
miércoles, mayo 22, 2013

Your Spiritual Service - Christina Lunden - Sunday, 19 May, 2013

There are over seven billion people on Earth now. Out of these seven billion people, the Angels share that 10 percent have the soul power to be Lightworkers. Out of that 10 percent, there are 144,000 who have agreed to flow The Light through their daily experience without judgment which in turn is creating a new world; twelve of which are spiritually leading the way. There is also one Avatar on the Earth who silently helps to channel all of this Light energy.

Looking at these numbers, can you see why you have been lonely for someone in your life who you can talk to about all that you spiritually feel and know? Can you imagine being the Avatar and how lonely (in the human sense) he would be? Imagine for a moment if all the Lightworkers were in one place of the world. Talk about a polar shift! We would tip the whole thing over. We are spread out all over the world for a reason. The Light that flows through us is the strongest we have ever had through a human soul before, except for one. Christ Jesus had this Light flowing through Him after He forgave on the cross. And with His words and actions, we moved into the 3rd Dimension. He showed us through this the biggest key for our ascension is forgiveness. Now it is taking 144,000 human souls to create the 5th dimensional world for all souls who will be resonate with it. It is no small task but it is one we can do.
This Light is powerful but so many of you have been thinking for the last few years that you are doing nothing to help serve. You are used to being active in your service to others but the changes from the 3rd dimensional ways to the 5th dimensional ways have limited how you outwardly serve.
Instead of receiving a spiritual message for someone and telling them, you now wait until that person asks you for information, even if you already have the answer. Instead of telling someone what you know from your spiritual place about what they should do in their life, you love them and wait until they ask you for guidance. Instead of healing someone when you hear they are sick or have a disease, you honor that soul’s free-will choice to learn their lessons and wait until they ask for healing. You love instead of judge each soul’s process.
These are not easy things to do. The understanding that there are no mistakes and that each soul on Earth has been here many times. Yes, even the children; there are no new souls arriving on this world as this Earth cycle is ending. The new souls will arrive on the new 5th dimensional world.
The reason you have been feeling like you are not doing anything is that you have fully adjusted to The Light energy that is flowing through you. That is great! That shows how much your 3rd dimensional body has changed; every cell, every organ and even your DNA has adjusted to allow this Light to easily flow through you so you don’t notice it any more. Remember back to when you had ascension symptoms? That was your adjustments and some of that was very painful; emotionally and physically. But just because you cannot feel The Light flowing through you now doesn’t mean you aren’t doing anything. You are doing more now than ever!
As a Lightworker / 144,000 all you have been asked to do in the last two years is “To Be.” To be the best you, you could be. When you are joyful, happy, laughing, calm and peaceful The Light has been flowing through you stronger than when you are doubtful, upset, frustrated or angry. Those of you that have been serving others as your day job, you have just been an extra blessing during the last two years.
Now we are moving into a more active time for service because the spiritual agreement between the dark and the light is changing. The light is once again allowed to shine on Earth. The agreement for the light to leave was so that souls could make their final decisions on their ascension without the interference of the light. Now those soul choices are made, the light is allowed to shine again; not brightly but after two years of this darkness on Earth, any light will seem bright! It is great to hear the Angel chatter again! 
So what does this more active time for you mean? It means that those of you that have been waiting to serve, you are in a standby mode waiting to be told when to start your work. It could be June, July, August or even towards the end of the year. Most of you will be serving by the end of summer. The souls who decided they do want to ascend will now be able to “see” you and be drawn to you to help them receive the healings (physically, emotionally and spiritually) they need to prepare for their ascension. There are many people who will need help between now and when we ascend and of course with much more after we ascend.
So your years of dedication to your spiritual development have not been wasted. The issue wasn’t you; the issue was that the people were not ready to seek help. Now is not the time to give up on your dream of service. Now is the time to brush off the dust on your spiritual tools. Now is the time to get excited, just like when you first knew that you were called to do spiritual work. Now is the time to ask the questions about how and when and where you are to serve believing that when it is time for you to serve, you will hear, see, know exactly where to be and what to do.
I love,