
viernes, julio 05, 2013

Inspirations from my Higher Self – Nr. 3 - M. Gamma - July 5, 2013

Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary
Emotions are controlling our life if we let them
Emotions are feelings by which humans may be able to experience themselves in relation to their surroundings. Emotions are the building bricks human experience. Be it either to the good or to the negative outcome. Without emotions humans cannot grow. Lacking emotions will make humans not recognize that a limitation has been reached.

And considering limitations: these do not have to be always positive but also negative ones. To recognize and judging about emotions having been outlived will be only possible if one has acknowledged one’s very own greatness and has accepted it as it is. Emotions also will show you where there is still work to be done for this is their target. Emotions are leading you through the “Jungle of Life”. And this is the sort of life which has once been destined by oneself – serving to notify human beings where there is their contemporary standing in the big game of growing until they will have returned back to the Creator of All-There-Is.

Emotions do exist – and this fact actually has to be acknowledged. Why do they occur – not really not to be lived out – no, they are here to be recognized as such by any human being knowing how to put these into some order and what conclusions of learning more could be reached. Once you have solved this riddle, living with emotions will become so easy since they do not control you anymore. On the contrary you then shall be able to recognize your emotions as indicators and not as burdens. This is one of the pieces of old wisdom known for long but never handed down to subsequent generations.
It is only by emotions to take over some possible control over and influence human beings in steering their lives. Once these possible steering qualities fall apart the so-called elitist society will get lost since it likewise will lose their most essential instrument to influence mankind in such way that human beings will act accordingly to add to the personal enrichment of the so-called elite.
Thus act from this very maxim that you always are able to control your emotions. The sole question is how and when will you start with such activity? Please, start as soon as possible with it and you will become those which cannot be manipulated any more by others!
Introduction to “Inspirations from my Higher Self” <Link>
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://soul4free.wordpress.com