
viernes, noviembre 15, 2013

DL Zeta: Love and Purified Intentions help us Navigate Powerful Dimensional Shifts November 15, 2013

Channeled By DL Zeta, www.celestialvision.org
We’re in a period that feels like a cosmic roller coaster at times. This entire year has been about quantum change at both collective and personal levels and recent events such as the eclipse series and ongoing Pluto/Uranus square accelerated changes taking place. Powerful energies are shaking things up in an attempt to break free any lingering shackles of the old time so we can activate new and more empowered timelines. The challenges we encounter will be uniquely ours and they will be in areas of our lives we least want to confront. Our specific set of challenges shapes the passage before us as we move through dimensional shifts that allow us to experience timelines where our greatest gifts are realized. Old realities must unravel to make room for the new so we can expect some transition times ahead. As we thread our way through the ensuing times of uncertainty and chaos we may feel pushed and pulled in all directions and under intense pressure.

Creating new Realities based on the Frequency of Love
Self-love, forgiveness and a healthy dose of patience are essential during this time. As our awareness expands, we see ourselves more clearly than ever before. Front and center will be any past tendencies toward avoidance and scarcity thinking. Any way in which we have given into thought viruses and their fear-based world view will come onto the radar screen of our awareness. Anything we have created from fear-based intentions will begin to disintegrate and fall away.
This may seem a harsh passage for some but the energies of this period are helping us extricate ourselves from the tendrils of thought viruses and gain the spiritual freedom that allows us to find more solid footing in the new time. Although this can be an intense and exhausting period, it also has the transformative ability to bring us face to face with our shadow, providing us an opportunity to accept and reintegrate her. As we integrate light and dark we are able to move forward with a sense of wholeness and self-awareness that allows us to create conscious realities infused with the light of our heart center for the highest good of ourselves and others.
In the past, there was a tendency to create from our ego/mind which automatically programmed polarity into all our creations. Polarized creations cannot sustain the energy of love and wholeness and will always leave us struggling in lower-vibrational timelines.
Consciously creating realities allows us to step free of the cycle of struggle and suffering. There is no need to struggle and suffer. If your life feels more of a struggle than a blessing, you have not fully freed yourself from the enslaving influence of thought viruses. These fear-based thought forms are free-floating and keep us tethered to realities that drain our life force energy and leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled.
Raise your Vibrational Frequency to Navigate this Time
The best way to navigate this time of change is to love and nurture ourselves and purify our intentions. Self-love is especially important. Make sure you’re taking care of your body; get lots of rest during this time. Make time each day to exercise and spend time in nature. Raise your vibrational frequency with green foods to alkalinize your physical system and make time each day to sit in meditation and silence. If you feel under pressure – if you’re feeling pushed to the max by the energies – go within and ask for guidance and healing insights. Ask the universe to bring what you need and make sure you open to receive it. Now is the time to reach for love and healing and allow it to flow into your life. Open to receive love and see it flowing to all the parts of yourself that have been starved for love. Anytime you feel isolated and alone, give to others the love and understanding you’re seeking and you will find all that you need.
Purifying intentions is also important at this time. Examine your intentions to make sure you’re seeking the highest and best for yourself and others. If you’re creating from old, fear-based intentions of scarcity and avoidance, this will not serve you well.
Whatever it is you’re seeking from the universe, examine your intentions to make sure they are coming from a place of love instead of ego and fear-based desires. Transform intentions by allowing yourself to see how what you’re asking for benefits yourself and all others. For instance, if you’re seeking to heal and improve your life, see how being healthy and whole will allow you to become a brighter light for all others.
Fear-Based Scenarios are falling by the Wayside
Anything in your life that has been operating on autopilot will come under pressure during this time. Relationships and careers may end. Any situation you entered from a place of fear will fall by the wayside. Accepting this spiritual understanding will provide an underpinning for the new life you will build. Whatever we create from fear-based intentions will forever be colored by the intentions with which they were created. If you entered a relationship because you fear more than anything else being alone, that relationship will always carry the energy and experience of fear and sooner or later you will be more alone than ever before. If you remained in a career that didn’t feed your soul because you were afraid more than anything of experiencing a lack of security, sooner or later that career will end and you will exist in a state of scarcity more so than in the past.
If people and situations are leaving your life, ask yourself if these relationships and situations were created from a place of love or a place of fear. If they were created from a place of fear, release them and move forward to create your new life from a place of love.
Allow Yourself to Exist in the Void
Do not rush out and seek to fill the sudden void in your life but instead, learn to exist within the void while focusing on self-love and healing. When you’re strong within yourself and able to exist on the frequency of love, it will be time to create anew.
Love is the highest vibration in the universe. Whenever fearful scenarios dance onto the movie screen of your mind, surround them with the healing light of love and feel a shift take place inside you. When you create from a place of love, everything you create carries you deeper into the heart of love. When you create from fear, everything you create carries you deeper into fear-based realities. When you allow yourself to exist in a place of love, you always have all you need and plenty left over to share with others. Thought viruses cannot get their hooks into you.
Activating New and More Spiritually-Aligned Timelines
When you’re ready to create again, ask for a vision of potential timeline threads to be downloaded into your consciousness. When you have a clear vision of the timeline that resonates most strongly, you are ready to begin energizing it with your focus and attention.
If your conscious mind resists receiving divine assistance, ask for love and healing to be downloaded in your dream states. When your conscious mind is asleep your subconscious remains awake and is able to act on your intentions. At night just before falling asleep, set your intentions to receive in dream states the love and healing you need.
Choosing and Aligning with a New Timeline
Many reality threads exist as potentials within your life hologram. When you perceive a new potential, it’s a real timeline that already exists energetically. As you begin tuning into this reality thread, you merge the energies of your present moment with it. When the timing is right and sufficient resonance is reached, you will be transported to this reality thread.
Daily go into your meditative space and allow yourself to tune into this new timeline, each time filling in a few more details of what your life is like there and all the opportunities waiting there for you. Feel the emotions and energy of this timeline. Refrain from judging where you are now and where you have been. These have helped you become who you are now and who you are becoming.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta, www.celestialvision.org.
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©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved 
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link, www.celestialvision.org.


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