
sábado, mayo 25, 2013

Join The Food Revolution! March Against Monsanto May 25th Everywhere!

Disclose.tv - Join The Food Revolution! March Against Monsanto May 25th Everywhere!

Description: Join the food revolution this May the 25th 2013 everywhere! Let's make this a day Monsanto will never forget! A day that will be remembered in history as a time when mankind stood together for humanity in the face of a global fascist food takeover by Monsanto! On May the 25th we will put Monsanto on notice that free human beings are aware of Monsanto's monopoly and that we're ready to fight for our food freedom in an attempt to topple the Monsanto pyramid! Join the food revolution! March Against Monsanto May 25th everywhere!Visit the March-Against-Monsanto website:http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/Visit the March Against Monsanto Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/MarchAgainstMonstanto?fref=tsFind a March Against Monsanto rally near you:http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/p/blog-page.htmlSupport independent media by contributing to the PFT Fundraiser: http://www.gofundme.com/2sghd4orDonate through Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=JVR... updates like this everyday and support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/We rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films for youtube in an effort to raise awareness all over the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV!As a Press For Truth TV subscriber you'll have full access to the site's features and content including Daily Video Blogs on current news from the PFT perspective and High Quality Downloads of all Press For Truth Films, Music and Special Reports! Subscribe to Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/For more information visit:http://pressfortruth.tv/You can also support Press For Truth and help us continue to do this work by donating or becoming a sponsor at pressfortruth.cahttp://www.pressfortruth.ca/donatebecome-a-sponsor/http://www.facebook.com/PressForTruthhttp://www.youtube.com/weavingspiderhttps://twitter.com/PressForTruthhttp://twitter.com/#!/DanDicksPFThttp://pressfortruth.ca/ Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/139242/Join_The_Food_Revolution_March_Against_Monsanto_May_25th_Everywhere/#ixzz2UFlPt7qz