miércoles, septiembre 30, 2015

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Self Forgiveness – A Special Visualization with Lord Adama - September 30, 2015

Pink with Ruby 800

This visualization/meditation is excerpted from Lord Adama’s Discourse, March 16, 2015. It represents the ability to heal deeply from the wounds of the past in order to fully command Divine Love and Divine Power within our physical creation.

Feel the Pink and the Ruby Red/Gold Flames blending together within the Heart and Solar Plexus. As you can see, when we get into the art of Self-Forgiveness, we are fully in our Inner Devotion of Self Love.

Dana Mrkich - Eclipse Lunar: Somos el Destello de Luz Que Hemos Estado Esperando - 27 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En dependencia de a qué fuente o medios de comunicación alternativos ustedes hayan tenido acceso en los últimos meses, aumentando hasta un punto máximo en los últimos días, se suponía que el mundo terminaría al día siguiente (de nuevo) o que estuviésemos a punto de ascender como un planeta hacia un nivel totalmente nuevo de conciencia mañana durante el Eclipse Lunar; después de lo cual la Nueva Tierra comenzaría ‘oficialmente’. ¡Guao, oficialmente, guao, mañana!

Yo soy la primera que amo y me gusta hablar de un buen momento intensificado y hasta de giro en este viaje de una experiencia progresiva, constante, evolutiva en la que todos estamos embarcados. No hay la menor duda de que cualquiera y todas las alineaciones astrológicas y llamaradas solares añaden poder a las olas de conciencia que se derraman ahora sobre este planeta – olas que se irán incrementando en fuerza en el futuro predecible.

Mahala - Planet Alert October 2015

I am writing this article on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm waiting for the super full moon blood red eclipse to occur outside of my living room windows starting around 6:00 PM. (Today is the 28th and I watched it last night and it was awesome.) The energy from this full moon was more wonderful than I expected. The last few days have been energetically awesome. We are at the very beginning of the manifestation of the energy of the Age of Aquarius.

We had the Pope’s visit, the signing of the document for change by the United Nations, and the beginning of the energy from the Global Citizen group who had their festival in Central Park in New York on Saturday September 26. Their goal is to change the world for the better and to see that the United Nations lives up to the contract they signed to change the world. Check out the Global 2030 Agenda. This is the agenda signed by the United Nation countries. http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld Then check out the Global Citizens group at Global Citizens Festival website. (Editor: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/ or https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/festival/2015/)

martes, septiembre 29, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Pre-October 2015 Energy Report - Day 2 - 29 September, 2015

It's Day 2 of our pre-October energy work and today's exercise is about energy expansion. In it you will learn how to expand your energy field -- to a size you may not think was possible. The benefit of expanding our energy field is we create more space to receive more energy. You can find the link to this energy exercise below.

Exercise 2: Energy Expansion Exercise

In this energy exercise you will learn how to expand your energy field because with an expanded energy field you can receive more energy, at higher frequencies. The bigger you can make your energy container, by learning how to expand your energy field, the easier it is to receive energy, and to manifest greater aspects of your potential because you can access the energetic frequencies and vibrations that make new opportunities possible for your reality.


Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9/29/2015

12 Eb, 5 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Dratzo! This world continues to progress ever forward. Our earthly allies are moving the elements of a new banking system into position. The dark cabal can no longer stop the inevitable. Those ancient families in both Europe, the Americas, and of course, China is establishing the final repositories from which a great sea of monies is to flow. Those who have been assigned as both paymasters and security handlers know the right divine time to complete their special tasks. At present, the cabal is facing a number of crises, which are simply signs that this flow is very close to happening. The time for the end of these vile oligarchs has seemingly taken much too long to pass. We are approaching the Gregorian month of October. Traditionally, in the West, this is a time of scariness, hobgoblins and ghosts. In fact, it represents the time when mighty Atlantis, your ancient home, sank beneath the seas. This event occurred at the start of Zac (the white month). This time is called Halloween (hallowed eve), when the Lights (Atlantean Beings) left for their new home in Centaurus. It is only a wondrous coincidence that this period became a moment for you to obtain your blessings!

