sábado, noviembre 21, 2015

John Smallman - Jesus - Do not allow your egos to convince you that calling on those in the spiritual realms is a pointless waste of time and effort.- November 21, 2015

We are all one. This is the message that needs to be hammered home, again and again, because you keep forgetting this as your bodies almost constantly draw your awareness to their endless individual needs and demand your undivided attention. They are only vehicles that you chose to inhabit temporarily while undergoing an Earth experience. They do require some attention because they have needs, but they have seemingly convinced you that unless you attend to them in every moment, checking in with them incessantly to see how they feel, that they will become very sick and break down. They have even convinced some of you that you are bodies. I assure you that you are not! You have bodies to enable you to follow the life paths you chose before incarnating, and they provide you with the physical means to follow that path. But your main purpose on Earth is to evolve spiritually. You always have been and always will be spiritual beings, and you are on Earth to raise the vibratory levels of your bodies to enable them to align with spirit. When you achieve this aim you will be able to move around in either the physical or non-physical realms with or without your bodily forms. You will be able to assume or dismiss your human form at will to suit the occasion.

Georgi Stankov - The 11.21 Portal of Purification and Healing of the 3rd Eye – Energy Report - November 21, 2015

The November 21 Portal began actually with full force on November 19, when a massive descent of source energy occurred one more time. Both Carla and I were independently taken away at noon for about an hour and a half, that is to say, we had to lie down and our souls left this reality. After that a massive influx of source energy hit our left brain portal and caused a split head and severe headache throughout the whole afternoon and night until early morning.
On November 20th we had planned a meditation in the house of our friend Julia, with whom we have done a lot of light work in the past, including on our Infinity portal in White Rock. We were afraid that we may not be in the position to drive to Julia’s house in Vancouver, so depleted and bad we felt yesterday morning. Then our physical situation improved all of a sudden and we drove to her. Two more ladies were present there for this meditation.

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Dónde Está Mi Sueño de la Tierra? - 9 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Probablemente les irriten los recordatorios canalizados constantes de quiénes y qué deben ser. No han creado todavía nada de valor en su estimación. Así que no quieren aumentar sus esperanzas para de nuevo verlas destruidas al ver como transcurren los días sin mucho cambio en su vida.

Bien, a veces tienen una intuición aquí o allá, hasta sus pequeñas creaciones cada pocos días. Pero nada como su gran sueño prometido por muchos. ¿Por qué no admitir que nada va a cambiar? Que su sueño es como el pequeño hombre triste detrás de la pantalla del mago en el Mago de Oz?

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL CÓDIGO DE SANANDA - Noviembre 2015

El Código de Sananda pide acceso a un tiempo antiguo cuando el alma era pura y su intención era prístina. El Código de Sananda derrite el código genético congelado y abre la bóveda del conocimiento. La separación del ADN ha comenzado, trayendo a la superficie un juramento del alma olvidado hace tiempo. El Código de Sananda es la activación de una promesa para vivir la luz olvidándose del tiempo y el espacio y la interrupción terrenal. Es el recuerdo de que el ADN humano y la estructura del genoma no albergan la hormona de la muerte. El solo hecho de que no exista una hormona de la muerte dice más de lo que uno se pueda imaginar. Ustedes nacieron para ser inmortales.

Ute Posegga-Rude - OUR GOD-SELF: A NEW WORLD IS OPENING FOR YOU - November 21, 2015

VIDEO (recommended!)


If you do not relate to Me, the Source of your Being, you are tossed around and held captive in the roller coaster of a world that mirrors all of your previous actions.

This is the time where you are graced because now you can face how you once have disturbed the Great Balance and Equanimity that I AM and that you ARE because you are of Me.

But if you stay in Me and With Me, what would be disturbing for the usual man, does hardly touch you, while you - with humility - receive what once was your own deed.

Know that in this time the last balance has to be done so that the great container that held for eons whatever you did against my eternal divine law, is now being emptied to make room for a new world in the glory of My Love and Divine Light.

viernes, noviembre 20, 2015

Suzanne Lie - LOS ARCTURIANOS - Mirando hacia atrás en su Futuro 16-11-15

Mirando hacia atrás en su Futuro


Estamos aquí ahora, dentro de su Portal de Luz que es dentro SUYO. Nosotros, las expresiones dimensionales superiores de su SER hemos venido a su conciencia, y hacia su vida diaria.

Por eso, nosotros – los miembros de su SER Multidimensional – vemos lo que ustedes ven, escuchamos lo que ustedes escuchan, tocamos lo que tocan y olemos lo que huelen. Pensamos lo que ustedes piensan, sentimos lo que sienten y conocemos lo que ustedes conocen.

