viernes, noviembre 08, 2013
Karen Doonan - Perception and the use of it from an inner perspective - November 7, 2013
It may seem a rather strange subject to blog about, after all if perception is personal then why try to influence perception? well the intention of this blog is not to influence anything, rather to highlight how the old 3d earth paradigms and teachings can persuade you that a situation is other than it is in TRUTH. TRUTH JUST IS and this is something that you are asked to work with at deeper and deeper levels at all times. For many of you the ranting, frustration and anxiety that is being displayed within your waking outer reality may try to persuade you that your life is anything but TRUTH and this in itself is a distortion. Whilst TRUTH JUST IS it should be remembered that anything that is not TRUTH will not be supported. I would highlight at this moment personal relationships and how they interact with the outer waking reality in which you exist and within which you are attempting to create.
Many of you at this time may be attempting to create your dream but be in total frustration around why the dream will not manifest. It may be that you are aware of the heart and that you are connecting deeply from the heart and yet the dream is at your fingertips and no matter how hard you try you cannot seem to touch it. This in the old 3d earth paradigm would try to teach you that your dream is not TRUTH, in the New Earth you are merely asked to look again. The dream will ALWAYS be TRUTH for you were seeded with TRUTH when you incarnated, the DREAM being held deep within the heart, there it is free from the influence of the old 3d earth frequencies for they were never to flow within the heart space. They were created from the lower dimensional frequencies of fear and as such cannot flow freely around your BEing.
What may be “interfering with” ( to use a very human phrase) is those who you are attempting to manifest the dream through or with. For it is not TRUTH to birth a dream if any of the components of the dream are not TRUTH. Let me explain this a bit further for perception IS the key in this process. In my work and my personal life I have had many lessons in “assumption”, indeed some of the deepest lessons have been personal ones, ones in which I assumed that someone or some situation was other than it is in TRUTH. It is to be remembered that none sit in judgement of any other and I am not sitting in judgement of those situations or people. I am simply stating that I allowed myself to be swayed by the outer wrapping and did not check at heart level if ALL was TRUTH on ALL levels.
It is human nature to assume and under the old 3d earth paradigms this is supported, how often do you meet someone and then make a myriad of assumptions about them in the first couple of minutes? how often do you enter into a situation and assume how it will turn out? all is distortion and assumption is a tool of the old 3d earth. Each individual life experience is just that, individual, no two people will ever have the same life experience as it is not possible, even people standing next to each other have a different perception as they have different human vehicles that use a different way of working with the decoding if you will of what is being experienced.
For many of you at this time this will be a time of apparent deepening chaos, you may have started a business or a way of living under the old 3d earth and now be faced with it “falling apart”, the old 3d earth trying desperately to persuade you that you are wrong and that you must adhere to the old life in order to exist. What you may filter out is the components of your life, there may be certain components that are not TRUTH, unless you break down each part of your life experience and check it through the heart space then you will remain in the holding pattern you have been placed within. The holding pattern the SHELTER at this time for it is not TRUTH to have you walk in the New Earth under an assumption.
Many of you may trigger at this blog and go into defense of those whom you share your life with but the very fact that you defend anything shows that there is a level of distortion that is working away unseen and unchecked. For TRUTH JUST IS and needs no defense. I am now fully aware that if something/someone triggers me and I jump into defending my position that I am walking blind. It is at this point I will take a step back and look again for TRUTH JUST IS.
Over the past few days the New Earth energies have shown me once more new levels of awareness and now I am looking at a situation that has seen much frustration arise within me in a new way. Processing this now through the heart space shows me TRUTH that I filtered out before and has now illuminated a part of my path that I was so frustrated about that I chose not to even interact with it. This is not TRUTH for there is no running and no hiding in the New Earth. Something that may have many of you in anxiety. ALL is not falling apart on ALL levels, what is falling apart is the frequencies that cannot exist in the higher dimensional frequency of the LOVE that IS. if you choose to live in LOVE and to anchor only TRUTH then you are accepting the responsibility of running this frequency through your entire BEing. There is a choice at all times of whether to fight with the old 3d earth and try to control it or simply LET GO and allow things to unfold.
Perception can be influenced many different ways, at this time you are asked to have your OWN perception around your OWN life experience and to detach from others around you. How someone else perceives your life is their affair, it is not yours. It is ONLY your perception that counts in this your human life experience for only YOU are having this human life experience as YOU.
Be mindful of that which is NOT unfolding for you at this time, allow yourself to open to new ways of looking at situations and people. ALLOW TRUTH to be shown to you. Do not allow others to persuade you of something, rather check for yourself at an energetic level. It can be time consuming to try to work out if someone is lying or being less than honest with you. To check at an energy level and run things through the heart will SHOW you and allow you to FEEL TRUTH, this negates the working out of what was said and why etc.
As the telepathic abilities of the human race now anchor fully and expand then lying will not be an option for anyone, it will be too obvious and I would guide you to use discernment with everything that is now unfolding upon this planet. Perception is a flow, it is ongoing, be careful of using hindsight which is a tool of the old 3d earth, hindsight serves NO ONE and is of no use. The only moment that you have is NOW, there has never been a time when it is not NOW, so fully embrace this moment, NOW and allow all to flow in the NOW.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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