
lunes, junio 10, 2013

Policymic – Taksim Square Protest: 11 Images From Turkey That Will Give You The Warm Fuzzies – 10 June 2013

taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
Taksim Square Protest 11 Images From Turkey That Will Give You the Warm Fuzzies
For over a week, Turkish protesters have responded to every instance of police violence with acts of kindness and community. Here are a few examples.
1. Many hotels, mosques, and businesses opened their doors to provide shelter and medical treatment to protesters.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
2. Protesters organized open yoga sessions in Gezi Park…
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
3. …and a free library too.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
4. People have been collecting and distributing free food to protesters.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
5. Protesters have been cleaning every day.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
6. Communities organized lists of doctors, lawyers, and businesses volunteering to help protesters in need.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
The list also includes WiFi passwords for protesters to use, places to get gas masks, and more.
7. Football fans put aside passionate rivalries to protest together.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
Via: Twitter
8. People stopped to help strangers suffering the effects of tear gas…
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
9. …and made sure the furry bystanders were okay, too.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
10. This veterinarian even set up a tent to treat wounded animals for free, 24 hours a day.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,
11. This couple wouldn’t let a little tear gas get in the way of their wedding.
taksim, square, protest:, 11, images, from, turkey, that, will, give, you, the, warm, fuzzies,