
domingo, febrero 02, 2014

The Energies of February 2014 - Feb 2, 2014 - Las Energías de Febrero 2014 por Jennifer Hoffman 2 de Febrero de 2014

There is a lot happening this month energy-wise and much of it will be happening on an internal level. Before you groan, ‘not again’, take heart because it won’t be the grueling internal work of the last few years, this will be much lighter and flowing although I won’t use the word ‘easier’ because not only is it subjective, it also implies a comparison that can’t be used. Everyone has their own version of easy and hard, flowing and stuck, and what is a problem versus an opportunity. This month will be full of opportunities that may be disguised as problems but whatever they look like, solutions will be available too.

There are three big energy events this  month. The first is Venus has gone direct, so the planet of love and beauty is moving forward and any stuck love issues can now be resolved. If you have had any relationships that weren’t moving forward or were making choices about relationships, you may see those being resolved now.
The second big event is Mercury retrograde in Pisces/Aquarius, which starts on February 6 and ends on February 28. The usual Mercury retro warnings apply, don’t sign contracts, start new ventures (unless it’s something that was planned before the retro), double check your communications, backup your computer, think twice before you choose and, to quote my handyman, ‘measure twice, cut once.’
This Mercury retro is in early Pisces, which is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac. It also conjuncts Neptune on its station, which gives it an extra strong spiritual signature. Mercury rules two signs, Gemini and Virgo. In Gemini, it is like the two year old who dashes across the street as soon as you let go of her hand. In Virgo, it is the child who agonizes over every decision.
In Pisces it is more thoughtful but because it has to be, not always because it wants to be. When we take our time, we consider more options and then choose the one that are aligned with our intention, we make progress in a more balanced and sustainable way. Think about the last time you made a quick decision and then decided, after living with the results for a while, that you didn’t like your outcome and had to re-do your choice.
This Mercury retro period is good for ensuring that every choice is made from the point of our highest good and what serves us. It’s good for setting intentions in a more conscious, aware, and soulful way. Mercury rules the mind and sometimes we need to be a little more mind-less so we can let the soul’s light shine. It backs into Aquarius, an air sign, which will underscore the need to give more conscious thought to what we do, instead of blindly moving forward, hoping everything will be OK once we get to the end. It is fully out of retro shadow on March 21.
The third big event in February is the North Lunar Node moving to Libra (and the  South Node in Aries) on February 18. The Lunar Nodes change signs every two years and have been in Scorpio/Taurus since August 30, 2012. Want to know what to blame all of your problems you have had since 2012 on? The Lunar Node in Scorpio/Taurus is partly responsible. All of the water signs have been highlighted since then, and it has been like having a hidden water leak in your house that you don’t know about until the floor caves in when you step on it (this happened to me in my house and I had to re-do the entire bathroom to fix the hole in the floor).
In Libra/Aries, the Nodes stress finding balance, and creating harmony and structure and taking intentional action. Where you life has been thrown off center, you will be able to create a new center, with the emphasis on ‘new’. Anything from the past that no can no longer serve your intention for joy, love, peace, harmony, abundance, and success is no longer available to you. You can create something new now, and you are supported in that. But if you try to resurrect the old and retrofit it to you life now, you may have some problems.
An ongoing lesson in the coming months is to learn to see ourselves as energetic beings first, and physical beings second, while creating balance with these two aspects. We tend to be so grounded in the physical body that we forget about the energy flows that are how we function on every level. What we feel as slowdowns are really attempts to get us to look at ourselves in this new way. When we have to slow down, it is a cue to ensure that we are using the whole of ourselves, mind and spirit, in every situation. Our energy source is within, not outside of ourselves. Whatever is happening in the outside world is a reflection of what is happening on the inside and a mirror of how we are using energy.
This month we also have Mars in retro shadow, it goes retrograde on March 1, direct on May 20, and is fully out of retro on July 22. That’s a long time for the planet of action to be in retro but it serves a purpose, to enable us to slow down, to soulfully consider our options, and then take the action that serves our intention in the highest possible way.
The good news is Venus is now in direct motion, so we have support from the planet of love and beauty. This month’s keyword is re-center, find that new center for yourself where you live in love, peace, and joy and pace yourself, there is plenty of time to act, once you are clear about what you want and give your energetic self an opportunity to participate in the action. Have a wonderful month.