
miércoles, febrero 19, 2014

Karen Doonan - Ipchres – message to humanity Feb 14 - February 19, 2014

Greetings from MARS, I am Ipchres and I come through this channel in order  to introduce the martian energies to the peoples of the planet earth. We are here amongst you, we walk amongst you in human form and we reach out to our children in human form, preparing them for all that will now unfold across and within planet earth and the human race.Many have spoken of the need to reach their children and many have remained silent, waiting for the appropriate energetic climate in which to speak with their children, we are one of many races that will speak through this channel and reach out across the planet in order to speak with our children. No longer walking alone, able to be reached energetically due to the heightening and expanding energetic frequency of planet earth.  We have remained silent for we have had no need to illuminate our presence upon the planet, but now ALL changes and shifts for ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS.

The construct that is known to you at a human conscious waking mind level as the old 3d earth created reality is now breaking down, it has broken down sufficiently to allow the higher dimensional frequencies to start to unfold and anchor deep within the heart space of ALL who have incarnated into and within the human race. We are the peoples of the planet known to you as MARS and we are here amongst you, walking, breathing and helping you align these new higher energies for the planet earth is a meeting place for ALL races and realms that exist in the UNIVERSE of 3.
More information regarding the “stories” that have been fed to the peoples of planet earth will now begin to be illuminated through those who have taken human form, for the “stories” seek to contain and suppress and this is not supported for it pulls the human energy system out of alignment. In order to birth a new reality for the human race ALL must be in balance and harmony. The gathering has begun and those in human form who are here to physically birth the new reality that is known as the New Earth now begin to take position.
The energies working to re-align and re-design the outer waking reality that is experienced by those who have incarnated into the human vehicles that are required in order to access life upon planet earth. As the New Earth births fully this will no longer be the only way in which to experience this planet and the human race are being prepared in order that they are able to move and shift into balance and to align fully with ALL, for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE.
We place the coding of 333 within the THROAT chakra of our children, we place a golden phoenix at the SOLAR PLEXUS and we place the EYE of HORUS in the HEART SPACE.  We place the DOVE of PEACE within the HEART SPACE and we call on the sound of OHM to regenerate the human vehicle from cellular level outwards.  PEACE shall be birthed THROUGH the human race and upon planet earth and now ALL will ALIGN with ALL to allow this miracle to birth physically and FULLY upon and within planet earth.
Look not to your skies, look to your HEART for ALL IS WITHIN, look not to the media for the reflections will now shift and change, you do not need to see craft in the sky to KNOW that you do not walk alone and much will now begin to shift and to move in preparation for the EVENT. We are here to support our children as we support ALL at this time of super charged energetic frequencies, the frequencies that will now begin to move ALL out of containment and move ALL into expansion in TRUTH.
We send the sign of the GOLDEN ANKH and ask that ALL begin to align fully with this symbol. Place it in the HEART space and remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH. YOU are VAST BEings of LIGHT who have been kept in darkness for eons and who now prepare to walk in the LIGHT of TRUTH in human physical waking form.  ALL now gather to support and to guide this process for never before has this been done at this level.
ALL ARE ONE, I am Ipchres from the peoples of Mars and we walk with YOU as the EVENT now unfolds for ALL upon and within planet earth in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Doonan, All rights reserved
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