
jueves, noviembre 21, 2013

Karen Noonan - Energy update for 21st November 2013 part 2

To continue from my previous blog I wish to explain a bit further about ALL REALITIES and how they may appear to you at any moment, for often the human mind will jump in and try to rationalise before you can take a step back and become the observer.  Over the past 24/36 hours both myself and a dear friend of mine have experienced realities that are completely different to the one that we believed we shared. Showing TRUTH on new levels that REALITY IS PERSONAL and is created at WILL.
I have had a couple of experiences over the past 24/36 hours of appearing to interact with one reality whilst being shown and interacting with another. This is an overlay that I have only ever previously experienced in a meditative or half asleep/almost sleeping state. These are now happening in a WAKING conscious state and at first they may challenge the human logical mind. The human logical mind has been TAUGHT that everything it experiences is LINEAR and this is NOT TRUTH. As many of you have now ANKHORED the universe is holographic in nature, it is multi dimensional and the human vehicle as it moves through the transformation process (more info on whispering universe.net website) begins to change at cellular level from carbon based to CRYSTALLINE based in preparation for processing multi dimensionality.

To experience MULTIPLE realities and MULTIPLE levels of information in the same NOW moment is a NATURAL process but one that was altered in the very early human vehicles. As the human race has reproduced then the altered frequencies that were implanted INTO the human vehicle (this was done through the connection to Mother Earth, more info on whisperinguniverse.net) have anchored to very deep levels, to the point of the human vehicle being able to filter out ALL information that does not support a LINEAR existence.  Those who have been able to move out of this have been what is termed “mentally ill” and treated with various drugs that have again altered the chemistry of the human vehicle.
Now as the human race move into the New Earth the need to be able to work multi dimensionally is increasing, the human race being the ONLY race in the UNIVERSE of 3 at this moment who do not exist in this frequency range.  Those of you who are channels or who are able to interact with your guides will at this time be moving into multi dimensionality with respect to the information received. The races/realms have always stepped back from full flow of the information due to the limit placed upon the information by the human vehicle their channel has incarnated INTO.  Now as the human vehicle begins to ANKHOR the New Earth frequencies then the information flow can expand and deepen and the human vehicle will now be able to cope with this. It serves/ed no one for this to occur and the human vehicle not be able to work at this level. This would have caused serious harm to both the human vehicle and the personality of the energy that incarnated into said human vehicle.
At this time many of you may be trying to convince yourself that you are not “seeing things”, “hearing things” or experiencing “things”. A bit like a camera lens changing its focus, you are now moving from the very small “view” of your outer reality to the “bigger picture”. How fast this process unfolds is entirely at the discretion of your SOUL. It serves no one least of all SELF to move too quickly into this process for there is little “human” support from within the human race at this time. By this I mean that your human family may be at a loss of how to cope with you as you move through this process, for indeed many of you have incarnated into human families in order to dissolve the very dense old 3d earth paradigms that exist within the cellular structure of the human vehicles that these families incarnate into. Therefore to try to voice that which is happening to you may see your energy signature begin to oscillate as those around you who are what is termed “asleep” will go into rationalisation which is LINEAR and no longer supported in the New Earth energetic signature.
To view your life as only linear is to walk in the denser DISSOLVING frequencies and may see you struggle to understand that which you are trying to work with. If it all becomes too much for you at any moment simply interact MORE with Mother Nature, for Mother Earth and ALL are aware of the process and the FEELings that may arise within the human race as they begin to remember to deepening and expanding levels who they are in TRUTH. Detaching from the 3d earth reality in relation to tv, media, technology and to a certain extent food may help also, as this is OVERSTIMULATION of the senses and ALL senses are now becoming to expand and deepen. Senses that you have been TAUGHT do not exist may suddenly spring to life and it is vital that you find space and SILENCE in which to work with these initially.
REALITY is a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that IS SELF CREATED from moment to moment. This is not the same as the old 3d earth paradigms and realities that were TAUGHT TO YOU.  It is therefore vital that you begin to build the TRUST and FAITH in SELF and detach from trying to find OUTSIDE confirmation from those around you, they are not YOU therefore CANNOT experience the exact same reality in which you reside no matter what your human logical mind may try to teach you at this time.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved