
miércoles, julio 24, 2013

My Memory of WW2 as a B-17 Pilot or Co-Pilot by Multidimensional Ocean - July 23, 2013

Hi Guys! I am back!! Had a wondeful time at my spiritual work group. A few memories came back to me: somehow it turns out that my fear of flying is due to the fact that I was a 1st or 2d World War aviatrix (pilot, co-pilot or navigator). Not sure how much flying i did, but i do recall one particular night flight, in a storm, I was besides the pilot, who is someone i have had many life times with – including on Atlantis, and Egypt. I see us sitting in cockpit, I am sitting on the right hand side, the pilot sits left. It is night, i walk on the pilot’s side, and look out the window to one of the engines. It is metalic looking, and for some reason it is giving us concern.

I am on a British or American bomber, possibly the flying fortress…. In the back of my mind, there is a strong connection between these 2 countries and me, and it is possible that i took part in joint operations between both countries.
As far as I can see this, that particular plane had recently made it from the States and we were going into Germany.
Strangely enough, the atmophere is peaceful, nobody else is in the sky, nobody is targetting us.
It was a wonderful weekend, and it certainly explains a lot about my flying recent panic attacks, particular in smaller aircrafts, with big side propellers.
Perhaps more will come about this, and you may find me posting more about WW2 aircrafts in the coming months
RIP to all those who fought at sea, on land and in the air.
I hope that the need for revenge will not prevail in our psyche and that no world war will ever take place again.
I hope that all wars will soon stop