
miércoles, febrero 12, 2014

Do not fight but love – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn February 12, 2014

(Translated from original language german)
My child, it is long ago that I could give you a message through my scribe. She is ready now for me, but I will not give her messages as often as in the past. I don’t want to put too much strain on her. She is not healthy and had many things to change and work up in her life and her environment.
I watch your development very carefully and I see how many times you fight against all sorts of things. Why are you doing this? The more you fight something, or despise it, the more energy you give to it and the longer this persists. Therefore look only at what doesn’t please you and take it to note that it exists. Then send it your unconditional love and let go. In this you deprive it of your energy and it must dissolve or transform.
I know you want peace and freedom in your world and in your life and that every being can lead a worthy life. You want to fight for it. I love you for your commitment, but you can do much more by simply depriving these unloved states of your energy  and by stopping to fight it. Love what you want to change and you will transform it and be successful. But NEVER by fighting, only with your unconditional love. The beings that you call the dark side or cabal are my children too, I love them because I know each single one of their souls. I can not other then love them and with that I help them the most. And just as I love them, I also love you, my child, unconditional and limitless. I wrap you in my love, can you feel it ? ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/