
miércoles, enero 01, 2014

Judith Kusel - 2014: The true re-empowerment of mankind as consciousness rises - January 1, 2014

993417_573036622733283_660399077_nDear Infinite and Precious Souls
“In the center of ALL LOVE
I stand
And am firmly anchored in.
From that center I,
The one who serves, will work: -
May the Love of the Divine Soul Self
Be shed abroad
In my heart,
Through my contact with others –
And throughout the world.”
As we truly now have stepped into the realms of the sheerest Beingness and with immense high frequencies now coming from inside the earth, with the full reactivation of the pyramid energies inside the earth, above and below the earth and the under the sea, as well as other major energy center, and the most important ones, the Lion gate and the crystalline golden infinite core rod in Africa (my book on this whole scene will be published in this year – even if I have to self-publish), something profound is shifting in the whole consciousness of everyone on earth.

Some are more conscious than others, and this simply has to do with the awakening from deep within.
It is a fact that some souls, just fall asleep when they incarnate onto the planet and are indoctrinated by the parents, the social structures, by the school and educational systems and by whatever is fed to them as the truth – when in actual fact it is all but the truth. That is their own soul choice and this then is their own karma. It is not that opportunities and wake up calls are not there all the time – it is just that they chose to ignore it and most often it is fear which is holding them prisoner.
Those who have woken up and who are alert and are truly consciously reconnecting with their souls, their hearts and their higher calling in life, this is a time when they will feel an intense shift – more so than ever before. Yet, this shift is more subtle – it is not anymore than extreme in that all just dissolves into nothingness before it reassembles again – it is far more than this: – we all have been programmed before we incarnated, and this is especially true for Lightworkers, for volunteer souls, starseeds, the Indigo’s, the crystal, rainbow and sun children: – we all have been programmed before we incarnated with certain trigger mechanisms going off inside of us at this time. These triggers will take the form of remembering who and what we truly are and what we are capable of being and becoming, and then also – the HOW: – the how to do this.
For instance, with the vortex energies rising from the re-activated pyramids, a lot of us worked inside these temples – for in reality that is what they were in the beginning – the most potent ones were using the vortex energies for higher healing and also for energy resourcing on multiple levels. We will start remembering more and more how this was done, with harmonic frequencies of sound, colour and also the vortex energy itself. All of this will enable us to tap in more into crystalline power bases which have been left dormant for millions of years and now are being reactivated.
Inherently we know this deep down, but again, because of conditioned thinking and belief – which has been controlled by certain people and deliberately so – we often feel that what we remember is not valid. Some fear ridicule when they seek to share this and some know this deep inside but again, fear to bring this to the world openly. This all will start shifting as the Internet is bringing more and more souls into higher awareness and bringing groups together as souls who need to work together now.
Inherently the greatest lesson we have to master now, and collectively so, is that the old control mechanisms only worked because of fear based control = that means if you can keep the population in ignorance and in fear, then they are easily controlled.
In actual fact the truth is that when a soul is deeply and profoundly empowered at soul level and finds its truth and inner honing system from deep within, has its pineal and pituitary glands fully opened up and is receiving cosmic transmissions directly from the Divine itself, then no-one and nothing on this planet can control them. Inherently this is what makes for empowerment – that KNOWING and GUIDANCE from deep within which is not swayed by the whims or attempts of others to smother it – but is crystal clear in its intent to step up and into higher soul calling and mission and steps past all fear and all obstacles and into its highest expression and form.
This is the greatest gift of this time and especially 2014: it is the gift of self-empowerment and intense higher consciousness.
This is the year of the Sun God and it is no accident that the Chinese year of horse is moving into this. For the horse bring the unicorn connection and they have returned from the 7th heaven and the 7th dimension to assist us and those who are pure in heart and soul will attract these beautiful Beings who bring in higher healing for humanity.
In essence this is also the intense and pure anchoring in of the Feminine Divine and the Goddess energies. These are the working and living from the heart and then to infuse all that one is and what one is capable of being and becoming with love.
It is that intense bringing in of love into every single molecule, cell, DNA strand, gland, organ, skeleton, bone and bone marrow, skin, hair, meridian, nadis, chakras – indeed our whole physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all 12 bodies.
When we claim and empower ourselves from deep within and start using all our bodies and energy systems once more, and not just a fraction, we will then be able to step into our full power again, and this brings in immense and multiple levels of the mind, which we have not used for millions of years – it brings in levitation, telepathy, teleportation, it brings in the abilities to dissemble matter and assemble it – all by just using our heart-minds and it brings in the full return of the ancient keys, codes and higher knowledge, teaching and higher wisdom for mankind, as they truly step up to step into their highest truth as the Sons and Daughters of the Divine.
Therefore embrace this coming year – as the year for soul empowerment and get more and more in touch with your soul and your soul groups and higher soul self. The more you go deep within and reconnect, the more you will find that miracles start happening and things manifest into form faster and brings in true health, abundance and the living from a deep and profound inner love and inner contentment which surpasses all understanding.
This is the return to balance and the return of the re-connection to the 9th Central Crystal Temple of the 9th Central Sun of the 9th Central Galaxy – and the next evolutionary step would be to reconnect to the 12th and 13th Suns.