lunes, septiembre 09, 2013
"I have had enough of 3D!" (Actually, you haven't!) ~ Divine Self via Simon NightStarr - Sep 9, 2013
You are all souls that "came here" to experience third-dimensional reality, and thus no amount of resistance against this fact can cause you to escape this choice that you have made. Not even suicide is successful, because the law of motion in your universe is such that your soul must "return" to experience 3D if you are resisting it in any way. Most humans inwardly carry a death-wish on a subconscious level, and it is this attitude of escapism that causes you to miss the point, the point of power, your point of attraction, which is always NOW. "Things are not going my (the ego's) way, and the world doesn't understand me, so I need to leave!" This is a pervasive attitude, and it takes many forms, most of which do not appear to you to be "suicidal," when in fact they are. Developing a "terminal" disease may be one form this attitude may take. Escapism is, in a very practical sense, the most-practiced "religion" among humans at this present time. This has no doubt been the case for many millennia on your planet, however this is increasingly declining as more and more of you awaken to your True Spiritual Nature. All creatures naturally seek well-being, humans as well, and thus you are quite resilient as a species.
This mass awakening, this Great Shift, is NOT about running from your own soul's decision to experience 3D. Many, many lightworkers have yet to come face-to-face with this subconscious suicidal desire to "escape" physical reality. It is the fear of not looking at it and forgiving oneself for holding such a disempowering belief that perpetuates the sense of loneliness, desolation and lack that dominates much of human consciousness. This desire to "escape" is so deeply entrenched in the psyche that even many "old souls" find themselves struggling with finding inner peace in the here-now. This desire to escape has always been about the "self" denying the Self, the True Self; it has never been about "the world." It has never been about "society." It is not about how you were raised by your parents, or parent, or whoever "raised" you.
"To thine own SELF be true" is a universal lesson all humans are learning, and you will not understand this lesson in terms of thinking that there is but "one shot" or only one lifetime or incarnation in which it can be learned. The law of motion (cause-and-effect, karma) is such that you cannot escape what has already been "set" in terms of what you have all agreed upon within the Divine Design of God's Plan, which in simple terms of what this message specifically pertains to is that in a linear sense you must all master the 3D realm and experience enlightenment. It is a cosmic joke, so to speak, that the ONLY true way to "escape" 3D physicality is to forgive ALL resentments one has towards oneself (which the ego projects as a need to forgive "others").
Those who make such statements as "I have had enough of 3D!" are still very much "asleep at the wheel," not really guiding their thoughts, feelings and actions along a path of least resistance. (No human is totally without resistance, not even those awakened ones like Nisargadatta Maharaj and Jesus.) This message is therefore given in the clear understanding that its energy serves as a catalyst for further growth and awakening to the Divine Inner Being that you are. None of you have had "enough." Those who truly have had enough are not the ones who go around making such silly statements. It is a quiet, inner recognition of one's readiness to move on to another state of consciousness/being. Although in the creation-illusion that you experience there are indeed "higher" dimensions and densities beyond 3D, this Divine Self will not be addressing this in detail in this message. Suffice it to say here that you are all always experiencing a dimensional blend, a cosmic soup, of energies.
You cannot really escape your own soul's responsibility. Look within and see how beautiful and beloved you really are, even as you discover more "darkened" areas of consciousness in your mind that need forgiving. To forgive is to give-for-love. You are giving in the Name of God's Love, for Divine Love is What-You-Really-Are. In the "high dimensions" love is understood not as you "understand" it on Earth, for there is seen to be no difference between "God" and "love" and "self." Allow yourself to be RAISED by the Holy Spirit, your Higher Self, in all your endeavors, and you are thus following a path of least resistance. Ask your Higher Mind why you would want to "escape" physicality as you currently experience it. Be quiet and listen for clarity. Even the "non-physical" that most channelings speak of is actually a less-dense physicality, in terms of having "substance." Only the Absolute is truly non-physical, and this Reality cannot be imagined, Itself being beyond all imagination and descriptions. And the "kicker" is this: Only the Absolute actually exists!
