
miércoles, enero 29, 2014

Karen Doonan - Sirius message to humanity - January 29, 2014

Greetings beloved ones we are the BEings from the SIRIUS star system and we are here with ALL at this time of vast movement and transformation both upon and within planet earth and also within the human race, for ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST ARE. We are here to support ALL with ALL and for ALL for ALL ARE.   We speak to our children who have taken human form upon this planet and who have incarnated into the human race in order to help the human race for the human race now begin to prepare for the birth of a new reality, a reality born from TRUTH, no longer contained and suppressed by the old 3D earth paradigms and we guide for you to LET GO and BE as the energies now begin to shift and to move in preparation for the EVENT.

We are here to support ALL who are in the process of birthing the EVENT through their human vehicles and into the outer waking reality that is human life upon planet earth. The miracles that sit at the seat of your SOUL now birth through you, around you and within you for YOU ARE and ALL JUST IS.
We place the coding of 333 within the heart space and we place the SEAL of SOLOMON above this coding, we place the star tetrahedron around the human vehicle and we place the SEAL OF SOLOMON at the SOULSTAR and the EARTHSTAR chakras and we ask that you BREATHE and BE for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE. We place the gift of the GOLDEN ANKH at the brow and we place the SEAL of SOLOMON upon this symbol and we gift you the CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE OF 3 in TRUTH.
We place the white dove and the SEAL of SOLOMON upon the HEART space and we BREATHE LIFE into our children in this their human form upon the planet earth. We open our hearts and allow the FULL FLOW of the universal energies to connect ALL with, through and around ALL, for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE.
The heavens will now be birthed upon and within planet earth in TRUTH, birthed through a race that has been contained and suppressed and the human vehicles into which many races have incarnated will now begin to expand and grow in TRUTH, for ALL JUST IS and ALL ARE. The miracles will now expand and deepen for the New Earth is NOW born upon the planet earth in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH. We send forth the messengers with their messages so that ALL may now understand that ALL ARE ONE, the New Earth will now seek to anchor within EACH and EVERY human vehicle that walks upon and within planet earth.
For those who are awakened to the levels that are required by the New Earth, those who SOUL mission is to birth the New Earth we welcome you home in TRUTH for we will now walk with you in person. For those who have chosen to say within the karmic cycles of the old 3D earth you are asked to have LOVE and compassion for them as they now assist YOU fully in embracing the New Earth fully for without them this could not be achieved, once more we state ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE.
The frequencies of Mother Earth will now heighten and expand beyond anything that you have experienced so far upon and within planet earth and this makes way for the birthing process in TRUTH. BREATHE with your mother as she now delivers you into the FREEDOM that IS your BIRTHRIGHT in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.
We are the BEings from SIRIUS and we now walk with ALL for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE in TRUTH. Shine brightly beloved ones for now the stars will shine brightly alongside you as you walk in human form and they take their form in TRUTH upon and within the planet earth in the GOLDEN AGE of HUMANKIND in the UNIVERSE of 3.  The levels of frequency that are now available are the highest that can be available as Mother Earth gives birth, as she recovers from the birth the levels will then increase and expand and KEEP increasing and expanding for within the UNIVERSE of 3 one plus one equals 3. Expansion is the path that you now walk in TRUTH for expansion IS TRUTH.  ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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