lunes, mayo 16, 2016

Current Phenomena Expose 1984 Being Used As Instruction Manual for the State

Assessing current conditions in the United States, it would be next to impossible not to grasp innumerable parallels to George Orwell’s dystopic portent, 1984.

by Claire Bernish

Though other fictional dystopias could similarly elicit comparisons to the dark turn taken by American empire, aspects of 1984’s creepy authoritarian nightmare ring all-too-true.

And Big Brother-like surveillance — though undoubtedly relevant — imparts only the most obvious, and therefore least pertinent, connection on the list.

“Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia,” Orwell wrote of two of the three remaining nation-states on the planet.
Though it analogizes Russia’s mercurial relationship with Nazi Germany, the same volatility aptly fits U.S. involvement in the Middle East — where, though propaganda would purport a decisive enemy, the truth remains far murkier.

A constant state of undeclared but active war rules foreign policy — driven almost exclusively by the war machine’s profiteering from plundering of foreign lands’ natural resources.

Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the multi-faceted defense industry have experienced exponential profits since perpetual war became the de facto basis of foreign policy — and Big Banks share in the reward.

Anrita Melchizedek - The Sisterhood of the Rose and the Petal of the Trusting Heart - May 16, 2016

The Elders May Transmission ~
You Tube ~
Mp3 download

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this sacred month of May as you journey deeper into the Golden Rose Galaxy, the merging of your Milky Way Galaxy with the Andromedan Galaxy, and the re-balancing of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits. In this magical month of May, sweet ones, you are blessed to be Overlighted by the Sisterhood of the Rose, as well as being offered an opportunity to experience the Initiations of the Rose through Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart.

The Sisterhood of the Rose was created in the time of Lemuria, and later as Priestesses in Atlantis they gathered together in circles of twelve to activate the Flame of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose, through the hearts of all humanity. There were twelve groups of twelve women who formed the Sisterhood of the Rose; the goddess symbol is the rose, and through Self-Love this beautiful pink Flame of Divine Love activated within and through your sacred hearts. The Sisterhood of the Rose took this beautiful pink Flame of Divine Love out in the four directions of the Earth, to assist Mother Earth and all her life; also working directly with the energy of Sirius, the Pleiades and the Galactic Center. For it is Sirius and the Pleiades that draw into alignment the influx of energies that activate through the Galactic Center and draw into Beingness a deeper level of the Diamond Light Codes of Creation, through alignment to the Sun, the Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun. And what is occurring in this now, sweet ones, is the anchoring and the activating of the Rose Grids of Divine Love, through the ley lines, sacred sites, and vortices of Mother Earth, and with this taking you deeper into your Christed Hearts as One Unified Cosmic Heart.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Cost of Paying for Parking - May 16, 2016

Those who know me will laugh when they read this article because they know that paying for parking is one of my pet peeves. I think that parking should be free and I will go out of my way to look for a free parking spot, rather than paying to park my car somewhere. When I was in Los Angeles with a friend recently, we drove around for fifteen minutes looking for a free parking spot but we eventually had to pay a nominal rate because there were no free spaces available. I had to make the choice between paying for parking ($8 an hour) or driving around looking for something that I was not going to find in Los Angeles, free parking! We are now faced with these kinds of choices in our lives now, making assessments about what we want to give in exchange for our relationships, and whether the price of staying is one we can afford and want to pay, or find alternative choices that will bring more joy and fulfillment to our lives.

domingo, mayo 15, 2016

2016 IS STRANGE Part 13 // MAY

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are - May 15, 2016

Dear One,

You have so much to be grateful for. At times it may feel as though life is hard, and yet if you can pull back from its drama, you will see how fortunate you truly are. Even the lessons you are now going through are a blessing.

Though it may feel as if you don't have enough — whether it's time, money, health, or love — you actually have been blessed with a tremendous gift. That gift is your life. A physical body is a wondrous blessing. Take time to observe the miraculous occurrences in your body. It is a miracle that messages are transmitted from your brain so there is movement in different parts of your body. It is a miracle that you don't have to tell your heart to beat or your stomach to digest. The physical body is a constant source of awe when you consider it a gift from God. You are to use this body to learn your lessons in life and to help bring Heaven to Earth. You are here to create a better world for all. You are here to learn to find peace and harmony within yourself so all people on earth may experience this. One person finding inner peace helps to bring Peace to the entire world.

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - May 15-23, 2016

Beloved Ones,

There is much growth taking place as people revisit the events in their past and make peace with them. Others have experienced drastic life changes due to unforeseen circumstances that came upon them suddenly which have left them with no homes or resources and they are now trying to deal with the after effects of the devastation that occurred. They literally must start at the beginning and create their lives anew. They are finding ways to reach out to each other to share their feelings in order that they may heal from the trauma they have been through. Through this mutual support, they are moving forward.

