
jueves, julio 04, 2013

Blossom Goodchild – The Most Boring Blog Post In History – 3 July 2013

I keep thinking I must do a blog … yet I really have no idea as to what topic.  Enthusiasm wains these days … yet clearly not for everyone. Others seem to be completely inspired and carrying on better than ever.
It’s not that I am despondent … or perhaps it is … It’s not for the want of trying … yet everything … practically everything this year that I have put time and effort into … and enthusiasm … seems to either change course or get cancelled all together. If I didn’t find it all so funny … I’d cry!
People talk about spending more and more time in the 5th.

Nup! Not me … I’m struggling to cope with the 3rd. Yes I can feel changes yet nothing that makes me go WOW … This is it! Apparently it’s a gradual thing this Ascension lark … so very very gradual!
Let us , Lettuce   Letters continue to come in (did that give anyone at least a smile?) and most seem to be either still very lost … yet determined to keep on keeping on. After all what choice do we have? We KNOW we can’t give up … that would make things even worse … yet … the words ‘Give us a break here’ … I find myself calling out to the stars on a regular basis!
Pointless I know … it’s up to us … yet somehow I can’t seem to help myself.
I look up in the night sky as we all do. I FEEL a connection with it … I KNOW ‘home’ is out there somewhere. But to be honest … That’s about all I do know.
I watch documentaries on UFO phenomena … nothing new anymore. Unless spectacular … I rarely watch YouTube links of UFO sightings these days. We are beyond all that now. We KNOW THEY exist. We do not need proof of that … yet how we yearn for a ‘kick start’ … instead of unfulfilled promises.
I find it amazing that those who are out there putting themselves on the line for disclosure etc. … have no connection with most channellers. Someone wrote recently who said they had met Dr Steven Greer and asked what he felt about The Galactic Federation and he had never heard of them!  Maybe if we worked together we may just get somewhere … yet it seems, like many … they think ‘us channellers’ to be out of the local doo-lah-lah bin!
Perhaps we are!
Sometimes … when I think of it … I find it quite bizarre that I speak with ‘off world’ people. To me it seems so natural when I am doing it … Yet I can see how others would find it simply ridiculous to even comprehend that I do. I mean … I do get that … I think I would find it odd … if I wasn’t me! And as I always say … I have absolutely no proof … yet for some reason thousands of people connect greatly with what comes through me … so surely to God … there has to be something in it!
So … this ‘ere blog post … what is it actually accomplishing? Not a lot. Other than the fact I can say ‘Oh good. I’ve at least done a blog!’… No valuable words of Divine wisdom here … just sprouting thoughts … unenthralling ones at that!
I read so little of other channellers and what is going on in the entire scene anymore.
When created, I didn’t get in those queues for the financial, political, indeed intellectual side of life. I have no interest at all … which some find very odd … Yet I simply don’t! So any channels about such subjects, I seem to switch off from reading if they arrive in my inbox.
So I have very little knowledge as to what is being said lately from above. It all sounds the same to me. Is that blasphemous? Who knows! Just my feelings on the matter.  ‘They’ tell us how very well we are dong … how courageous we are etc. … how very nice! Yet … here we still are … doing what we do … reading more or less the same words as we were years ago.
Be patient ‘they say’ … Do we have an option?  It’s not that I don’t believe ‘THE EVENT’ will happen … I TRULY do. Whatever THE EVENT IS!  I FEEL something HUGE ‘will’ take place … one day … but let’s be honest … we could go on hoping like this for years and years, as so many have already done .
You see … this is why I find it odd that I got picked out of the volunteers to be ‘their’ messenger … Hardly coming from a ‘radiant’ place! Yet I can only be me … and say what I feel … in the KNOWING… that usually so many feel the same . Yet I guess it would be far more beneficial to write a hugely uplifting piece and find that so many feel the same about that. That would be the better choice would it not? OOPS!
It’s not even that I am ‘down’ particularly … yet not ‘up’ either … having moments of both … therefore leaving me feeling ‘stuck in the middle’.
Could we not organise a few intergalactic coach tours?  In the future perhaps. Yet how far into it? Will I still be an Earthling, or will I have left this mortal coil and be doing ‘my bit’ in my ‘Light form’?
I do so hope I am around to experience this New World that is being spoken of. All I can do is wait and see. Yes I KNOW it is me that creates it for me … my point exactly!
In the meanwhile I am continuing forth on a daily basis … experiencing that day with its ups and downs and ins and outs … then I go to bed and awake the next morning and continue forth experiencing that day with its ups and downs and ins and outs …
The good thing is of course … one never knows what any given moment may bring. As we speak I am awaiting a new duvet set in the post and I am very excited about that!!  A new duvet set … you gotta love it!
So … lets’ bore you some more shall we? No perhaps not on second thoughts.
Surely to God I can come up with an inspiring last paragraph. Someone once wrote in and told me off … saying that I shouldn’t write negative stuff because it was my job to uplift and be an example! That’s all our jobs isn’t it? … Yet I feel I am allowed to share my less uplifting times too …
I laugh to myself as I consider the title of this post. Would anyone in their right mind entice people to read it with such a ‘theme’? … WHATEVER!
Please know I find this amusing … Am I really going to post it? I think I am … if only to cross ‘do a blog post’ off my list … it seems to have been lurking there for weeks.
So … I’ll take me leave … leaving you the reader so very much in awe of my incredibly insightful sharing … and quivering in anticipation awaiting the next thrilling installment.
Golden Rays on the entire matter of course!
Blossom G.
Ps. If anyone comes across my ‘enthusiasm’ … can you point it back in my direction please! Thanks!
www.blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com / link to original article