
viernes, noviembre 29, 2013

Comet ISON – Metaphysical / Spiritual Heart Awakening - Nov 29 2013

Comet ISON is providing a revolutionary potential to humanity over the last months of 2013 and into early 2014.
Here are the quicklinks to each of the discussion headings below:
Comet ISON – Update >
Comet ISON – Overview Video >
Comet ISON – Physical Traits >
Comet ISON – Metaphysical Traits >
Comet ISON – Oort Cloud – Metaphysical >
Comet ISON – Ancient Lemurian Crystal Wisdom >
Comet ISON – Comet of 1680 >
Comet ISON – Best Viewing Times >
Comet ISON – Videos & Pictures >

Comet ISON – Update

Comet ISON is now out of naked eye view as it is looping around the Sun over the 28/29 November 2013 and hopefully will become visible once more in early Dec 2013 as it makes its closet approach to Earth.
Here are the last pictures taken of the Comet prior to its entry into the Sun’s atmosphere:
comet_ISON_24NOV Kouji-Ohnishi-2013_11_23_ISON_1978Titlesmall_1385281688_lgScreen Shot 2013-11-26 at 9.35.03 AM

Comet ISON – Overview Video

I created the following 3 minute slideshow to give an overview of the physical & metaphysical qualities of Comet ISON.  For more detailed info please keep reading down this page :)