These ones are being assisted by the compassionate people of their country and indeed, other countries, as the world rallies in unity to assist in any way they can. Many people in their country from other cities and towns have volunteered to go to the area of devastation and begin the daunting task of cleaning up the debris in order to allow a new foundation to take place. Other groups of people are being formed as clean up crews for the homes that are left standing, for these too, must be cleaned and made ready for habitation again.

Anrita Melchizedek - The Arcturian Violet Silver Quantum Healing Pod Activations - May 15, 2016

The Arcturian Violet Silver Quantum Healing Pod Activations
Mp3 download:
You Tube
Written Invocation
Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Produced by Karl Morfett

The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are higher dimensional Light Beings, advanced healing technicians and master healers, who have gifted us with many wonderful Spiritual tools and techniques, and now offer us the Arcturian Violet Silver Quantum Healing Pod Activations.
I now find myself comfortably relaxed, grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and the Diamond Light Codes of Creation, breathing deep into my body, as I connect now into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within my heart, the Sun, Central Sun and now the Great Central Sun.

I call in the Overlighting of Mother/Father God and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge, as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the highest aspect of my Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.

John Smallman - Saul - Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises - May 15, 2016

Do you sometimes wonder: “What on earth am I on Earth for, what is my purpose, if any?” Well, you are on Earth because you chose to be here to hold the energy field of Love. To strengthen and intensify the Tsunami of Love by your compassionate intent to offer comfort to all in pain, and by your intent to be a powerful healing field for all who are suffering through injury, illness, or emotional distress. Just by being You you are having an enormously positive effect on humanity’s awakening process. Just by your presence you are helping humanity to achieve its collective intent to awaken from the dark nightmare in which it has been immersed for so long. No one but you can do this, and you are highly honored in the spiritual realms where the effects of your presence on Earth at this time are clearly, in fact, brilliantly visible.

Blossom Goodchild - May 15, 2016

As soon as I tuned in today, I knew The Federation Of Light wished to speak. Here it is.
And so Dearest Friends, we are ready to begin this communication via the lady Blossom … in order for our FEELINGS, translated into thought form, to be offered to you this day.
First of all, may we request that you take a few deeper breathes … in order to become closer to the Vibration that resides within you … that  allows easier receptive nodes to pick up on the Energy and frequency of the Vibration in which we choose to come through.
This therefore, shall allow you to switch off from that which you know as your ‘normality’ and switch on to that which is unknown to you as your ‘normality’ … which should be in fact ‘The norm’.
Tune in to a Higher Frequency as you listen to our words. Perhaps, close your eyes and focus upon your Heart space and imagine it is swirling like a vortex. Opening up … taking you in … through time … into a space deep within yourselves.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Message - 5/15/16

Greetings dear ones. You would be happily surprised by how much light is now pouring forth from many different locations on earth. Eyes are starting to open, and ears are beginning to hear. It may appear as if nothing new is happening, as if the world is instead going backward, but it is not.

Much of the corruption you are now becoming aware of was previously kept hidden from the majority within in an energy system that supported it, and anyone seeking expose these activities was simply removed. There is not more corruption today, it is simply that through modern technology and an evolving world consciousness, these things are now coming to light.

The world is awakening to self empowerment and the understanding that they have the ability to choose for themselves. This is manifesting outwardly in the political scene of the USA.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - FB update - May 15, 2016

Foto de Lisa Brown.

A quick update for those experiencing this.... we entered the "3 days of dark" a few days ago, which is not our dark anymore, it's just a space we occupy as we move tons out & prepare for a huge shift. All this means is that each must sustain based upon the light that they already hold, and honor any separation that surfaces.... which is normally followed with/presented as a VOID space.... Some hit this a couple of says ago, others yesterday, for me a couple hours today.... Yet our awareness allows us to honor it and consciously move through it productively, however works best for us... Put your head under the pillow, sleep, get out in nature, clean, pamper yourself.... LOVE and respect YOU as you move through...

Kryon "DNA-Consciousness" 2016

sábado, mayo 14, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Fountain of My Soul - 5-14-16

The Fountain of My Soul

My mind was sweeping through reality after reality, as if I was searching for something or someone. It is as if I was running a holographic reality within my own mind.

I knew that I was creating this experience because I could hear the Arcturians reminding me that I AM the creator of my life. Therefore, I am remembering realities that I am, have and will create.

First, I am a Pleiadian, but in a blink, as there does not appear to be time or sequence in this process, I see realities in which I am an Earth human, an Antarian, a Sirian, a Tau-Cetian, a Lemurians and/or an Atlantian.

