
sábado, marzo 29, 2014

Karen Dover - Outpouring of emotions in TRUTH - March 29, 2014

As the Planet Earth now increases, expands and deepens its frequency the outpouring of emotions at a human conscious waking mind level continues.  The energies of today are such that any lower dimensional frequencies in relation to “safety” in particular “emotional safety” will begin to arise and to be illuminated. The relationships that are in place in your life that run from the distorted FEMALE energies will now illuminate clearly for just as the distorted male energy frequencies were taught to the human race so too were the distorted female energy frequencies.  It is not TRUTH to assume that simply adding the male energy frequency in TRUTH to the planet solves the balancing of said planet.  Under the old 3D earth reality the feminine energies were highly distorted, it may APPEAR to be shown that the human female was put in the place of “victim” but in TRUTH she was shown how to control using the distortion of “victim”.  This plays out in many different relationships upon and within planet earth and by this I mean ALL relationships not specifically those that may be termed “romantic”.
How often do you resort to manipulation to get what you want? How often do you play the “poor me” card, probably much more than you are even consciously aware of for this is how the old 3D earth reality was set up, it is set up to SUPPORT this.  Looking at the behaviour of young children shows this clearly, with the age range of between 2 and 4 yrs old the optimal time to show this behaviour.  There are many teachings that try to teach that this is “natural” behaviour and that children display this in order to “survive”, as they are dependent on the human adults around them then they show this manipulative behaviour in order to find their “place” in the world. This is a highly distorted teaching and one that is now dissolving fully.  The age of between 2yrs old and 4yrs old is where you process the SACRAL, SOLAR and HEART chakras.  This sees you try to process who you are in relation to the emotional interaction you have with others, in short you learn to define yourself through the eyes of those around you based on their emotional reactions to your behaviour.
As you grow in human form then you process the chakras one for every year and then reprocess them continually,  the cycle repeated fully every 7 yrs.   The reactions and frequencies that are anchored the previous times of processing said chakra will affect the processing you are going through at this moment.  This is how you were TAUGHT within the old 3D earth reality to use the frequencies that were presented to you but it is to be noted that within the old 3D earth created reality ALL was set up in a negative polarisation, that is even that which APPEARS to be supportive is created in order to achieve a LOWER DIMENSIONAL frequency response.
Emotional manipulation is a tool of the old 3D earth created reality, the human female has been TAUGHT to use this frequency in relation to intimate relationships and this is fully supported by the teachings of the old 3D earth reality where you are TAUGHT that the human female is vulnerable and that she needs to be “protected”. This APPEARS to provide support for the human female by placing the human male in the role of “protector” but this dis-empowers both the human male and the human female. For “vulnerable” is defined as emotionally compromised within the old 3D earth created reality. How often do you hear the word “neurotic” used in relation to the emotions of the human female? In TRUTH neither the human female nor the human male is emotionally compromised in TRUTH, they have simply been TAUGHT to anchor the lower dimensional frequencies that seek to teach that they are.
As only TRUTH is supported in the New Earth the highly distorted feminine energy is now dissolving fully. The distortion once dissolved will see the feminine in TRUTH find balance with the male in TRUTH.  It is to be noted that you are a balance of BOTH male and female energy and that distortion in either sees you unable to find balance, it must be balanced in TRUTH in order to be worked with and taken into the New Earth.
At a human conscious waking mind level this may see much drama suddenly explode into your outer waking life experience, the emotional manipulation of the entire human race being exposed at all levels and this exposure at a very personal human life outer waking reality may take many of you aback for it has run hidden within the human race for aeons.  All of the media is run on this frequency with advertising of products/services being BASED upon this frequency and this permeates ALL levels of human society.  As this is not TRUTH it is not supported in the New Earth and will now dissolve fully.
Remember when drama takes hold it needs BOTH parties to stay within the roles that the drama dictates, moving out of the role required and becoming the spectator will see the drama unable to unfold for the triggering is not in place. When faced with drama try to detach and become more conscious of that which is actually playing out, do not allow the outpouring of emotion to blind you to that which is occurring which is the triggering of emotion in order to further blind in order to contain and suppress your energy signature.
TRUTH CODES – chronicles from Orion covers this in detail and more details can be found HERE.
The human race now move into balance in TRUTH,  ALL that is TRUTH will expand and deepen and all that is not will now fully dissolve. You are asked to allow this flow for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.