
domingo, septiembre 01, 2013

Denise Le Fay - Important RECAP & End of Nine Month Period - Sept. 1, 2013

In January 2013 when I first noticed that the end of the Nine Months period happens on 9-22-13, those numbers really struck me and instantly triggered a series of higher awareness understandings about past/present/future events and the upcoming Separation of Worlds & Timelines. I apologize for the length of this article, but I believe it will be worth the time to read through it and connect some more Ascension dots.
I’ve mentioned in past articles, and covered in A Lightworker’s Mission, that my Ascension Process started in January 1991 with the start of my Uranus Opposition (age 39). Next, in February 1999 at age 47, I entered the brutal start of the physical level, biological body Ascension Process. If you’ve read A Lightworker’s Mission you know what I went through from 1999 and why. But, something happened in 2001 that I intentionally left out of the book (and blog articles) because it wasn’t the time for me to say much of anything about it publicly — it is now however.
In the book I detail the profoundly horrible period I, my Mother, and even our pets went through because of two brothers that rented a house next door to us in April 2000. Long story short, they were possessed by a single demonic entity and were intentionally manipulated by It, Team Dark, to move in next door to us Elder Starseed Lightworkers in an attempt to stop/kill/drive mad/destroy/derail me and what we both were doing energetically in any way Team Dark (4D nonhuman and 3D human) could. Did I know any of this at that time? Unfortunately no because I was so profoundly sick from the Ascension Process. The situation (both physical and etheric attacks) with those possessed neighbors only made my already miserable and profoundly difficult Ascension Process vastly worse of course. When a Team Light Starseed/Wanderer/Lightworker is down and struggling with transmuting density duality, Team Dark typically takes advantage and rushes in and tries to finish you off!
So here were these two (slightly younger than myself) males that are some of the lowest of the low who are completely controlled by this 4D demon and I’m profoundly sick and weakened due to the intensity and amount of energetic transmuting I was doing then via the physical body Ascension Process. These neighbors hated us, and we them, and it was an impossibly difficult time that lasted for years.
Early one morning (remember I live in southern California) these possessed neighbors deliberately opened their front door and turned their TV up really loud because they very much wanted us to hear it. They had never done anything like this with their TV before so I knew something else was up. After about fifteen minutes of listening to their damned TV intentionally blaring away early in the morning at us out their front door, I realized they desperately wanted me and Mom to know that something was unfolding on TV. I gave in and turned on my TV to see what it was that they so obviously wanted us to be aware of. There, live as it was happening, was what’s become known as the 9-11 event.
Team Dark very much wanted us of Team Light to see and feel this live event unfold in physicality and our possessed neighbors were manipulated to let me and my Mom know about it. (Normally we wouldn’t have turned our TVs on until early evening Pacific time.) I knew instantly that day that the event I was watching unfold on TV was a multidimensional Team Dark creation and was so much more than was claimed and believed to be at the time it happened and for these 12 years. 12 is a number frequency that has represented 3D physicality; 12 hours in a day/night, 12 zodiac signs, 12 ancient Tribes etc. 13 is a number frequency that represents everything beyond the 12 of 3D physicality of old. It represents Christ or 5D High Heart Consciousness and being etc. This is why Team Dark did its best to convince humanity that 13 was/is evil, dangerous, suspect etc. and to be left alone; they don’t want you escaping the old lower frequency and systems and evolving/ascending to the higher frequencies represented by 13.
Let me backtrack a bit more. Many weeks before this date I had clairaudiently heard and felt the most hateful, evil, nonhuman voice talking about how it was ‘time for the white man to pay, time for justice to be had…’ and other intensely hateful rants. What struck me when I heard this weeks before the date mentioned above, was that the voice I heard was a nonhuman voice and not only some vengeful human male(s) from the Middle East. There have long been unseen nonhuman Team Dark 4D Astral puppet masters orchestrating, manipulating and directing certain 3D human puppets to get more humans to carry out whatever 4D Astral Team Dark wants to happen in 3D earth physicality.