Nosotros, los miembros de su SER Multidimensional, hemos tomado esta decisión de unirnos a ustedes de esta manera para que podamos acompañarlos hacia la frecuencia superior de su conciencia, sus percepciones, a lo largo del “umbral de la ilusión” y hacia su SER pentadimensional.

Su Ser pentadimensional resuena con un Cuerpo de Luz, así que no pueden vestir esa forma mientras están en tierra en el mundo físico. No obstante, pueden sentir el Cuerpo de Luz agitando dentro de la fuerza Kundalini que está despertando y comenzando su viaje hacia arriba de su espina dorsal.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - DE SU ANFITRIONA DE LUZ - Noviembre 2015

Las energías 11:11 decretaron un tiempo de descanso, no por buena conducta sino para observar los patrones de luz. Como una telaraña, dentro de los nuevos patrones de luz hay mensajes, geometrías y códigos ocultos. Lo que aún se considera sagrado busca una salida, un lugar seguro. A medida que pasamos los marcadores de la limitación previos, comenzamos a flotar dimensionalmente como una isla en un vendaval. Todos estamos algo nauseosos como si tuviésemos jet lag, moviéndonos suavemente con las cambiantes mareas dimensionales.


Healing due to God's Grace

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

Illusion of Death

Beloved Ones,

Children of the One God, you, who are returning to
the Source of all Life – to the Wellspring of All-That-Is.


1.) We now liberate ourselves from all fears, which have to do with your physical death.
2.) We liberate ourselves from all fears, which have to do with the extinction of all of mankind and with the fear of the end of worlds, and
3.) We redeem inner images, which are linked to
the scenario of a third World War, whereby many
fears are stoked and are uploaded in you.

With the aim to face the facts and any reality without fear, we dedicate ourselves to these urgent issues for this time quality during today’s healing in God’s Light.

At the very first we liberate ourselves from the

illusion that you could die or that something may die.

John Smallman - Saul - Catch glimpses of the joy, the ecstasy that will greet your awakening into Reality, Heaven - 11/20/2015

Your illusory world does appear to be sinking into a state of desolate and catastrophic pain and suffering from which it seems there is no exit, as a number of severely damaged people in positions of power and influence choose war and death in a desperate and abject last ditch attempt to impose their controlling authoritarian regimes on humanity at large. They cannot succeed because those who have for so long blindly supported them and put their plans into effect are at last realizing the error of their ways and are leaving the sinking ship – population control by enforcement.

Those regimes are in desperate throes as they attempt to frighten the general populace into freely giving them dictatorial powers in return for a promise to provide a world of lasting peace and prosperity that they not only cannot deliver but also have no intentionof even attempting to deliver.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 9/13/15 Regime Change, Suicide, and More

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - Cuzco (N°1), Perú - Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Diré esto otra vez: tomemos solo un momento. Para todos los que están escuchando, estamos en la ciudad peruana de Cusco, y mañana estaremos en Machu Picchu. Nunca hablé exactamente así antes, respecto de un área y sobre los antiguos que estuvieron aquí. La lección de hoy es para todos. Están en un lugar muy especial, ya hablamos de él cuando estuvimos en Bolivia. La isla y el lago son sagrados. Mencioné también que la mitad del lago pertenece a Perú. La tierra fue sagrada desde el comienzo, como lo describimos ayer. Podrían decir que ha estado esperando esto durante miles de años. Eso la hace especial, pero no todo lo que sucedió aquí fue especial. Déjenme darles un ejemplo. La profecía del águila y el cóndor se manifiesta en Perú con una frase; esa frase es "el despertar del puma". La frase no se refiere al despertar del Inca. Consideremos esto.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - Valle Sagrado, Perú, Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Otra vez, algunos han preguntado: ¿cómo es esto de la canalización? ¿Y por qué algunos tienen que prepararse más que otros? Mi socio y yo hemos hecho esto por algún tiempo. Hace unos pocos años, sobrevino un cambio. Hablamos del alma humana, esa parte que contiene una pieza de Dios. Y lo que sucedió en ese punto fue que mi socio aceptó, tomó la decisión, de llevar encendida esa pieza de Dios todo el tiempo.

Tanta es la tendencia de los seres humanos a compartimentar a Dios: hay un tiempo para el culto, un tiempo para orar, un tiempo para reír, para llorar, y los seres humanos sienten que la dualidad excluiría a Dios de esos tiempos. Déjenme preguntarles, a cada uno de ustedes: cuando bailan y están contentos, ¿Dios está allí? (se ríe). Sí, totalmente. De hecho, a veces más que otras veces. Tiene que ver con la alegría. Tiene que ver con el amor. Verán a mi socio sentarse en la silla y canalizar inmediatamente, porque él ha armado las piezas de modo que no le hace falta cruzar un puente. Muchos de ustedes están haciendo esto.

