
lunes, octubre 28, 2013

The role of “chaos” in the birth of the New YOU - Karen Doonan - October 28, 2013

Any look out onto the external reality that is the human life experience at the moment will see chaos reflected back in various ways and at various levels. For some of you at this time it may be that chaos is now the only word that you can use to describe that which you are experiencing on a day to day basis.  Many of you may be in complete meltdown trying desperately to somehow stop and manage said chaos and this may have you going around in circles. It is vital at a time of mass awakening to understand the role of apparent “chaos” in your personal unfolding into the New Earth, for the old 3d earth will have you believe that chaos is something that is destructive to your very existence. In TRUTH only chaos can bring you into the New Earth, so distorted in frequency is the old 3d earth CREATED reality that is the only way in which you can let go and come fully into balance.

Often when chaos begins it stirs up a feeling of anxiety like no other, you may feel the sudden rush of adrenaline through your human vehicle and have an overwhelming desire to bring things back into the way that they have always been, this gives a false sense of control and is the way that the old 3d earth reality worked to keep the human race contained whilst believing they had free will. Free will can only be exercised when you have ALL choices presented to you, within the old 3d earth reality those choices were hidden in plain view, you were taught to believe there was only ONE choice therefore you had NO choice and this is not TRUTH. At all times you have a choice and that choice rests with you at all times. It is now no longer enough to have an idea of TRUTH, you are now asked to WALK in TRUTH.  This may be challenging to begin with but as you work with the chaos you will soon understand that chaos is the indicator that confirms your movement vibrationally. The more chaos that unfolds and the more intense that it is the nearer you are to the next level of frequency. The old 3d earth trying its best to prevent you from revealing another layer, for as you reveal the layers you get STRONGER and STRONGER in your energetic signature and you are then able to see through the illusion and understand TRUTH to new levels.
It is to be remembered at this time that the planet is also moving and shifting, the planet is now in full elevation of her energetic signature and both the human vehicle and planet earth are fully aligned at all times. Many of you at this time may be wondering what is going to happen to you next and this is part of the way of working with these energies for a SOUL level you are being guided at all times. Personally for me there is now no time. A linear day (in a human context) has no quantity to it,  By this I mean that some days it FEELS like the day has lasted a week and at other times FEELS like it was shorter but my logical human mind no longer tries to quantify it. I can also no longer relate to anything that has preceded what is in the NOW. So the morning in a linear context could have been years ago. When this first began to anchor it would have me in more chaos but now I can fully accept this and work with this at all times.  Only by staying fully in the NOW can you access the power in the NOW. For those of you still trying to plan I would guide you to let go. YOUr SOUL is guiding you at this time, there are no reference points to this part of your journey and your SOUL asks you TRUST in how you FEEL, if it FEELS correct then it IS correct no matter what your logical human mind tries to convince you of. LOGIC HAS NO PLACE in the unfolding of the new waking reality of humankind.
The more you try to work with logic the more in chaos that you will find yourself for the logic is what the New Earth energetic frequencies are trying to BREAK YOU OUT OF, for only in breaking out of them can you embrace the multidimensional aspects of life in this universe and the multi dimensional aspects of SELF. For you are a multidimensional BEing that has chosen to incarnate into a human vehicle. The linear context working at all times to distort your journey in said human vehicle, as you begin to let go of logic then you allow the flow to begin. The flow will see you anchor all levels of experience in the NOW and take you out of the containment that has taught you the distortions that are the 3d earth CREATED reality.
The ability to create is within YOU at all times, it is not dependant on those around you for they are not YOU, only YOU are YOU. This may make little logical sense but processing my words through your heart will see you FEEL TRUTH in this.  FEELings cannot often be put into words and the reason for this is that FEELings are multi dimensional experiences that you try to process through a linear contextualization that is your human vehicle.  The human vehicle is now changing, shifting and coming into balance at a multi dimensional level, hence the need for sleep, for different foodstuffs and the ability that many of you now have to telepathically connect with ALL that is around you.
At this time the universe asks that you BE, for many of you this may translate as simply eating, breathing and sleeping, this is a stage in the process that may be highly frustrating to your logical mind and this is deliberate, for within the frustration are the very emotions and energetic frequencies that are blinding you to the multi dimensionality that you exist within in TRUTH. Only by allowing these to arise within you can you acknowledge they are even there, you cannot dissolve something that is unseen, so the space that you are moved into by your SOUL works to increase the pressure on these hidden frequencies, once seen they can be dissolved. It should also be remembered that energy moves AT ALL TIMES, nothing is stagnant for that is not possible, albeit the frequencies that you have anchored under the old 3d earth paradigms may try to teach you otherwise.
The world is now changing, it may be changing rapidly for you at this time or it may appear to be moving slowly, as you speed up then the perception through the human vehicle appears as a slowing down, also something to work with. When all around you appears to have “stopped” you are moving at extreme speeds vibrationally. There is a sort of “delay” in parts of this process which is akin to allowing your human vehicle to “catch up”. Again I am using linear contexts trying to explain something that is beyond linear and would ask you process my words through the heart space.
At this time many of you are collapsing dimensional timelines, as you do this then you are aligning fully with TRUTH, for there is only TRUTH in the New Earth.  At all times keep the heart space open for the heart space is your MAP and your KEY to the New Earth and the new dimensional reality that your SOUL is creating WITH YOU at all times.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.