
domingo, febrero 23, 2014

Karen Doonan - SIRIUS B message to humanity 23rd feb 14

Greetings beloved ones, we are the BEings from SIRIUS B and we come to communicate and to guide our children in their human form upon and within planet earth as the energies now begin to heighten and expand in relation to the EVENT which will see the human race release their vibrational chains and move fully into FREEDOM and the LIGHT of TRUTH.
We call to our children in their human form and ask them to fully release all that has been placed within them at a human conscious waking mind level. Our children are now shown that which is not TRUTH in preparation for the expansion which will now see them embrace their TRUTH at all levels of their BEing.

We place the coding of 333 within the heart space, we place the golden ankh and we place the seal of solomon also in the heart space. We place the dove of peace at the crown and we place the symbol of the wheat sheaf at the base chakra.  We place the frequency of GOLD at the crown and we place the frequency of TURQUOISE at the throat. We ask our children in their human form to find their voice and to speak TRUTH once more upon and within planet earth for ALL support ALL and this will be shown over and over at a human conscious waking mind level.
We place before ALL the LIGHT of TRUTH in the form of the coding of 333 and we place before ALL TRUTH in the coding of 777 and we ask for ALL to breathe and to BE. As the New Earth energies now heighten and expand we guide clearly that that which is illuminated is in order for ALL to dissolve the chains, for you cannot dissolve something that is not seen at a human conscious waking mind level. That which has been kept from the human race will now be shown to the human race for the VISION of the human race now expands and CLEARS FULLY.
TRUTH JUST IS and YOU ARE. We are the BEings from SIRIUS BE and we are here with you as you now walk in the LIGHT of TRUTH and dissolve the chains that you have been TAUGHT to place around your human life experience on the planet earth.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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