All these versions of what appears to be the many aspects of my multidimensional and multi-galactic self who is working in unity consciousness with the ONE to assist Gaia. As I realize that all these beings are versions of myself, I understand what I am searching for.

Alcyon Pléyades 39-1ª: 2016, bisiesto, junio, 666, NWO, Isabel II, nueva religión, culto satanista

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 14/05/16


Kryon "The Consciousness Bridge" 2016

viernes, mayo 13, 2016

John Smallman - Jesus - Acceptance is an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process - May 13, 2016

All are One. You know that, all our readers and listeners know that, and yet doubt arises! As humans, embodied, it certainly appears that each individual human is completely separated from all others because bodies cannot merge into each other. But you are not your bodies. You have chosen to experience the intense sense of limitation and aloneness that bodies provide in order to learn that separation is unreal, impossible. You search for love outside yourselves because you feel so alone and separated. Your natural state is at One with God, Source, Love, and when you cannot experience that you become fearful and seek love from anyone who will accept you. Many relationships collapse because each party to it is looking to the other for what can only be found within themselves. When you find Love within yourselves, and there is no one who is without Love within themselves, then you can share and extend It, whereupon It returns to you because, all being One, It has never left you. When you know yourselves as Love you can then enter into a truly loving relationship with another, but until you know yourselves in that way you are only offering an empty vessel to any other with whom you attempt to establish a relationship. And that other most likely has only an empty vessel to offer to you in return. Love is all-encompassing! But you can refuse to be aware of this truth and in that refusal find yourselves as empty vessels desperately needing to be filled by the love that you hope someone else will offer you, thus dissolving your sense of separation. But the sense of separation is there from the beginning because you are each withholding, out of fear, what you so desperately want to receive from that other. Initially you refuse to believe or acknowledge this, but as time passes the lack of love willingly shared in every moment causes the relationship to founder and crumble, with each blaming the other for the failure, as your worst fears are proved valid.

Ron Head - From Michael – A Quote from the Recent Past - May 13, 2016

This is even more relevant now than it was when it was received. The book is on promo at Amazon through this weekend. It will return to full price early on Monday. click this button to go to Amazon and get your copy: Click

The sheer weight of your collective intent will be enough, as difficult as that is to accept for many. We quote for you, in this regard, your favorite prayer. “Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.” It is unfortunate that you were taught for so long that the power invoked by these prayers exists apart and separate from yourselves. It was never taught so by your beloved Masters.

You have also been told recently that action is underway. This is truth. We advise a bit more patience and discernment as you read the headlines that are beginning to surface. Huge institutions are teetering on the brink. The house of cards will indeed topple now. Knowing this, plans have been laid for the least impact to be felt, though there will be some, of that there is no doubt. You have also been advised that alternate systems are in place and ready to take over. This is also true. However, at this time, your ability to hold your intent and vision is of paramount importance.

Natalie Glasson - Your Relationship with Happiness and Joy by the Pleiades - 13th May 2016

We send to you the vibration of happiness and joy from the light that unites us all together and is the essence of our civilisation the Pleiades. We are deeply honoured to communicate with you and share our consciousness to support your full being in awakening into the truth that you are: an aspect of the Creator. We come forth emanating our vibration of happiness and joy into your being because these are the Creator’s qualities we wish to enhance within you. We present ourselves as beaming beacons of happiness and joy so you may recognise that we are only mirroring the truth that is always present within you.

Whether you are focused on your spiritual pathway or not, as a soul upon the Earth it is your divine right to experience happiness and joy as well as all other similar qualities of the Creator. Happiness and joy are aspects and energies of the Creator, they have powerful healing qualities, can ignite tremendous knowledge and wisdom as well as further aiding your understanding of your unity with the Creator. Happiness and joy are energetic frequencies which exists within your soul, they can be activated and transmitted by you as well as called forth to shower upon you from the Creator.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 13th May 2016

Not only is time passing faster than ever but events on Earth are also speeding up. Powerful groups have been formed that will back up the people of the Light, who are striving for “Disclosure” and much progress has been made. It has required great patience on your part, and soon you shall see the result of a long period of preparation to take back control from the dark Ones. A great change is in the process of taking place and whilst it is difficult to give firm indications, it would seem likely to commence within the next two months. There are of course other matters being attended to and a sense of urgency exists in view of the time already lost. However, be assured once again that everything is proceeding well and so advanced that progress cannot now be stopped. These events are supported by exceptionally powerful forces both on and off Earth. It cannot therefore be over stressed as to the importance of keeping your vibrations as high as possible by keeping the Light in constant focus.