I knew from clairaudiently hearing this voice and the incomprehensible amount of hatred and darkness in it that it was a 4D Astral Team Dark being talking to other 4D Astral Team Dark beings who were working from that dimension to intentionally create, affect, manipulate, direct and finally impact the physical 3D earth and humanity physically in some big way for some big reasons. A few weeks after I head this voice, Team Dark’s 4D Astral plans manifested in the 3D physical earth world on 9-11-01.
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number 9 Keywords–Completion, completion of a cycle of events, end/beginning, accomplishment, attainment, influence over situations, influence in circumstances.
number 11 –Master Number, visionary, “treachery and betrayal from secret enemies”, psychic awareness, awakening, multidimensional creativity, portals open and portals close.
gold zero –Void, unmanifest, potential, unlimited, nothing/everything, transformational change, intensity, eternal.
red1 –Strong will, power, visionary, new beginnings, new adventures, exert one’s intent, creator, actions.
01purple –Combine the keywords from 0 zero and 1 and you can easily see and sense the ripe potential that year held to create. (Yes I know I’ve ignored the number 2 in 2001 but even if you add in the 2 to the 0 and 1 you get 3 which is still intense manifestation within 3D physicality!) The unmanifest potential contained in 0 combined with the sheer power and drive to manifest something in the energies of number 1 provided a LOT of energy and force to create whatever a group of someone’s wanted to create…so they did.
Team Dark intentionally used the powerful combination of energies available from 9, 11, zero and 1 — 9-11-01 — to create an offshoot earth world and timeline where they would stay in total control over that world and those who exist on it. What Team Dark intentionally created utilizing the energies available on 9-11-01 was to deliberately create a huge emotional and psychic fracture in much of humanity; a horrific trauma that left people in shock making them even easier to control and herd in another direction, plus implement some new laws of the land to better control the masses then and in the future.
4D Astral Team Dark (Negative Orion/Reptilian/Draconian Alien beings etc.) intentionally created and carried out the 9-11-01 event (and much more) because they could See that in the near future the earth world that you and I incarnated on was headed for devastating natural disasters and the extinction of human life on earth around 2012. Because Team Dark did not want to lose their control and energetic food and fuel source, which has always been humanity and earth, they intentionally created a trauma to humanity massive enough to use energetically to fuel their creation of an offshoot earth world where they would continue to control humans and activities on that earth world. That physical offshoot earth world that Team Dark intentionally created through their multidimensional actions we call “9-11″ — that earth world is called Planet B.
4D Team Dark did what they’ve always done and manipulated the 3D humans they could to carry out their desires and plans in 3D physical earth reality to benefit themselves. Just like when some intense trauma or shock impacts a human, oftentimes that human will fracture their personality because they’re so traumatized by whatever it was that happened and couldn’t cope with and remain intact through it all. Team Dark has intentionally and repeatedly done this same thing to mass humanity from the 4D Astral to induce global trauma and shock in as many 3D humans as they could. This they did very well with their carefully crafted event that happened in physical 3D on 9-11-01. 
4D Team Dark created this 3D physical event to use the dark emotional and psychic energies from the shock, trauma, fear, chaos, physical/emotional/mental/psychic pain, turmoil and growing hatred that event created in global humanity to deliberately induce so much trauma and fear that they could create a fracture in the human psyche which gave them the energetic fuel they needed to create and manifest an offshoot earth world and timeline that they do continue to control and use.
Do not misunderstand what I’m saying and believe that 4D and 3D Team Dark are “All Powerful” or that I believe they are because I do not. I want it clearly understood that Team Dark was allowed to do this by Divine Source so there would continue to be a physical earth world where darkness and negativity rule and that it would be even worse, even darker, even more violent and horrific than the dark negative earth world you and I were born on. Why allowed and why even darker and more negative? For those people/souls who haven’t figured it out yet! Divine Source allowed this creation by Team Dark — it did NOT happen because 4D and 3D Team Dark were “All Powerful”. They still believe they are of course, but Divine Source has given them more time to hopefully learn and grow and figure a few things out too.
