
domingo, diciembre 08, 2013

The Sirians: We Welcome You Home! - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - December 8, 2013

Vine Maple
The Sirians:  Welcome Home!
We come to you tonight, beloved, to welcome you back into the arms of your soul family, for you have spent many lifetimes upon planets within the solar system of Sirius.
When you look at the night skies of your northern latitudes, you can pick out one of the brightest stars in the heavens, the Dog Star, known to the ancient Egyptians and one of the starry homes of the human race, as part of their sojourn across the Universe.
We are here to continue to assist you in releasing the lower vibrational memories of lifetimes spent in Sirius, especially on one of the planets revolving around Sirius B.  It is not necessary to remember all the lifetimes or to dredge up the trauma experienced there; just know that these lifetimes were / are part of your preparation for understanding what has happened to the human race, throughout their long and tragic history.

As you are becoming aware, all star races exist at all dimensional frequencies, as part of the ALL THAT IS.  In other words, these races are fully multidimensional.  And you, as a starseed with Sirian and Pleiadian origins, resonate with this truth.  Now, as planet earth begins in earnest her ascension, your own ascension into higher frequencies is being supported, as your human vehicle resonate to the level of the planet.
You are also beginning to recognize that you are not your body.  The human body was designed by its creators as a vehicle into which star races could embody in order to be able to experience living on planet earth.  It was only after the descent in frequency that these same beings became trapped within a lower dimensional karmic loop frequency that you forgot your starry origins.  We are here, now, to remind you that all who now live upon the earth, despite their human appearance, are of alien origin.  Your bodies are the product of the genetic engineering capabilities of at least three races, the Nephilim, the Anuki and the Orions.  These names now bring fear to the minds of many humans, as you have been programmed to fear your creators.  You have been told that your bodies were created to serve others as slaves; this is not true, for once upon your beautiful planet, there existed a very high and spiritual people, the island nation of Lemuria.  Many other civilizations have also existed upon your world, their remnants either ignored or discounted by those of the more traditional training in archaeology and history.  Yet remnants of these great civilizations remain in plain sight for those who are able to see.  As your frequency levels climb, your eyes will be able to see, finally, what has been deliberately hidden in plain view by those who wished to keep the planet and its peoples confined to a limited and highly controlled environment, sometimes called the Matrix.
You have been told many distortions by those who wished to keep you within lower vibrations, including false teachings about ascension itself.  You are beginning to understand that ascension is a process and one that not only involves this planet earth, but the entire Universe.  Ascension is ongoing and never ends.  Ascension has been made available to all whom live on planet earth because the planet herself has risen high enough in frequency to enter the lower fifth dimension.  However, it is up to each Soul who guides the soul fragment existing within the human vehicle as to whether or not they, as an individual, chose to undergo ascension in this lifetime, a choice usually made before incarnation.
Some of the human collective will not ascend in this lifetime, choosing instead to leave their bodies and reincarnate later into bodies adjusted to the higher frequencies.  So now, their Souls have chosen for them to play roles as the sleepers or those who refuse to move beyond what they have been taught as truth.  Our channel is one, who in overcoming early experiences of trauma and betrayal, chose to expand beyond the consciousness levels of both parents, instead seeking answers to her many questions about existence.  Her family monad consisted of individuals who made soul contracts previous to incarnation in order to be those who would act out roles in order to teach the embodied soul a particular lesson.  Our channel recognized intuitively that the world around her did not make sense, so she began to seek out books and found some solace in reading adventure tales, as well as fairy tales and fantasies.  Some of the stories spoke to some deep part of herself, a part that her human mind could not understand, especially when she encountered the tales of the English author, J. R. R. Tolkien.
Our channel was instinctively seeking out a connection with her Soul.  In her early years, she would not have expressed this longing in quite this manner, but there it is.  As she matured in years, she instinctively understood that the teachings of religion were self-limiting and designed to control people’s thoughts and behaviors, yet if you were to ask her just how she knew this, she would not have been able to tell you.  She knows now that it was the deepest part of her that was speaking to her.  It was diamond within her heart center that was gently guiding her journey, as she expanded her understanding of the world within and without her body.
And now, she finally understands that her real self is frequency, pure energy.  Her true state of being is as a light being without a body.  The body is merely a vehicle that allows her to presently traverse and move through her daily life while living upon this particular planet.  This understanding is a huge step in coming into acceptance of her existence as a multidimensional being.
All is frequency.  All is energy.  However, until you understand that it is the frequency level in which you exist that determines your thoughts, you cannot move forward and upward.  The old barriers have been cast down, yet many who live upon your world still persist in hanging onto their old patterns of beliefs and prejudices, simply because of their familiarity.  These same beings, as mates, siblings, friends and co-workers serve to trigger those who will awake in this lifetime, by living out various roles and acting out the extremities of polarity for the ones who will seek the light.
