
miércoles, febrero 05, 2014

Karen Doonan - LOVE in the New Earth TSUNAMI - February 5, 2014

Love-heartAs started on the Beyond the Looking Glass Radio show.  The New Earth asks you to anchor the LOVE that IS, on the radio show we asked how often do you look in the mirror and state clearly that you
yourself?  The numbers were not very high, so in a bid to address this and to give FULL PERMISSION to enjoy the New Earth higher frequencies I have created this page.  This page will begin to appear on the “most clicked” links which appears on the bottom right hand corner of the landing page. LETS GET THIS PAGE TO THE TOP OF THE LINKS!!!!

Let us start a LOVE tsunami that ripples across the world and through the human race. Its SIMPLE, anchor LOVE and radiate LOVE out to all in your human life and watch as the miracles birth. In the New Earth the new “currency” is LOVE.
Please share this page widely and see if we can get this WAVE of LOVE started and keep it going!!!