Team Dark has always known more about certain things than the most conscious of incarnate Starseeds/Wanderers/Lightworkers Volunteers have because they’ve always been able to “See” past/present/future timelines and alternate worlds and probable realities from the 4D Astral. They had this tremendous advantage up until the 12-21-12 Expiration Date, but from that point forward, 4D Astral nonhuman and 3D Physical human Team Dark members have NOT had the “Sight” and extremely valuable information it’s always given them. This is why a lot of human Remote Viewers could not and cannot See past the 12-21-12 Expiration Date. This is also why some of the ultra-sensitive Team Light Forerunners have been increasingly aware of in 2013 that the 4D Astral is feeling like, sounding like, looking like, and been acting like everyone’s hair is on fire there! The 4D Astral and 3D human Team Dark members lost their tremendous advantage over this earth world and humanity on it at the 12-21-12 Expiration Date and have ever since been hustling to adapt to endings, separations, and major limitations as their old habitual reality, negative abilities and other tools and ways have been severely restricted and highly isolated finally. The 12-21-12 Expiration Date was exactly that and a total black out and lock out to 4D and 3D Team Dark activated then preventing them from being able to continue Seeing multiple future timelines and world realities and manipulating them to their advantage. Welcome to the NEW dark, Dark.
What’s happened in the timeline after 9-11-01 is equally interesting when viewed from Higher Awareness. In a nutshell, 4D Team Dark did what they did to create their offshoot earth world 12 years ago — what’s become known as Planet B. Before, during, and after that date and event TEAM LIGHT has continuously worked very hard to create a higher frequency offshoot earth world themselves — what we call the NEW Planet A/B. We Team Light incarnate Volunteers on physical earth came to transmute the density, the negativity, the duality of the old world we incarnated on to cause it to ascend in density, vibration, frequency, Light, Heart and Consciousness to the point that a NEW physical earth world and timeline was manifestedPlanet A/B.
In another timeline the original earth world (if it can be called that) we elders incarnated on continued towards escalating “Earth Changes” — catastrophic global natural disasters — to the point that humanity could no longer exit on it. This is the earth world some people were clairvoyantly Seeing twenty, twenty-five or more years ago and drawing maps of that looked nothing like where the current continents are located. This is the same earth world that many incarnate human Starseeds/Wanderers/Lightworkers were reminded repeatedly about and shown terrible images of by certain ETs over the decades either telepathically while awake; while asleep and out-of-body; and/or while out-of-body and on their UFO craft with them, that humanity was headed towards IF they did not change themselves, their consciousness, their beliefs and ways very fast.
I clairvoyantly saw that original earth world almost constantly from the mid to late 1990s. What I repeatedly saw clairvoyantly was a horrific sight to See and feel and was a powerful reminder and constant motivator that I was on earth for very specific reasons and to not waste time jerking around trying to be a “regular human” when I was a Starseed/Wanderer/Lightworker here on a VERY specific mission playing out on a VERY precise timeline. I know many of you reading this got the same messages and reminders in the ways you did and/or now are.
Team Dark has done things from the 4D Astral into the 3D Physical to make sure they will continue to have a physical earth world (and other offshoot ones of it too) where they are still in control and continue to parasite off humans even more severely than before if you can comprehend that. The Light gets lighter and larger and the Dark places get much darker and more compressed so that people/souls eventually figure out Duality and individually decide to head themselves back towards the Light/Home/Unity.
Simultaneously to all this TEAM LIGHT worked obsessively transmuting density duality across 3D earth and time (and in the 2D Elemental and 4D Astral and more) to help create a NEW higher frequency offshoot earth world and timeline where physicality and duality can still be experienced when needed for overall Soul growth, but, minus all Team Dark. This NEW earth world — Planet A/Bis a Stair Step world for the rest of humanity able to reach it now, to continue their Ascension Process on a physical earth world with Duality but without Team Dark and Team Dark influences like we had in the old lower earth world and timeline. This will make it tremendously easier and faster for humanity on Planet A/B to continue integrating duality in themselves individually and collectively and eventually evolve/ascend beyond this vastly improved NEW balanced and sane Stair Step world and level and reach full 5D.