It is time to let go of all fears, that lowest of all frequency levels and to embrace the love that you are, a part of the ALL THAT IS.  You have never been separate from Source, from Mother / Father God.  The angels, the archangels, light beings and star brethren have always been at your side and in your dreams, guiding, mentoring and reaching out to those who could respond at some level.  For many thousands of years it has been difficult for your off-world relatives to contact you, as your ears have been stopped up by false beliefs and overpowered by the desire of your rational mind to discount all things existing outside the parameters set by your five physical senses.  Now that the planet has succeeded in reaching a certain level of frequency, the way stands open for many to begin to suddenly awaken, as a whole new set of meta-senses comes online… clairsentience, clairaudience, clair-cognizance, telepathy and many gifts that are naturally the birthright of the human race.
For those who have been on a conscious journey, it will seem time and beyond time for the awakening ones to peek out beyond the illusionary boundaries of their 3D worlds and into the great world gleaming just beyond.  Yet for those who are taking their first steps it will seem more like stepping into a fog bank.  With some trepidation they will begin to step out and slowly expand their horizons.  In response to changes and sensations in their own bodies, many will fear that they have lost their sanity or are developing some strange illness.  While it is wise to seek out medical advice, also seek within to discover ways to facilitate your own clearing.  Learn to trust your intuition and the inner guidance that you receive as you begin to reconnect to what has been lost for a long time.
Humanity has long been suppressed and constrained to follow a very narrow path; that path is now suddenly expanding and the erstwhile controllers are losing their grip over humanity and over the planet.  They will do anything to throw barriers and blockages to impede the mass awakening, but now the cycles are supporting the process of ascension.  The powers that were know that they are losing, but they still persist.  And there are those who still hold to fear and in doing so unwittingly serve the former controllers in keeping their own frequency levels lowered.
We ask that all now step out of fear and learn how to release the layers of programming that have saturated the very cells of your bodies and have infected your DNA.  Seek out those who can guide this clearing process, but always seek within to discover whether or not you resonate to those who you look to as assistants.  Seek the way to step out of fear and into the higher frequencies of compassion and love.  By doing so, you will facilitate the process of many others to begin to move into the light as well.
As you open to your inner guidance, you will come into conscious awareness of the presence of your own guides.  You can and do communicate to these beings during dreamtime.  You can learn to communicate to them during your waking hours, as well.  The gift of telepathy exists within all human beings; it is your birthright, granted to you by your stellar parent races.  Those who channel energies are no more special than any other human being, for all who live upon this planet channel energies in some fashion or another, especially those who actively utilize their creative energies through writing, art, music, dance and other creative endeavors.
Ascension is a very individual process.  Each person needs to understand that there is no back door to ascension where you will be hereby granted free admission; you must do the necessary clearing work in order to rise in frequency level.  As you clear, you encounter further layers not unlike an onion, peeling away at the conditioning of the ages and the karmic legacy of your human genetics.  You do not need to be like your parents or to do what they have done.  The past is done.  Linear time is in the process of collapsing.  Soon the human race will have no memory of what has gone on before as it will be of no importance to them anymore.  And you will be able to live and create in the moment, responsible and responsive to every thought that you gather within, instantly reflecting as your worldly experience.
Those of you who are now beginning to be contacted by their soul groups and planetary homes are in the process of being prepared to lead humanity into a new golden age, one that will last for an eternity.  Never again will beings of lower frequency than that of the planet itself be allowed to incarnate on the planet or within this solar system.  The entire Universe is also in the process of being cleared of all dissonant frequencies and some of you will assist other worlds to clear their frequency levels utilizing the experiences and knowledge that you have garnered here as part of this planetary ascension process.
For those of you, like our channel, who have lived at the edges of society, reticent in revealing the entire range of what they are able to perceive because it was so different than the mass consciousness, will step out and into the light, as forerunners for the rest of humanity.  They do not seek to have followers, but there will be those who are intuitively drawn to their light, which we now bid them to hold high, like lighthouses and beacons, for their families, friends and neighbors.
We come to these forerunners so that they might truly understand that although they may still be progressing into the higher frequencies, they do not stand alone, but are assisted every step of the way should they so desire.  And it is this sense of personal sovereignty that we need to impress on each and every one of you who reads these words.
You are a light being.  You are energy.  You are special and unique.  You are loved and held in high regard throughout the Universe, for many races have watched the struggles of planet earth and that of her peoples.  And many have sent their finest in a bid to aid the ascension process of the planet and her children.  You are now feeling and beginning to see the outplaying of the Shift, in the growing chaos on the planet, in the reversal of the magnetics of your sun, Solaris, in the changes in climate and institutions.  All that once seemed unchangeable is now in a state of extreme flux.  So it is during the transition from one age to another, but this time it is quite different, for it is a transition out of captivity and into freedom.  You are now in the process of reconnecting with the greater part of your Self, that part that was cut off from humanity when you descended into 3D.  The gateways and star portals have been reopened; the connection with your star families and dimensions of origin has now commenced.  We welcome you Home.
Namaste: We bow to the divinity within all, as part of the ALL THAT IS, which is what you are in Truth.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered from its written form, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  No replication via voice or video is allowed.  http://bluedragonjournal.com/