
jueves, julio 11, 2013



We are the energies from the Pleiades and we come to guide and to support at this time when ALL voices in the universe now talk as ONE for the time is NOW. We call to our children and to ALL children of the stars for the time is NOW. The time of the SONG OF THE SPHERES is here for the human race, this was always to BE for ALL ARE. Do you understand our guidance ar this time dear ones? We walk the dreamtime platforms and we call to those who have recognised the symbols and the frequency codings that are now begin downloaded by ALL who came to help the human race elevate in consciousness and ascend to the UNIVERSE OF 3 and beyond. That which has been dreamt is now created.

The physical waking world now preparing for the shattering of containment in TRUTH and the elevation of a species that has been kept in the dark for aeons. Those who sought to contain and suppress working to contain through frequency, this frequency patterning is now no longer support upon planet earth and her children will now be asked to anchor TRUTH to new levels once this frequency pattern is shattered from around the planets core. This shattering will be done in TRUTH and will begin with the alignment of the stars. For ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST ARE.

The DAWN of the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND now approaches and many of you may FEEL this within your BEing. We call out to the GALACTIC part of SELF, that part that is independent of the human form, we ask for this part to remember why you incarnated into this race and why you have chosen the life path that you have chosen. The training for the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND now released from the cellular structure of the human vehicle will see new paradigms and new ways of living and creating on planet earth released into the consciousness of humanity. That which has confined and contained dissolved in TRUTH.

Many of you now walk in two worlds, aligning fully with your SOUL will see one of these worlds dissolve into the shadow that it is in TRUTH. The new world is LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY And TRUTH, TRUTH JUST IS and we guide for you to ankhor this deeply within your very BEing.

The time of walking in death is over, the time of walking in grief is over, the time of walking in hardship is over for a new human is now born upon the planetary system of EARTH in TRUTH. This new human will remember who they are in TRUTH, they will walk the planet in TRUTH and they will breathe LIFE back into ALL for ALL ARE ONE.

We are the energies of the Pleiades and we reach out to ALL at this time, we stand with our brothers and our sisters in TRUTH, no matter what their race or their colour for TRUTH JUST IS. We stand with ALL as ALL NOW prepare to welcome the human race to the physical reality that is TRUTH. BE at peace dear ones for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved




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