Know that just because I’m talking about these things now does NOT mean that you or I will directly experience Planet B or any Planet B scenarios. You and I will continue to exist where we have for a couple of years already — the NEW balanced and Light-filled but still dualized but sane Planet A/B. Others will continue existing on this NEW dualized Planet A/B but with growing 5D consciousness and abilities. Most others will continue on it but from lower Stair Steps of development and awareness and will continue their ongoing Ascension Process which, at this level is, polarity/duality integration and eventual full resolution. Others will fully ascend to nonphysical 5D Planet A or elsewhere and so on. However, all this does NOT cancel out the FACT that Planet B and numerous other offshoot worlds of it will exist as other needed worlds and timelines for the people/souls who want, need, desire or are unaware enough to be drawn, sidetracked, or manipulated into it.
You will not experience Planet B or any of its offshoots unless you or I get really stupid or careless and fall or let ourselves be manipulated etc. back down vibrationally into a lower dense band of awareness and negative emotional focus… which we won’t because we’re not stupid after all we’ve been through! But, for some people (“fluffies”) to outright deny the existence of these other worlds and levels of reality and ongoing soul education and the many people/souls that want and/or need these (to us) unpleasant dark experiences just because you cannot yet grasp larger, more complex truths is egoic, deluded, and shows great disrespect towards everyone. It’s grow up time which means it’s time to know much more about much more, and obviously Duality!

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goldbrick9 Keywords–Completion, completion of an Evolutionary Cycle, personal completion, collective completion, Shifting to the NEW levels and timelines, Endings and simultaneous NEW Beginnings.
platinum22 –Master Number, Spiritual Master in Form, Master Builder, birth of the NEW physically, highest manifestations, unlimited, evolution, Universal transformation, Universal Love, creation, global implementation of the higher frequency NEW.
blue13 –Divine Christed Feminine, Return of the “Goddess” aspect of Source, Christ plus 12 disciples=13, Unity, the fifth dimension, Ascension, Enlightenment, evolution of consciousness back into the Light, purity, incorruptible, transcendence of matter, levels above/beyond the old 3D physical realm and consciousness, Divinity, High Heart being and consciousness.
1) Winter/summer Solstice December 21, 2012 was the first Expiration Date or cutoff point of the old Evolutionary Cycle and all that went with it which includes 4D and 3D Team Dark  running the entire patriarchal earth and humanity.
2) Next energetic Stair Step was the very important transitional Nine Month period from 12-21-12 to 9-22-13, and even it was broken into Three Trimesters (more of those energetic Stair Steps for everyone). The Nine Months period has been extreme, intense, difficult, painful emotionally and physically, exhausting, highly frustrating at times, yet profoundly progressive and expansive simultaneously just under the surface of all that other intense stuff!
3) The next Stair Step is the fall/spring Equinox September 22, 2013 which is the second Expiration Date and cutoff point and is the activation within the physical of the Separation of Worlds & Timelines. This date is more meaningful to me personally than all the other important ones that came before it because 9-22-13 is the last and absolute energetic cutoff point from the old Evolutionary Cycle, world, and those Negatives who ran planet earth and limited and controlled humanity for thousands of years. This cosmic spiritual Milestone surpasses all the great ones before it to me because it’s the start of the NEW across the board.
Will this 9-22-13 Shift point alter everything physically, magically, instantly overnight? Yes and no, but just like 12-21-12 was the Expiration Date of the old Evolutionary Cycle, this date is an absolute ending/beginning point and the NEW begins fully on the physical which entails the separation between the different worlds and timelines. We enter a totally NEW phase of this huge Process on 9-22-13 which will be easier and faster than what we’ve already been through. Added to this 9-22-13 Expiration Date is the entrance into increasingly higher levels of individual Higher Awareness which will make everything vastly easier to deal with! Change like what will start physically after we complete the Nine Month period will have its difficult moments for sure, but, that doesn’t mean that you personally will or have to experience them. Keep that in your Higher Heartmind and intentions as the NEW begins and obliterates the old lower everything. This too is a transitional time as the old lower collapses and disappears and the NEW higher and much better in every way replaces it all. Remember the Uranus/Pluto Squares happening from 2012 through 2015? They HAVE to unfold and do the dismantling that they will in the physical world so there’s an important clue about how long these intense and possibly difficult changes may take. More about this major physical transitional phase in other articles. No fear.
