
miércoles, agosto 28, 2013

AA Michael - ToolBox – Introduction - Marc Gamma - August 27, 2013

ToolBox – Introduction

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
Beloved humans on Earth. This is your Heavenly Father speaking to you. And this time I am not coming with a message to you – it is these tools and some pieces of assistance that I want to submit to you. These “Tools” will not be placed to your disposal solely by myself – no, it is far more some mutual work collaborated by myself, my sons, and daughters.

It is entirely optional and up to you which tool you make use of in what sequence. The only pre-requisite for applying them is your firm belief and intention to avail yourselves of all possible options of those tools which we shall submit to you.

Archangel Michael, my son, will be available to you for assistance in this procedure – in either option – be it as channel-medium and also as human aspect incarnated here on Earth in the Time of Now. He is my son and also my right hand here on Earth. Whoever needs his support may only call out for him. He will be there for you and at your side – and in this context I mean that special part of him from my heavenly side. The other part of him staying on your side will be given another task. One of these tasks has already been announced and therefore is known to you – other ones will follow in communication and publication in due course when time will have become mature enough for it.
Now regarding the “Tools: Both, my channel-medium and my Son have named this project as “Toolbox” and I think it is a good name. In time to come we shall equip this “Toolbox” with all needy implements and tools.
It is imperative that on application of all tools all details resp. limitations are strictly to be adhered to since otherwise you may afflict harm to yourselves and others. Most of the Tools are absolutely without any problem. There are – however – some which may be solely applied according to their application method as described. It is our target that the “Toolbox” is meant to assist you in the issues of your daily life as a sort of escort and companion. It will contain various tools designed for most different applications. And it will be entirely your decision what you choose to apply and which you consider the most useful tool for your very own purpose.
Nobody will interfere with you in any way. It is only for supporting you that we shall stay at your side and escorting you in all that you do and what you apply.
And now here is a tiny survey of what this “Toolbox” entails. In there following tools will be found and at your disposal:
  1. The Protecting Shield of Archangel Michael.
  2. The Protecting Shield of Ascended Master St. Germain
  3. The Purgatory Flame of Archangel Raphael
  4. The Purgatory and Transforming Flame of Ascended Master St. Germain
  5. The Energizing Light of the Creator, Father of All-There-Is
  6. The Transmuting Energy of Archangel Metatron
  7. The Dissolving Flame of Archangel Jophiel
  8. The Healing Flame of Archangel Raphael
Each one of above listed tools will be submitted from each respective one held responsible for the tool in question.
The introduction is up to me and also the Energizing Light of Creation. I do hope you will be pleased with all tools which we place at your disposal. It is the very first time that all the most important tools will be given to you completely together in a “sachet” here under the name of “Toolbox”.
And it will also be the very first time that we matched up our “Community work” in a harmonizing way. You will find that the tools are flowing over each other in some constructuring mode.
I am curious and excited about how many humans now will finally learn to apply these tools since still up to now you do not make enough use of all celestial tools given to you. There are still humans doubting and not believing these tools being effective or functioning properly.
Keep in mind, please, those who believe will be able to move mountains!
Now we have had enough of all introduction – I shall leave it now to my children to carry on since they are patiently awaiting their turn to deliver their parts for the “Toolbox” here.
In great love to all you my children.
Your Father

Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://soul4free.wordpress.com