
miércoles, diciembre 18, 2013

Mother Mary – “The Perfection of God” – December 8, 2013 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

Message Melody:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JqVdGVofErY Beloved Children, may the love blessings bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts. The departure of this plan, my children, it’s never easy. Always we have to leave good works behind. It’s not easy for two reasons: first, because we have this task of being the example of the Perfection of God wherever we go, for all people; the second is to keep us in this perfection, ever, to the first be fulfilled.
These are difficult tasks, by the fact ye are always wrapped at discordant energies, it isn’t really an easy task, but it is, indeed possible. Remember that I was on Earth to well defend what proposed me to: to sustain the Perfection of God. So I know that all my children have the same condition as me. I keep them in my love and in my Perfection, in order to be that perfection and light sustaining that I was. I remember one day, when little Jesus was running around, on a stone street where we lived, he felt and hurt his knee. As a mother, at that moment, for a moment, I was a little anxious by running and helping him, but then, I stood up, blessing that stone in the way of my son, it’s the Perfection of God manifested there, so I could hold the Light and Goodness of God in all things Dear Children, we were normal human beings like you, we never wished that we were considered as Gods or much less, your saviors. We want you to, before, consider you as your own saviors and upholders of the way, we want you to support this Divine Perfection, because it’s through this support that you will be able to leave the dormant state . See the Perfection in everything, dear children, love everything that happens to you. Be blessers of your way, be manifested blessing in a body, be the Perfection of God manifested among the people who still don’t accept the Divine Perfection in their hearts. This, I know, is not an easy task, but I succeeded and held, why couldn’t you ? People like you are the ones that others need to look, so they will be moved by hope. Many of you feel that your gestures aren’t seen or followed. Often, the people who mistreat you, who criticize you more are those who admire you most, by the people you are. Do not feel offended by anyone and anything, stay sustaining the Faith and the Perfection of God in yourselves, projecting it on the outside and perfecting your Future, which is nothing more than the manifestation of your inner will. Dear Children, I leave you now, spilling my blessings over you and involving you all in My mantle of protection, because I AM Mary, your Mother. Gabriel : Thank you, my sweet Mother. Translation: Sementes das Estrelas / Carolina Barisch. http://sementesdasestrelas.blogspot.com.br/2013/12/mother-mary-perfection-of-god-december.html