
lunes, julio 15, 2013

Eating sunlight – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 15, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Note: The message is not too long today after a long day. I am again on a job travel and don’t know if I can receive a message tomorrow.
My child, you could go more often into the sun. But please without sunscreen, it blocks only all the information the sun is sending to you. In addition, these chemicals are very unhealthy. When you have a sensitive skin increase the time but slowly. Begin with few minutes until you can gradually stay longer in the sun. The sun nourishes you too; your crystalline body can absorb and process more energy now. What do you think why your government spays your sky full with chemicals, the chemtrails? They want to take away information and nourishment from you with this, so that you need to eat their manipulated worthless food and that the information can’t reach you, when the whole sky is full with clouds. So, please go into the sun, eating light. It is good for you, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/