
lunes, septiembre 09, 2013

Lauren C. Gorgo – Healing To Whole: The Birth (Part II) – 9 September 2013

If you are reading this, even if prone, kudos to you just for making it to September.
Because of the way 2013 opened for me personally, with the sudden and unexpected passing of my mother, I had a very strong feeling…despite all the magical things I was hearing and being shown from the higher realms…that the entire year was going to, yet again, mimic the last 13.  Of course, I didn’t want to admit/accept/surrender to that knowing, but it was definitely there.
What I didn’t expect, is that this year would/could possibly feel any worse than 2012, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1.

Because the ascension volume was turned up so LOUD this year, and because each successive month has been more excruciating than the last, for the first time on this whole journey, I literally couldn’t see how I would get to September. And at times, I was so deflated that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to.
But somehow, someway, I/you/we did.  And that alone deserves a giant (soul) group hug because f.i.n.a.l.l.y, a tiny flickering light at the end of an unacceptably long and dark tunnel is beginning to emerge.
In case you hadn’t noticed, we have been anesthetized under the veil of forgetfulness (separation) again…pretty much non-stop since the last (and second) grand sextile/merkaba activation on August 25th.  Some say longer, but the point is that if you are here now, you are well on your way to returning/reconnecting/recalibrating to your true (power) Source as the final stages of assimilation from that recent energy blast stabilizes and takes hold within our physical cells. And yes, that integration period was another EPIC one.
This is a random non-sequitor, but each time we reemerge from these clearings after a major rewire, I marvel at the seeming similarities to dementia…where I eventually return to a state of full consciousness after a usually lonnnng period of memory (of home) loss, distinct (karmic patterning) personality changes, and impaired (limited) reasoning.  Makes you wonder.
Part II of this 2-part series is aptly subtitled the birth because, according to the voices in me head, we are gearing up for what Pleiadian High Council calls the “soul merge”, which is the last (?) requirement to step fully into the new world. This sacred (masculine/feminine) merge will apparently propel us into the unified state of being we have been working so unbelievably hard to attain, what they call the soul’s complete expression of self.  
I am also hearing that this meeting of the sacred minds precipitates the separation of worlds (within), and will enable us to drop a ton of old/karmic baggage which ultimately grants us the ability to uphold 5D+ as our resolute reality. omgyesssspleeeez  Can you even imagine what it would be like to NOT carry around the accumulated weight of our personal pasts???  Without it, there is literally nothing to weigh us down…no wonder the unseens say we will no longer be bound by gravity.
In the super insightful words of Stephanie Azaria: karma IS gravity!   That brilliance has never been more apparent to me than right now.
Anyway, before I break this information down into bite size pieces, let me first present you with the Pleiadian perspective of what the potential of this month in particular holds for us…
Tho September is always a month of major review, contemplation, and ultimately the integration of all we have been growing into during the 9-month gestation journey that we embark upon every calendar year, I am also hearing that this month we begin to solidify (birth) our 5D experience and that before us are some openings that will precipitate both a major ending and simultaneous new beginning.
The PHC say that we are going to be both completing a level of incarnation, as well as beginning a new incarnation.  This present incarnation experience I am told, will end with our soul’s merge into unity, and our new incarnation will begin with our connection to the full truth of who we are.  Pretty trippy.
This ending that we are referring to is one of great magnitude.  It is not only the end of a major phase in your earthly life, it is the end of an accumulation of many lifetimes, for many souls here, in what we would call…the lower world of form.
Once you release yourself from the lower world, you will be able to maintain the unified, LOVE-filled consciousness, in every delightful cell of your radiant being. -PHC
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