Negative escapist attitudes greatly affect all that is perceived and translated into 3D physical terms. The majority of "channeled messages" (remember, in a broad sense ALL messages, ALL *things* are vibrationally "channeled" into physicality, no exceptions) are quite a bit discolored by fear-based, "unconscious" escapist beliefs that are based on a dreadful sense of lack, and this is partly why so many messages speak of "ascension." The other reason is that Divine Intelligence sincerely wants you to ascend, to awaken, from the sheep's sleep (humorously), the dream of physicality, although this "desire" is not as the ego would define it, for it is based upon KNOWING the "end result" of your At-one-ment, not merely "hoping" for the better. What I desire for you has already been accomplished by you, blessed ones! You are simply "awakening" to the true What-Is that is the Eternal Now. Remember, your only power is NOW. Your power of choice is NOW. "Act now!" many of your marketing campaigns say, and I say that all actions are always NOW, for there is no other "time" but NOW.
Although human civilizations have existed upon Earth for FAR longer than is commonly held by many, in a practical sense your current civilization is still very much a "baby" in terms of its primitive, survival-based beliefs, and this must and IS shifting and changing for the highest and best. You need not feel dismayed by the "hiccups" of this baby as it moves from crawling to walking to flying, to ascending, for these are inevitable stages of civilization (even those that have apparently "fell"). Yes, as a race you are indeed perceiving more multidimensionally than you have for many millennia, and those of you reading this can of course expect to see much more of this rising trend. NONE of you have had "enough" of third dimensionality. Embrace your disillusionment with open, loving arms!! It is a necessary stage of your awakening process, you see.
You can desperately await the "motherships" and "disclosure" for decades if you wish, for those in which this is the case, but you cannot do so forever. God-Source is your only "Mother," your only rescue, and you must find "her" within your Higher Mind. The Great Goddess discloses Her secrets in silence, not in desperation. :) Watch as "disclosures" come, and those who were desperate for them will not even be truly grateful! You can only be appreciative through letting go of desperation, My children.
All forms of resistance, even "peaceful resistance," are ultimately given up in favor of the Pure Peace of God that knows no offense nor defense. Please re-read that, if you will. Knowing this, Divine Self does indeed encourage your activist demonstrations of less resistance, for resistance itself never achieves positive results. Humans have made a religion out of resistance, and thankfully its membership is declining (even while worldly appearances may seem to show otherwise, meaning "more" resistance). Actually, the mass mind of humanity is quite a bit less repressed than it has been for decades, centuries, millennia, and this is why most adults are seeing what appears to be more chaos in various areas of human experience. The truth is that you are merely witnessing GREATER EXPRESSION of long-held feelings, and this freer expression of your emotions is causing you to physically live longer in your bodies. This is simple cause/effect evolution of your species. This is ironic that as a race you are physically living longer, while at the same time so many of you are loudly proclaiming that you want to "go Home" (even if you do not verbally affirm this). Yet this is all simply part of the general plan that you have agreed to, to express your fears, your joys, your beliefs, your desires, more honestly, openly and fully, you see. The rapid technological advancements that you are seeing are only a by-product of this inner psychological advancement. You are not becoming more like machines. If that is what you choose to believe about humanity, that is fine, yet it is not actually what is occurring by any means. ;) Humans are becoming more fully human, period. Humanity IS healing its mass mind of its suicidal death wish. This is the plan, and it cannot fail.
Of course, your True Home is not a place called Earth, yet you are not going to realize this Home through "dying" to get there! (Unless you metaphorically mean "ego death," which is but a metaphor, for there is no actual death of anything.) The point that Divine Self is really making when it is stated that your point of power is NOW is that YOU HAVE NEVER LEFT HOME! You are, right now, safe at Home in God, your True Home, even while Consciousness is dreaming up this "you" that is reading these words. As you awaken to this very Universal Truth, your 3D reality is richer and more enjoyable in deeper levels of feeling. You can experience realization of Heaven right here and now, when you so choose to. God-realization is but REMEMBERING the Timeless Truth. That is all it is, blessed ones. When you realize that there is absolutely nothing to escape, you recognize that you ARE Home.
Ángeles de Crystal