
sábado, febrero 01, 2014

Blossom Goodchild – An Invocation – 1 February 2014

Divine Spirit … The Energy of the Highest Purest Love … We put out a call to you from the deepest place within our hearts.
We here on Planet Earth, are struggling to shine our Light … due to those that have lost their way, feeling the need to control … through ways that instil great atrocities to our BEINGS.
We Human Beings are in need of a sign FROM THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL … FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL, so that our tired souls may FEEL upliftment and regeneration, in order to carry out our mission on Divine Mother Earth … who is also suffering greatly from the burdens that have been put upon her.
To the I AM PRESENCE … of which a part resides within each one … We ask for this sign … We ask, because we are concerned that we may not fulfil our mission to lift Mother Earth and those who live within and upon her … into her rightful position once again.
There is too much suffering … too much heart ache … too much sadness … too much war … too much control … too much of all that wearies us, and although the intention is there to be of Joy and Love … it is proving to be extremely difficult living within the vibrations that do not have an agenda to serve the Light.
Therefore … with respect for each living BEING on planet Earth and on all planets … with respect for all those who have lived in the physical embodiment and those who have not … with the HIGHEST RESPECT FOR ALL THAT IS … we ask for guidance … through you … The Highest Energy of Pure Love … for a sign to be given unto us … so that it may illuminate our pathway home … in a way that cannot be mistaken or misunderstood.
We ask that all souls accept this sign from within our heart space, therefore letting go of fear and ego and allowing the Love that is sent within it, to permeate into our Being, as we recognise the TRUTH from which it comes.
May those who understand this sign … give unconditional assistance to those who do not … and with knowledge that is released at this time … may we be strengthened to continue on our journey with renewed vigour and determination.
Divine Spirit … we ask you to FEEL the sincerity from which this plea arises … FOR MANY ARE LOSING THE WILL TO MARCH ONWARDS IN SERVICE TO THE LIGHT THAT WE ARE … and this is of concern to each one.
For it is decreed is it not? That we shall move ourselves and this planet into a HIGHER VIBRATION … and indeed we shall … for WE ARE WARRIORS OF LIGHT, with our swords held high … and so from ALL that is LOVE … we ask that this sign assist ALL … in the acceleration towards THE EVENT which is spoken of … and the transformation into a NEW DAWN OF FREEDOM for each and every one.
On bended knee, with head bowed in reverence, and hand on heart, we have chosen to be here on Earth at this time to be of service … Therefore, we ask that our call be answered … FOR THE BETTERMENT OF ALL MANKIND, ALL LIVING CREATURES AND OUR DIVINE MOTHER EARTH.
In Gratitude … In Love … In Light and Golden Rays,
Blossom Goodchild … on behalf of THE WARRIORS OF LIGHT currently holding the fort on Planet Earth.