lower dimensional frequencies. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the UNIVERSE of 3 which is TRUTH and is a naturally positive polarisation.  This means simply that the universe is supportive by its very nature.
Remember within the old 3D earth constructed reality ALL universal frequencies are distorted.  What you emit in frequency you attract, remaining within negative polarisation will see you attract only that which is lower dimensional in nature for this is the frequency you are taught to anchor in the old 3D earth reality.
Many of you are sitting at this moment unsure of what is unfolding and allowing the old 3D earth to teach you that you do not “deserve” an abundant life on this planet.  Again I discussed manifestation on the radio show, it is entirely possible to manifest an abundance of “lack”, this is what you are taught to manifest within the old 3D earth reality for your energy signature is kept deliberately low. By heightening your energy signature you will attract more supportive experiences but it is vital you focus on more than just raising your frequency for the universe is trying to gift you that which you wish to EXPERIENCE.  The discussion on the radio show moved to the difference between “need” and “want” but both are constructs of the old 3D earth created reality and you are taught to only focus on “need” and to try to solve the “puzzle” that is then presented in relation to said “want” or “need”. Remember there is no puzzle, there JUST IS.
I remind you gently you are here to have a human life EXPERIENCE, so placing your dreams and creation within the paradigm of EXPERIENCE may help you shift out of the teachings in relation to “need” and “want” as they are in TRUTH irrelevant.  You need simply connect into your heart space and FEEL what you wish to experience and then allow your heart to guide you in the steps required to manifest this need. This process is not complex but as you have been taught to anchor “complex” and “puzzle solving” within the old 3D earth created reality you may find your human logical mind tries to filter this out, with “it cant be this simple” popping up regularly,  IT IS this simple for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.
How to work with this is covered in more detail within the Birthing the New Earth Book which is now available.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.