
lunes, diciembre 09, 2013

Denise Le Fay - “Gimme Three Steps…” - December 9, 2013

1) Since the 2010 fall Equinox I’ve noticed that the fall quarter of each year (September Equinox through December Solstice) has greatly amplified negativity like there’s a big rush and push to the end of the year each year by what’s left of Team Dark in this world and timeline. And from their point of view it has been one big rush every fall quarter to grab (‘Smash & Grab’) as many and as much as they can before it all, before we all, disappear entirely from their influences and ability to reach us or even See us.
Like the negativity that’s still here and functioning in and through whoever it can in whatever ways it can, it goes into hyper mode during the last three months of the year (every year since 2010) in a great hurried and desperate attempt to cause as much individual and collective confusion, fear, doubt, personal self-doubt, emotional and mental pain, distraction, derailment and so on as absolutely possible. Unfortunately it’s been working every year since I first noticed in 2010, and this 2013 fall quarter has been even worse than 2012 which is really something when you think about it. But, as with all things including this, the important focal-point should be on why.
Having said that let’s next look at this same “phenomena” from the opposite direction (Duality) and see what it looks like from there.
2) From this opposite perspective I’d say that each fall quarter–certainly since 2010–have been tremendously amplified, accelerated, and highly compressed. This is true because we, humanity and earth, are rushing towards the next upcoming winter Solstice and we all know what a kicker it is each year, especially since 2010. We know that each winter Solstice brings in more NEW energies that require further inner work for each of us no matter where we are individually within this ongoing Ascension Process. We know that both the summer and winter Solstices bring in loads of energies and energetic pressures that cause huge change to/in/for each of us to live through, embody, adjust to, learn from and be permanently changed for the better by. Despite this being difficult, painful, stressful and highly uncomfortable on multiple levels it’s very “positive” in that the Solstice energies pressure and push each of us to continue evolving, embodying, and expanding ourselves and our consciousness.
Now lets look at these two Dualized perspectives from that all-important and seemingly magical higher third point or unified level and see what we can.
3) Number 1 tells us that the “negative” Dark dogs are still on our heels in late 2013, barking and howling and trying to maul us to bits via whatever methods still work on us. Same old Team Dark tactics. Read anything or watched any videos packed full of disinformation, distortions, BS and general lack of truth(s) and any higher awareness lately? There’s been plenty of these things all over the place especially during the 2013 fall quarter.
Number 2 tells us that more “positive” NEW energies are about to be delivered via the winter Solstice and that we need to deal with whatever it is we each need to now so that we’re empty or cleared some more so we can comfortably embody the NEW incoming energies that the winter Solstice will deliver.
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Number 3 is both numbers 1 and 2 and more and is called by many ‘Unity’ or ‘Unity Consciousness’ or as I prefer, HighHeart Consciousness.
Number 3 doesn’t become trapped, distracted or derailed in either the number 1 energies, dramas, BS, distractions, lies, misinformation, egoic slings and arrows from other people etc. Neither does number 3 become trapped, obsessive, distracted or derailed by the ongoing need of the number 2 energies to do further inner work, futher inner/outer change(s), further physical, emotional, mental pains caused by the latest energetic event(s). Number 3 takes numbers 1 and 2 and Alchemically transmutes them into what number 3 is which is a frequency that exists above and beyond numbers 1 and 2. And, this is you and me living this ongoing Alchemical Ascension Process and learning more and more from continuing to do so. This is you and me incrementally evolving beyond the Duality of old (and the Team Dark players seen and unseen) and doing it Stair-step by Stair-step and steadily becoming more adept with the overall Process.
People who know me and my writings know I’ve been preaching the mandatory Higher Awareness ability of discernment for years. I’ve been trying to make readers understand the absolute necessity of being able to discern people, Team Light, Team Dark, information, channeled material, the humans channeling the material, information from other dimensions as told to you and/or someone else by a nonphysical being and/or dead human etc. In other words, discern everything. Doing so should be a natural automatic ability each of us uses just as we do with our other sensory tools and levels of perception. If you constantly remain in and always perceive “reality” from your rational mind/intellect/left brain, you’ll never be able to energetically discern anything or anyone because to do so requires higher frequency tools of awareness and perception than the mind/intellect.
Being able to discern people and their energies instantly allows you to know from a higher level of perception if they’re lying or not; if they’re being used by human or nonhuman Team Dark; if they’re still dealing with some lower ego issue(s); if they’re actions are due to a fear over something like money or income etc.; if they’re mentally and/or emotionally imbalanced; if they have an agenda that they’ve worked hard to hide from their readers etc. Wouldn’t you like to be able to live and function from that level of higher perception and personal knowing?
Every month it’s getting easier for more and more people to see, to sense, feel and know who is honestly walking their talk and who isn’t but is just preaching the material and working hard on sounding right, looking right, and saying the correct words and terms. As many have said over the years, the more Light there is here now, the less places there are for the Dark to hide.’ The BS, lies, distortions, misinformation and lack of higher awareness and truth con jobs aren’t working on more and more people finally. It still is however on far too many people but this too is about those Stair-steps and each of us standing on different ones at different times. Stay in the higher frequency of that 3 or HighHeart unity energy and don’t get derailed or distracted by other people trying to sell you the distortions and lies they’ve bought into about whatever. Hold the higher frequency; keep your eyes on The Path before you; stay in your HighHeart; ignore the distractions on the sidelines doing their best to pull you and your focus their way. Do this and more and the upcoming 2013 winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere, summer Solstice in the Southern) won’t knock your feet out from under you as much.
The winter quarter (December 2013 Solstice to March 2014 Equinox) is I now sense, going to be one ongoing blast for the Forerunners of the Forerunners and the Forerunners and yet there’s going to be big “perks” like never before which will help take the sting out of all the shifting and embodying we’ll continue doing during that quarter. I’ll write more about this plus the months up to the 2014 fall Equinox in other articles. For now, continue doing your homework which is what gets you closer to Home.
Heart Hugs,
December 9, 2013
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light blue copyright Copyright © Denise Le Fay and HighHeartLife, 2013–2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.