
lunes, mayo 20, 2013

Julie Miller – Melchizedek: Indecision is a Choice - May 19, 2013

How each dear soul thinks, behaves and engages in all the many aspects of their life are derived from certain beliefs and truths. In order for each of you to reach your highest potential in all areas, including your spiritual journey some of you may need to make a few necessary changes or adjustments.  
There are many dear souls that live upon your earthly home that literally run on an autopilot sort of way.
They go about their life, with little to no concern of others – they are mindless. We encourage each of you, even those working by spreading the Love and Light of God to be more mindful of everyone on a Global scale. The more mindful each of you can become, the more aware you also become of certain higher truths that will resonate with both your heart and your soul. When you reach these Divine truths, you grow more in ways that are meaningful and provides satisfaction in every area of your life.   Meditation is a great way to apply focus on any one area that you know is weak and needs adjustment.

Through meditation, many answers to solutions will be discovered once you learn to quiet the mind and let go. It is also possible to meditate on spiritual principles such as gratitude, humility, optimism, generosity, forgiveness, intention and expectation.   Keep in mind dear ones, each day is given to you as a gift from God just as every breath you take, nothing is to be taken for granted, yet many forget the simplicity of their journey and become easily annoyed when reminded the necessity to be grateful for all things regardless how big or small. When you consciously fill your Self with the air of gratitude you are providing yourself with very uplifting and rewarding energy. Many dear souls do this throughout their day from the moment they wake until they retire to bed for the night…they live within the spirit of gratitude.  
It is understood that many dear souls do not understand what humility is. Humility has nothing to do with being an easy target for others to walk over, or to act better than the next dear soul. Humility provides you with the opportunity to be unbiased. When you demonstrate humility you are telling those around you in a quiet yet noticeable way that you have no need to think of yourself better or less than the next dear soul; you are able to let go of petty squabbles and carry on.
We have witnessed many dear souls that have taken the stance of Humility have discovered that this way of dealing with situations that would have normally brought out heated words to be very liberating. Many have successfully reclaimed creative and productive energy that was derived from situations that they consciously chose to not take sides or engage heatedly. This is a time of great growth and development, when you are able to liberate yourself from the need to be better than others.   Optimism is a word that describes much of your attitude and behaviour when you are setting goals to reach certain outcomes. All things will turn out dear ones once you learn to make the best of the way things do turn out. Each outcome is mainly in your control.
There may be outside influences that you are unable to predict but when challenges arise it is up to you to choose the best solution that is optimal for all. You will always reach your outcome when you apply positive action from your positive thinking. By working with positive action you begin to capitalize on your ability to creative, innovate, discover or rediscover specific strategies that will assist you on achieving the goals you have been working towards.   Even in your modern world there are many dear souls among you that live within the pockets of their Ego. They often exercise bitterness, resentment; sometimes they demonstrate negative self-pity, and for the most part describe a narcissistic attitude. It is essential that as you age, you are able to remove yourself from such ways of being and thinking. A life that is filled with happiness and fulfillment is a life that is filled with gratitude for each person that is a part of your life, even if that person occasionally annoys you.  
When you are able to let go of old history of disagreements and welcome a lighter and more upbeat attitude you will dear ones become more happily engaged in the simple act of giving yourself to others. You will feel stronger and content. Even if what you give is saying something nice to your waiter or waitress, or offering supporting words to a weary cleaner, you are generously giving yourself to others and these little things will bring joy to your heart and to the people you choose to interact with and give yourself to. How wonderful you will feel when you agreeably do small favours for someone without being asked. If you have a disgruntled neighbour greet them with a generous hello and even if that person doesn’t reply in kind you still gave of yourself and showed that you cared and this is pleasing to both your heart and your soul. Giving of yourself is another area filled with great growth and development.  
There are many people who say sorry so much dear ones that they have forgotten what it means to forgive or why they are sorry. Forgiveness has nothing to do with being appreciative or ungrateful towards another person’s actions. Forgiveness is all about letting go of what has happened. When you are drawn into the negative vengeful pool, you are actually attaching yourself to the actual source of what has caused you to feel hurt and miserable. When you make the choice to react and respond in anger, resentment, revenge and even childish retaliation you are not gaining anything dear ones, but you are losing a precious part of yourself.  
Any one person that brings out such strong and negative reactions does provide you with much to learn from and with the opportunity to let this person go. Yes they can teach you much of yourself and you will grow with more knowledge and wisdom, but it is vital that you also surround yourself with people that support and influence you in positive ways that bring calm and balance to your emotional state. Remember dear ones, forgiveness is your ability to act and react responsibly without any amount of spitefulness. Forgiveness allows you to reclaim your creative spirit and energy and direct it in healthier ways that provides you with many growth potentials for your journey.   When you move along your journey passively and path will lead you. It is important dear ones to make decisions and to choose what you want and how to get there. Don’t allow passivity to keep you stuck.
Not only realize but recognize the necessity of choosing a goal as a focal point of your creative energy. It is understood that many dear souls remain stuck because they fear letting go of what is commonplace and known. You must break away from what is known and embrace the unknown in order to grow. There is always the possibility that any choice you make could be the “wrong” choice, but each choice you make is yours and each one has multiple lessons that provide incredible learning opportunities that will enrich your entire life. Comprehend dear ones, when choose to not decide to do something you are actually making a choice. It is important to make conscious choices and to commit to them, and claim them, as they are yours to own.
Appreciate each choice you make and remember your intent that is fostered with great Will, will provide you with the outcome you are seeking. We encourage you to focus your attention and precious energy on what is important in your life and if there are areas that need a little tweaking then follow the guidance of your heart.   Anytime you have succeeded or not succeeded in reaching a specific goal you realize it has much to do with the effort you put into each step. Please realize dear ones whenever you succeed or fail you are demonstrating the intentions of your effort.
When the methods to reaching a certain goal doesn’t work out, don’t look at this a failure, see it is an opportunity to try again, but applying different methods, visualize its outcome and see it through each step of the way.   Even if you do not realize this dear ones, you are continuously programing and reprograming each segment of your life. When you begin each step towards your goal to achieve with clarity of your intention you increase strength and focus and with your applied energy your outcome will demonstrate this collaboration of total working togetherness of your Whole Self. We remind you dear ones, where your energy flows is also where your attention will go. If your energy is all over the place, so will your attention.    
Your journey is filled with so much learning potential. The choices you make determine the course of your path. You must learn from all your experiences and figure out the lessons that come from each one, even if the experience came from difficult trials and tribulations. There is growth to be found even from the most tragic of circumstances. It is up to you dear ones to see this potential and learn from all that has crossed your path.  
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller