
sábado, febrero 08, 2014

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – The Fire Of Transformation – 8 February 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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Have you noticed how these universal cosmic currents are our liberation machine! And they are not always pleasant!
Humanity is being presented with their hidden content, now displayed in the open, so enlarged and magnified that finally nobody can ignore it anymore.
This happens on a global and on a personal level.
It is the enormous purification process, the Bulgarian Saint Peter Deunov has spoken of in his “Last Prophecy”. It is the great fire nobody  can escape, and it is dimensionally expanding every day. And only when the fire had its way the truly new world can arise.
All contents ever stored over life times in our subconscious, whether with active or passive participation, whether on the doing end or on the receiving end, and even if we only have been observers, all that content is part of our personal and collective consciousness  and urges now to the surface. And the lines are often very fine between all these levels of participation.
It should tell us that it is not about “guilt”. We all need to go beyond this level of personal emotional involvement. But it is about impersonal recognizing the content of the world consciousness that is now coming forward to be acknowledged and released, by letting go personal and collective identification with it altogether.
Forgiveness, whether for oneself or others, it does not matter, is the requirement. It is nothing but the emerging understanding that No-Thing of all the dramas, hidden or openly known belief systems, emotions, by our  society designated sins, failures and shortcomings, are us. But that we need to let it all go, because of our True Nature that is always Pure, Radiant and Stainless.
It is about the acknowledgment of our Divinity, which is now given the opportunity to emerge and become conscious to those who are willing to truly examine their lives and tendencies. Who are willing to understand that even things that happen “outside” of us, whether to those close to us, or globally, are somehow themes that each one of us is participating in, because we are part of the whole. We are all interconnected.
While the Radiant Giant of the Human Essence that we all share, is rising its head, humanity, i.e. each individual  cell of the human body, each personality, can now participate in this glorious Divine Revelation, to dive into deeper and detached understanding of all the imperfections that are inherent  constituents of this dense reality of separation.
However, the Being who has forgotten their Divine Roots, necessarily must experience everything thinkable in this dense reality, whether “good” or “bad”, “light” or “dark” as unshakable reality. But in the face of the Truth That We Are and that Is beyond duality, it makes ultimately no difference.
It only appears to be tragic when we are captured by the veil of otherness and being lost in a suffering where love is unknown. When we ARE Undivided Love, then everything finds balance.
So, to forgive ourselves and others, is another description for the discovery of our Human Divinity That awakens to the fact that the illusion of failure and artificial darkness  is not part of our Identity.
When we are emerging from the notion of separateness and experience the Oneness of  Consciousness in our heart, the shadows may remain perhaps in our fading memory, but they do not touch us anymore, they do not hurt. Because the heart unifies the broken light of our illusory, artificially manufactured being in the Radiance of Only One Light.
This is the healing of humanity, and each one of us is now being given the chance to accept this transformational fire  for the sake what has been called since ancient times “enlightenment”.
Who is further choosing blindness and separation, they are not yet ready to go through the ordeal of self-and Self-discovery. They prefer to be bound to the masquerade, the mere surface of themselves, because they are afraid to  face their own shadows as they believe in them by condemnation.
But the more they insist on this path the more difficult the coming times will be for them.
We are all together in this, dearest friends, so we cannot judge. We only can live compassion and love. We are not different to them, we only have reached the equilibrium of the tipping of the  scale by already cleansing  “Hercules’ famous cowsheds”.
But this is the time where the light needs  to balance the weight of the unconscious, the denial, the refusal to grow in consciousness.
If you are a carrier of light, you need to nurture that strength in your heart that is both, compassionate and detached, to not to be drawn into the depths of their unfolding abyss.
It does not mean that their suffering does not touch us, but we must not forget ours and their Divinity.
This are the wings that bring us all to the other side.
In Lak’esh!
With love,
Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.  Link to original article
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