
lunes, febrero 17, 2014

Denise Le Fay - The 5D Pleiadian to 6D Sirian Shift - February 17, 2014

This article is an expansion on something I talked about here
In that article I mentioned about seeing and realizing that my etheric entourage, my higher dimensional “Ascension Assistance” Crew had changed (again) at the start of 2014. In that article I talked about this Ascension related process happening on an individual, personal level and why the changing of our individual nonphysical “Guides”, “Ascension Assistants”, “Helpers” etc. becomes necessary at different stages of our lives and ongoing development. However, in this article I want to discuss how this same thing, this same process is happening on a grand scale for all of humanity, earth, and beyond. “Unity” remember? There cannot be the one happening individually now without the other happening for humanity, earth and beyond.
I’ve known that this Ascension related evolutionary change was in the Cosmic works for a few years but never felt it was time to talk about it until today. (Two people emailed me earlier ♥♥ and I realized it’s finally time to start publicly talking about this change.) Now that the Sun has reversed its poles and is transmitting the NEW Evolutionary Cycle’s energies and we’re starting to embody them in early 2014, it feels like the correct time to begin talking about this highly interesting and Ascension related change.
Pleiades star glyph 1
           Pleiadian glyph
For who knows how many millions of years, the fifth dimensional (5D) Pleiadians have been intimately involved with humanity and earth for multiple reasons. Some of those reasons are karmic some say, other reasons have had to do with intentional Time Jumping to make positive changes by coming “back” in “time” to help humanity make some adjustments within our consciousness and 3D reality here now so other events don’t manifest in their, and humanity’s “futures”. Other reasons (far too lengthy to go into here, besides you’re probably already familiar with them) are because they’re intimately connected to humanity and vice versa. Other reasons have been–and still are–because the 5D Pleiadians are some of the best teachers around about High Heart Consciousness, sheer Creativity, high Beauty, high Love, different Energetic Healing techniques, and the basics of fifth dimensional “reality” in general.
The Pleiadians are not the only Beings/Starbeings/ETs with these 5D abilities and knowledge of course, but, they’re very highly evolved 5D Beings that have long existed within that dimensional frequency range. I know that some of them are “ascending” to higher dimensional levels now too. Everyone everywhere is moving up those energetic, evolutionary Stair-steps now due to the Ascension Process and Grand Evolutionary Cycle change.
I’ve known a handful of 5D Pleiadians intimately for all of this and other physical earth lives and have loved each of them deeply. I’ve written about some of them in articles at TRANSITIONS, and also in A Lightworker’s Mission (2010). Please see links.
[If you're interested in these Starbeings/Starseeds/ETs/Past Lives/Ancient Egypt topics, please read or re-read my old articles at TRANSITIONS under the topic Reincarnation & Past Lives.]
Sirius star glyph 2
             Sirian glyph
I’ve also known and deeply loved a handful of 6D Sirian Starbeings and Sirian Lion or Feline Beings too for most of this life and some simultaneous “past” lives too. Those stories can be found in the same two locations mentioned already. There’s also highly positive 8D Orion Beings and Starbeings of the Galactic Federation, and higher dimensional Lightbeings beyond 8D, but for this article, I’ll keep the discussion focused on the 5D Pleiadians and the 6D Sirians and the changes happening with them and humanity/earth now.
As mentioned in my other article, my personal etheric entourage has recently been changed again. This happens to us all as we learn, grow and evolve; our “Guides” and “Ascension Assistants” etc. change with us over the years and decades just like teachers in different grades in school. It’s a normal process so don’t be surprised or saddened when your old familiar and much-loved etheric Guides/buddies are suddenly gone… eventually to be replaced by NEW, updated ones. If you are continuing to evolve, then your “Guides” and other nonphysical, higher dimensional “Assistants” and “Teachers” etc. will be changed as often as needed to match the level of awareness and ability you have at that time to best aid/teach/remind you of what you need to remember and/or realize.
What I want everyone to understand is that this same process happens on vast, species-wide and planetary-wide scales too. It also happens on Galactic-wide scales and larger for that matter. But, this is what’s happening with our old and much-loved 5D Pleiadian “Guides”/buddies. Because of the Ascension Process and the glorious positive changes taking place for us all now, the Pleiadians old Evolutionary Cycle “mission” with humanity has been successfully accomplished. Don’t misunderstand me however as I’m NOT saying that the 5D Pleiadians are all done with us Volunteers/Starseeds/Forerunners, with humanity and earth and are now all leaving. I’m NOT saying that at all.
What I am saying is that past “mission work” with the Pleiadians has been accomplished and these natural, positive, evolutionary shifts are now unfolding, causing growing numbers of Starseeds and eventually humans to feel, see, sense and perceive this shift or change from the 5D Pleiadians to the 6D Sirians more and more.
I’ve always been fond of the sixth dimension–6D–because much of it resembles (to me at my current level of awareness that is) a huge, no I mean HUGE, vast Library of living geometric shapes of Light. These have been called ‘morphogenetic fields’ or the ‘morphic realm’ ; to my current level of awareness they are living sixth dimensional architectural energetic blueprints for all things, but in this particular form, at this particular dimensional level of frequency. In other words, at the 7D level of frequency these same 6D living geometric shapes or blueprints exist as Sound and Light frequencies. Think the “word of god”–7D Sound, and 7D Photon Light etc. Stair-steps up, Stair-steps down.
Back to 6D, the morphic fields where the 6D frequency blueprints for other things/objects exist, and the 6D Sirians in both their humanoid, Feline, and more complex and less easily described forms primarily reside.
Now that we Volunteers/Forerunners/Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers etc. have completed Phase One of the Ascension Process (which was the dark, dangerous, battle-filled, painful, transmuting, mop-up, ucky phase), what’s the next natural thing that needs to happen now? NEW construction! NEW building! NEW structures! NEW everything for the NEW earth and NEW Evolutionary Cycle! And so, who best to help us Volunteers, earth, and humanity at this point with highly evolved 6D Architectural building blueprints, tools and abilities than the 6D Sirian Sacred Architects? They did a grand job on the Great Pyramid so this rebuilding the NEW earth is going to get really interesting!  big blinkie grin
As we evolve/ascend into (Pleiadian-like) 5D High Heart consciousness and being on the NEW ascended earth, we’re going to have NEW planetary and species-wide higher dimensional “Guides”, NEW etheric “Assistance” and help etc. from 6D Sirian beings and 6D energetic tools. The Sirians now have a NEW role with us Volunteers/Starseeds/Forerunners, with earth, and with humanity in general. I don’t know all the details about this complex topic yet–and I doubt I need to–but I do know that this major change of our planetary and species-wide “Guides” from the 5D Pleiadians to the 6D Sirians is very important, not to mention highly exciting. What’s the opposite sign and Astrological Age to Aquarius? Leo, the Lion.
We’re all going to be having much more hands-on help, plus personal interactions with the 6D Sirians from here on out. With these 6D Sacred Multidimensional Architects working with us and on us and in and on the NEW earth, expect to start perceiving, seeing, feeling, hearing etc. growing connections and communications from and with these extraordinary sixth dimensional Beings and Feline or Lion Beings and other 6D morphic blueprints, energies and tools. Fun stuff that’s going to produce HUGE improvements across this planet in every way imaginable. More to come on this 6D Sirian Architectural business as it comes in.
Lion Heart Hugs,
February 17, 2014
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