Aisha North - 20/11/15

Aisha North series 78 - 4

Mike Quinsey.- 20th. November 2015

Events on Earth continue to create challenges to those of the Light who are helping to ease the situation in whatever way that they can. There seems to be no relief from the ever continuing problems created by those who lack the Light to understand the true nature of what is taking place. The dark Ones continue with their plan to create a World Government in which they would have the major power and control. However, their power is diminishing and they will never be allowed the degree of control they seek. In fact, they are laying themselves open to scrutiny that will reveal their true agenda. So although they still have sufficient power to make a last try to achieve their aims, they cannot succeed and in the end will have no option but to surrender. You can therefore keep focussed on your tasks, knowing that every effort you put in will be worthwhile and eventually reap rewards.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - SANANDA CODE - November 2015

The Sananda Code asks access to an ancient time when the soul was pure and its intent was pristine. The Sananda Code is about melting the frozen genetic code and unlocking a vault of knowledge. DNA separation has begun bringing a long forgotten soul oath to the surface. The Sananda Code is a triggering of a promise to live the light forgetting about time and space and earthly interruption. It is a remembrance that the human DNA and genome structure does not house a death hormone. The very fact that there is not a death hormone says more than one can image. You were born to be immortal.

The Sananda code is the light matrix that enters via the solar wormholes created every 8 minutes as emanations coming forth from deep space, onto earth via the suns contract with our evolution and our symbiotic relationship with this solar light. The photonic energy enters the cell membrane and It introduces a new instruction that holds a section of recovery tools to assist a planet in expulsion of dead-end codes .

Marlene Swetlishoff - St. Germain - November 20-December 11, 2015

WE NOW DRAW OUR LINE IN THE                                          SAND


Beloved People of the World,
There are many changes that are in the works at this time. Although it may seem as though the world is on the brink of being overtaken by chaos and its forces, know that things are not as they seem, for there is a new dawn on the horizon. We ask that you do not falter in the upholding of your own Light and the invocation of the Light for the world you live upon and all of her inhabitants. As you know, we work with you in energetic ways and so, together, we now take a stand and draw our line in the sand.

jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Thirty Veils Of Illusion - INTRO AND ILLUSION #1 - 11-19-15


Suzanne Lie

This book should really be entitled, “My Thirty Veils of Illusion,” as I’m sure that each person who journeys inside himself or herself would find their own thirty illusions, or more. Being a basically idealistic person, I found that I built most of my illusions around grand ideals. This manuscript did not begin as a book but as a meditation. At that time, I was a member of a group based in New York, who channeled information from the Ascended Masters who dwell in the higher planes of reality.

Méline Portia Lafont - AA Gabriel - Divine unity and intent - 19/11/2015

Source picture

AA Gabriel channeled through Méline Portia Lafont 19/11/2015

My beautiful hearts,

There is a higher frequency merging going on through you all to facilitate the merging of the new earth templates within your frequencies of Earth. What has to come about are fantastic calibrations of the new earth template with the ancient templates of New Lemuria. What is being formed is an organization of Light with Source activation frequencies that move beyond your control. These Source activations are frequencies of light which implement your human consciousness with the Divine Source of All That Is on a most highest and refined energy level ever seen and experienced by human hearts.

Maryann Rada - Giving Your Past a Look and Saying Goodbye: Rachelle

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Kundalini 2015 - Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, Noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos sentamos por un momento. Vamos a hablar de unas pocas cosas. Mi socio me ha traído aquí antes, he hecho revelaciones y lo haré otra vez, porque todos saben que aquí hay misterio.

Pero antes de hacerlo, les digo a quienes están aquí y a quienes escuchan que este es el segundo mensaje de la gira. Para quienes están aquí sentados es el primero. El primero de la gira fue en La Paz, para un grupo de bolivianos, y podría haber sido confuso para los que escuchaban y no eran de Bolivia. Este tal vez confunda a quienes nunca estuvieron en Tiahuanaco. En verdad nada es accidental; todo aquello en lo que te involucras tiene energía. Cuando tus padres te dieron el nombre que llevas, hubo una energía implicada en esa elección, en lo que podría significar en el futuro. Lo llevas contigo toda tu vida. Tan profundo es esto, que algunos de hecho cambian su nombre para cambiar la energía.