
viernes, mayo 24, 2013

Full Moon and Lunar eclipse - Astrology Goddess - May 24, 2013


Full Moon and Lunar eclipse at 04 08’ Sagittarius:25th May at 2.26PM AEDT and 4.26AM UT.
By Astrology Goddess
Tomorrow we encounter the third eclipse in the last 4 weeks, and the last one until October. Given the fact that a lunar eclipse also occurs with a full moon, this is a time of high intensity to say the least.
A Full Moon on its own can bring pressure and heightened emotions, and can bring long held in feelings to the surface. Given the fact that there is also an eclipse involved, means that something in our worlds is about to change, and it may change seemingly without warning and all of a sudden-thanks to the Uranus connection to the Moon and eclipse.
Even though these changes may be upsetting at the time, once the dust settles we can usually see the gift of why the event occurred.
Traditionally a full moon is associated with the “crazies” and often gets blamed for a multitude of issues. Here’s my theory. If there isn’t an issue inside of you, then it can’t be triggered. Just as the full moon affects the tides and the oceans, she also affects us…and she will only exacerbate what is already inside of us. It is not the moon’s fault that we may feel mentally/emotionally off balance. The Moon will and can bring the hidden or the suppressed to the surface, which can leave a person feeling somewhat unstable. The good news is though, that once something is brought to your awareness, you can start looking at it and working with it. Sagittarius is all about seeking the truth, and so is this full moon. If there is an event or an issue in your life that you are struggling with, be honest with yourself and look at why it is affecting you so much. Nothing will ever change unless you make a change. And on that note, you can’t change other people either, or try to persuade them to come around to your way of thinking or act how you would like them to.
What you can do is look inside of yourself, and see where your needs are or aren’t being met. Establish what those needs are, communicate them to the appropriate people, and then ask yourself whether the people in your life are able to give you what is that you need, and vice versa.
If they cannot, you are left with a choice. You can continue to hang around in situations that aren’t serving you and keep on blaming outside of yourself, or you can choose to remove yourself and start looking at ways that you can start to achieve your goals and manifest a way of living that is more conducive to your wellbeing.
The eclipse energy will bring a change of attitude and beliefs over the next 6 months, and will also help you to see things from a higher perspective, and seek truth in all situations. Some journeys will come to an end, while others are just about to begin. Neptune is also making an appearance at this time, so be aware of anything that looks too good to be true, as usually it is. Be mindful of sweet talkers and those who set out to deceive you, and last but not least, if you are ever in doubt of anything, take a moment to listen to that voice inside of you that is always gently prompting you with its ever present messages. Your inner-tuition is there for a reason, so use it.
Be mindful of over stretching your energies-as Saggy is very good at triple booking and taking on too many things at once- and make a commitment to start freeing yourself from any restrictive energies in your life. Take the time to really get to know yourself, and utilize the energy of fire that is so strongly around to burn away the old so that the new may grow.
Affirmation: I see life as an adventure and am focused on the journey-not the destination. I am willing to take a risk and jump into the unknown to pursue my dreams. I am brave and bold and know that my inner truth will always guide me in the right direction.
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