
jueves, julio 04, 2013

Conscious Manifestation

Spiritual Psychotherapy and Multidimensional Counseling

Being a conscious creator requires that we are aware of the thoughts that live in our minds, the emotions that stay in our bodies, and the intentions that drive our will. In order to do this, we must move beyond being dependent on others and take full responsibility for the life that we have created. Too often, when we are embroiled in the day-to-day fight for survival, it is difficult to observe ourselves with any degree of objectivity. Our victim self becomes so busy feeling sorry for itself that we cannot see the forest for the many trees that are blocking the way. Therefore, we must climb the steps that symbolize the three phases of being conscious so that we can observe ourselves from the perspective of a mature, dependable leader rather than a frightened victim.

Many of us have made great strides in the expansion of our consciousness, but we still hold on to some elements of being a victim. To own the full power of conscious creation, we must be conscious of all levels and forms of victimization so that we can understand why we have created that drama. Once we understand why, and how, we created our illusion of struggle and strife, we can choose to release it. Within the comfort of the unconditional love streaming from our Soul, we can unconditionally accept that everything we have experienced has been in keeping with the life that our Soul chose for us to assist us in remembering our SELF.

Once we unconditionally accept that we create our own reality, we are able to unconditionally forgive everyone and everything that has caused us harm. Most importantly, when we realize that there are no mistakes and no accidents, that everything and everyone in our life has been orchestrated to guide us toward the light, we can unconditionally forgive and unconditionally accept ourselves. Then, we can project that pure energy force of forgiveness out into our reality.

As we climb the three steps to being conscious, we will revisit who we have been and anticipate who we wish to be. We will also fully recognize that our true SELF is a multidimensional being of light who was brave enough to enter the third-dimensional schoolroom of Earth. Three steps may not seem like much, but many people have spent their entire lives limited to step one or two. Imagine, now, that we are climbing our inner stairway to make our thoughts and emotions conscious, so that we may join them with our conscious intention. This brief journey too often takes a lifetime to complete. However, as we ascend each of the steps mentioned below, we create our bridge to freedom from unconscious re-creation to conscious creation.

Conscious Manifestation

This step is steep, indeed, and takes much courage to ascend.

We may have lived a large part of our life here. Perhaps we still do, at least some of the time. On this step we feel that we have no ability to control our state of consciousness or our life. We react to each stimulus without observation or reflection. Situations, and people outside of us, create each moment and experience, and we feel powerless, anxious, and depressed because we believe we can�t do anything to repair our life.

We are the victim of our circumstances and take no responsibility for the quality of our life. We are completely dependent on others to create our life for us. At this stage we have dependent consciousness.

This step can become too comfortable, and only a call from within can force us onward.

On this step, our life is improving. We are gaining more control of our self and our reality, which gives us a sense of independence and the individuality that independence brings. Our self-control proves that we have a choice regarding where we place our attention. This choice gives us the freedom to respond, interact, ignore or leave a situation, person or experience.

We are expanding our consciousness enough to rise above our experiences and realize that according to the laws of cause and effect, our own choices and responses create the quality of our life. However, we perceive only the smaller, third-dimensional cause and effect, as our conscious perception of other dimensions has not yet been remembered. At this stage we have independent consciousness.

With independent consciousness, we are able to make our own life choices, decide the reality we want to manifest and set our intention towards manifesting that reality. Our independence shows us that it is our own choices of thoughts and actions that determine our success in the manifestation of our chosen goal. Since we are not at the dependable consciousness step yet, our goals may be selfish. However, these self-centered goals are a vital component of our search for SELF and the grounding of our personal consciousness into our daily life.

Here the rewards are the greatest, but so are the challenges.

By this step, we have grown into the mature, dependable leader and creator that is our birthright. We are consciously aware of our personal programs of limitation and of our Dark Side, as well as of our Multidimensional SELF. This awareness allows us to recognize and transmute our inner victim into a strong, dependable creator. We continually seek to expand our consciousness by intentionally integrating our Multidimensional Soul/SELF into our physical body. Because of this, we see each situation as an opportunity for growth and transformation as we surrender our physical life more and more to our Soul.

We can quietly face the many responsibilities of our physical life by staying aware of the fact that our state of consciousness is based on our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. We have also learned to love ourselves enough to forgive ourselves if our creations are challenging or if they feel out of our control. Therefore, we are able to continually try new things and enjoy our expanding creativity. We now view our physical form as a vessel through which we can express the great light of our SELF, and we realize that our greatest power comes not from us, but through us. At this stage we have dependable consciousness. As we continue to integrate our Soul/SELF, our personal consciousness expands to encompass Family, Group and Collective Consciousness.