
viernes, junio 21, 2013




Great pressure turns coal into diamonds.

So far, this has been an intense, yet absolutely brilliant year. The duality-based world situation is full of turmoil, injustice, corruption, greed and violence. Yet we no longer live in that world. This doesn't mean that our lives are easy and stress free. Many of us are under construction right now, being realigned and recalibrated on every level possible so that we an live in a totally New Landscape.

This greatly expanded New Landscape is a state of being. It exists wherever we are. It's a completely New Paradigm that is far removed from the dying world of duality.

While we are experiencing such extremes, we might have a brilliant day of clear, decisive action, then the next day we may feel completely flattened, without energy to do anything. There are times when without warning, waves of deep sadness or hopelessness roll in. Usually these are collective emotions that aren't connected with anything happening in our personal lives. A few hours later, we are back to our clear, energetic selves. We're not all suddenly becoming bipolar; this is just a symptom of the extremes that are currently in play.

Then there is the state of Quantum Deep. This occurs when we are suddenly pulled out of our current physical reality and propelled into the very core of the expanded realm of the Diamond of the Unseen. When Quantum Deep happens, all we can do is lie down and be very still for a few hours. Sometimes the energies are so strong that we fall into a deep sleep. Other times, we simply lie down in a profound state of quiet. As soon as we do this, our being clicks into position with the Diamond of the Unseen, just like putting a plug into a socket. This powerful connection aligns and recalibrates us to the New Paradigm on a cellular level.

Each time that we are immersed into Quantum Deep, we are connecting with the core essence of the New Paradigm. This is such a vastly different energy from what we have previously known. That is why it is not easy to return from Quantum Deep to the physical world which contains mixed old and new energies. It often takes an hour or more to get out of Quantum Deep. We may open our eyes and see the details of where we are. We may hear the noises around us. Yet, it takes tremendous effort to move our bodies and come back to this physical reality from such a far away distance.

Each time that we return to the HERE and NOW from Quantum Deep, another layer of expired and untrue elements are loosened within us and rise to the surface in a highly magnified form so they can be released from our energetic fields. Sometimes the extreme magnification creates a distortion. This is when something small and unthreatening like an ant, can suddenly appear to be a dinosaur-sized monster. Or a tiny worry from our daily life can look like a formidable obstacle.

For more than twenty-five years, there has been a planetary wobble within the axis of the Earth. It has been there for the purpose of loosening the axis of the planet which holds the poles into position. Now, we are also experiencing a personal wobble within us. This wobble is loosening our internal axis which kept us anchored into the old world of duality. When our internal wobble activates, it makes us feel unstable, unsettled and nauseous.

To live in the HERE and NOW is to treat each day as if it was both the first and the last.

One of the big messages of the moment is to live in the NOW. Not in the past nor a probable future, but NOW! When we live in the NOW, it allows great things to happen in alignment with our particular frequency signature. The deeper that we dip into the HERE and NOW, the more everything around us appears new and fresh. Life feels more full and we feel more vibrantly alive.

When elements from the past or worries about the future intrude into the HERE and NOW, we can feel how their energies taint the fresh newness of the present moment. We also can't judge the people who are currently in our life from our previous experiences with totally different people in the past. If we carry the memories of the past or our anxieties of the future into the NOW, we rob the present moment of its freshness, Trueness and sparkling possibilities.

If we treat each day as if it were the first day of our lives, we greet each situation we encounter with openness and love. We are free of old emotional behaviors, beliefs, judgements and personal preferences. Everything is fresh and new. And if we treat each day as if it were our last day on Earth, then we are filled with deep tenderness and gratitude at the preciousness of life. Every single moment is sacred. This is one of the major Keys to Life and it's that simple.

Living in the Expanded HERE and NOW means that we enjoy all the moments, even the most challenging ones, including the times when we are flattened, filled with doubts and fears or when things don't happen as we hoped they would. The Expanded HERE and NOW is vast beyond measure and so are we. When we embody our vastness and align ourselves with the present moment, we absolutely KNOW that ALL IS WELL.

May brings us a noticeable deepening of Love. More and more people are feeling like our kindred people. This includes people whom we barely know. This is very comforting. Kindred people are becoming a huge form of support since we are all going through similar experiences. They understand and they need our support as well. There's a stronger sense of Oneness between those who are authentic and real, with the knowingness that we are all in this together and together as One, we will see it through.