From what I’ve seen clairvoyantly and perceived from Higher Awareness so far, there are many more worlds and Earth-like worlds than just these Primary three. For example and very briefly, there are different offshoot worlds of Planet B so that all types of different dark/darker/darkest experiences can be experienced. One of these offshoot Planet B worlds is one where humans and machines are the main focus, desire, and intention. It’s a completely heartless, scientific, left brained intellectual world where humans have willingly given up their humanity, their power, their spirituality etc. to become strictly left brained technological flesh machines.
There is another Planet B offshoot world where war is taken to the end extreme and all human life is eventually obliterated from the insane desire and blood-lust to endlessly war against others. This world is so ravaged by human warring and bombings etc. that it becomes non-life sustaining.
Another Planet B offshoot world is where the human Team Dark “elite” totally control the planet and enslave humankind far worse than the 3D Earth world we incarnated into. It’s a totally fear-based and utterly controlled world minus all Team Light where the absolute worst of the worst and most imbalanced and insane “elite” control all of humanity and the planet. This particular Planet B offshoot Earth world is the one that’s directly connected to their old 9-11-01 event.
I won’t focus much on the NEW Planet A/B because it’s a Primary Stair Step world for the people/souls that still need and/or desire a physical world schoolroom to continue their polarity integration journey and education towards eventual full ascension to nonphysical 5D. This NEW balanced and sane Planet A/B Earth world has its timeline and is coded to function for a certain number of years to help humans focus on making the transition from Duality to Triality or Unity Consciousness, frequency, and being. I’ve read Cosmic Awareness saying that the NEW Planet A/B is coded for approximately 3,000–3,600 years if memory serves, and this timeline certainly feels correct to me. It’s plenty long enough to get the job done and make the natural evolutionary Stair Step on up to 5D consciousness and non-physicality.
I have seen and perceived many different versions of the NEW Planet A which is just wonderful. There is a primary Earth-like nonphysical world but there’s so much variety to it due to the 5D High Heart Conscious Creativity of its inhabitants that’s it’s impossible to talk about them all. What I’ve perceived so far of it is beyond beautiful; it’s stellar-like, crystalline-like, highly creative and diverse, full of Light, High Heart, and contains only people/souls of Light and other Light Beings and is much like “Home” to Starseeds/Wanderers/Lightworkers.
In other words, if lets say there’s 500 humans/souls that have fully ascended to this Planet A today, then there’s 500 unique individual versions of this fully ascended Planet A all existing within this same space and frequency range. Think of this like different neighborhoods or different towns in one big country. They all exist within the same place but there are slight differences from one house to another house, from one neighborhood to another neighborhood, from one town to another town and so on.
So old lower Planet B of 9-11 separates and goes its way; NEW Planet A/B of 9-22 separates and goes its way and so on with them all. Obviously from this last Expiration Date and cutoff point of 9-22-13, everything changes everywhere but that’s a lot of other articles! This article was I feel, a much-needed recap and overview of what we’ve already been through and why and how it all has been part of the massive ongoing Ascension Process in every way. In a few short weeks we’ll go further into the reality-altering changes that Planet A/B is and will be going through for the next few years. Yes all this could happen faster if all of humanity was more evolved, collectively aware, and all functioning within a closer range than they currently are. Because they’re not it’s simply going to take some “time” in physicality for the old patriarchy and their systems to completely fall and be replaced with the higher frequency NEW and run entirely by those of the Light. Having said all that, this transition will happen very quickly all things considered! Thanks for wading through this very long article, and know that your Donations are always greatly appreciated. ♥♥♥
September 1, 2013
multicolored copyright 2 Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and live link http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/