
jueves, febrero 13, 2014

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Avenda – 13 February 2014



I am here and I am your other self, the only other one that is with you at all times. I ask that you allow yourself to speak as you feel at whatever level you feel most appropriate. I am going to whisper a clarity into your soul and then ask that you relay it to the others that you care to share it with. It is a very simple message and it comes with the utmost love for all of mankind, all of life on earth and in our universe.

We came to the universe with an express purpose. It was to bring about the forms of life and the expression that we have come to do. We expressed ourselves in all ways in order to reach the boundaries that we felt would be in place. We have found the real truth of boundaries in our travels. We have found there are no boundaries; there is only the love that expresses openly, and with no limits. We came here to this planet in this solar system to alleviate the fears that we saw could envelop the universe. We saw in our first meanderings throughout the universe that there was nothing that supported the idea of limitedness, for we had no idea of what that was and how it could be expressed.
That is when we got the idea to see how far we could drop away from what we knew to be the simplicity of expression. One we began this journey through the concept of limitedness we found that each time we pushed the wheel, it began to grow stronger. It began to envelop the freedom that we knew and lived in. That was a surprise to us, and an experience that we decided to explore further. As we did that we found that there was something that we had not thought of, and that was how deceiving the falling away could be. We discovered that there was nothing that could not be expressed once we put a curtain up to what we created in the energy of deceit.
What this did for us was to show us the other side of love, the side that we had separated from ourselves, and what we had seen to be the only way of expression. We learned that there was something else other than the Love that we knew. What we also realized was that we didn’t feel good about it when we were involved with it, so we pushed even harder to escape it. The more we did that, the more we felt empowered, because it worked. The thing is it worked in what we were doing; we became more and more involved in what we were doing and forgot more and more of the simplicity of the ease and purity of Love.
Now it is time for us to remind ourselves more and more about the power of love and how it can ease us back into the power of ourselves, the trueness of our being. We don’t have to push anymore, all we need do is to treat and focus on, everything with love and that is what it will bring us in return. It is a wondrous thing when we ask our dear universal family to reach out with us and love all that is foundering in the depths of forgetfulness.
They too are our brothers and sisters, and they too know on a level that they can access what it takes to find that purity again. It is to ease into the next moment and the next with the feeling and truth of the Love that is always prevalent and ready to sooth us into the Joy, Peace and Love of who we are and what we can accomplish. This is my Valentine Love message to you all, and I send it forth to the family that knows no bounds on the level that all of existence lives in. I welcome you all back to yourselves and the new boundlessness that you are. Love is all there is.
Thank you dear Avenda,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/ link to original article