This is a very small fragment of Solara's complete MAY 2013 Surf Report. The full Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish at the NVISIBLE MERCADO.


~ NOW IS THE TIME: Part Two~

Over six months have now passed since the Eleventh Gate Activation on November 22, 2012. When the final 11:11 Gate was activated, the Diamond of the Unseen became visible. This opened up a greatly expanded, New Reality which exists within a New Paradigm. Since then, we have been tentatively exploring our New Landscape while in the midst of shedding layers of old skins and strengthening our Trueness.

The expanded realm of the Diamond of the Unseen is vastly different than anything we have known before. We can talk about the New Reality and ponder what changes and challenges it might present to us. We can imagine what it might be like. But until we directly FEEL and EXPERIENCE the New Reality, we won't know what it is like. And even then, it is nearly impossible to describe....

We are now experiencing a deeper immersion into the New Landscape / New World / New Paradigm / New Reality of the Diamond of the Unseen. It is no longer just a soft breeze of the New Freshness that is laced with potential. We are now feeling powerful gusts of New Freshness that are laced with the energies of 'A Mu'a blowing in. We feel it with our eyes open, while walking down the street in our physical bodies. We felt it wherever we are, whatever we are doing.

Everything is dramatically transforming all around us as we move deeper into the New Landscape. We can clearly see and strongly feel that this is something very, very different from what we have previously experienced. When we are in the New Reality, absolutely anything can happen. The 'A Mu'a Reloaded is powerfully realigning everything around us. Many elements are moving forward, while the obstacles that long held us back are falling away. The doors are open wide and the Green Lights are shining brightly. Difficult tasks are made easy. Rare alignments and synchronicity are becoming the "New Normal". At the same time, everything is moving into their true places and clicking into position. The time has come to manifest our Wildest Dreams. The time is NOW!

Increasing numbers of people are now feeling like our kindred people. We are woven together no matter where we are physically located. There is no separation between True Ones anywhere on the planet, even between us and the ones whom we haven't physically met. Our weaving into One Being is so strong that we cannot be separated by Time and Space.

People all over the world are coming together like never before. There's a stronger sense of Oneness and solidarity between those who are authentic and real, with the knowingness that we are all in this together and that, together as One, we will see it through. This enhanced Oneness and deepening love is emerging on both the physical and non physical levels.

Large groups of people are uniting together as One Being to protest the misuse of power, corruption, greed, nuclear power and lack of freedoms. All these issues and imbalances are becoming more obviously visible and intolerable than ever before. What is exciting is that these demonstrations are by groups of people who wouldn't usually come together.

June is full of breakthroughs as the 'A Mu'a energy powerfully moves us into the New Reality. Since we have experienced such a long time when the doors were closed, this may make us feel temporarily sensitive and vulnerable, but it is also a great gift that fills us with gratitude that the doors are finally open.

Massive shifts into a New Reality require constant adjustments. Every single cell and molecule of our human existence is undergoing these changes to acclimate us to these purer frequencies, so it makes sense that our bodies would have this experience also. While we are adjusting to the energies of the New Reality, at times we may feel extra edgy, nervous, angry and cranky for no apparent reason. We may have flu-like symptoms, especially stomach flu and nausea, suddenly becoming unnaturally hot and cold. We may have strange aches and pains in our bodies or develop skin rashes. All of this is temporary and will pass when we finish adjusting to the New Reality.

The energies of June may sometimes feel super intense and out of control. There's a sparky intensity in the air that makes everything feel highly charged. This is because we are in the midst of an immense power surge of 'A Mu'a energy. This calls us to make strong decisions so we can fully manifest our New Lives. We have deep insights that need to be put into action. We need to grab these insights and make them real. Plans and appointments may keep getting moved around until they end up in their right timing.

We are in strong times and this is a wild, wild ride. One of the most effective things we can do when things get too wild is to sit as Silent Watchers embodying the knowingness that ALL IS WELL.

In June we become much more at home in the New Reality. It's more tangible and real. We're being given the opportunity to take a completely new approach to life. We can now combine our former experiences with new methods and creative approaches to create the True Life that we have always yearned for. A life which is the authentic expression of who we really are.

This is a very small fragment of Solara's complete 12 page JUNE 2013 Surf Report. The full Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish at the NVISIBLE MERCADO.