Benjamín Fulford - 29-9-15. Los eventos de la Luna de sangre resultaron ser obras de teatro del Vaticano y los Rothschild

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/09/29/blood-moon-events-turn-out-to-be-vatican-and-rothschild-theatrics/

Aunque el gran “love-fest” del Vaticano / Rothschild en las Naciones Unidas continúa, incluso cuando esta semana acaba, ya está claro que las esperanzas de grandes cambios en la forma en que gobernamos este planeta no se han materializado. Lo que vimos en cambio fue la teatralidad, la reapertura de viejas heridas y vagas promesas de hacer cosas buenas para el año 2030. El mayor insulto a la inteligencia de las personas en todo el mundo fue la promesa del presidente de China, Xi Jinping, para gastar mil millones al año en la lucha contra la pobreza. A escala global esto es calderilla y asciende a alrededor de 0.0003 centavos de dólar por día para las personas más pobres del mundo.


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we are being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light and the Hathors. Today, we wish to speak to you about the heart as a portal of Love.

Your planet has just experienced a massive influx of energy. This comes along with the many waves of energy that you have continued to experience over the past several months. These are times when you can make rapid progress on your ascension path when you flow with this energy into the higher dimensions.

A key factor in being able to flow with this energy is remaining heart-centered in a state of Love. The new energy, as well as that of the higher dimensions, is based on Love.

The Time of Your Great New Beginning Is Now: Anica

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Nuevo Humano 2da Parte - Valencia, España – 20 de Septiembre de 2015

Traducción simultánea: Roger Fuchs
El audio se puede escuchar con traducción simultánea al español

Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Antes de empezar con alguna enseñanza quiero estar quieto un momento. Quiero volver a energizar el séquito que ha estado aquí. Aún están aquí. Algunos de los que han entrado hoy a la sala, los han sentido. Y sabíais que el séquito todavía estaba aquí. Estas cosas esotéricas son energéticas. Se precisa un discernimiento, una sensibilidad, igual que el mensaje que seguirá. El séquito es benevolente; no está aquí a la espera de cosas de ustedes. Es un grupo, diría, si podéis denominar a la energía multidimensional "grupo", todo está combinado, fusionado. Os conoce a vosotros y a ellos mismos. El séquito es específico para esta sala, y está aquí observando y participando con cada uno de nosotros. Está aquí para dar apoyo. Si tuvieses una intuición, un pensamiento, un despertar, o una sanación, está listo para llevarla adelante. Puedes decirte que este es un buen momento y lugar para tomar decisiones sobre tu relación contigo mismo, con Dios, con otros.

lunes, septiembre 28, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Pre-October 2015 Energy Report - 28 September, 2015

The October 2015 Energy Report will be published on October 1, 2015. This month I’m doing something different to celebrate the end of September and usher in a new month, which also arrives with a new energy overlay. Over the next 3 days you will find energy exercises here, designed to assist you in grounding, re-centering, and re-purposing your energies, to clear any residue that was brought up during September and release it so you can make the most of October’s expanded potential.
Exercise 1: The Energy Grounding & Centering Exercise

This is a grounding exercise I first introduced in 2005 and it is very effective in grounding and balancing energy. With it you bring energy into your body from the earth and the crystalline matrix, combining them to form a protective shield of balanced and grounded light energy. You can use this Energy Grounding Exercise any time you feel you need to re-ground, re-center, when you are feeling afraid, anxious, or need a little bit of extra energy support.


Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com


Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 27 de septiembre al 4 de octubre, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


El mundo está en una transición de largo alcance hacia un nivel superior de conciencia y este es un momento difícil para todos por los cambios internos que ocurren. Se les pide a los habitantes de la Tierra dejar de lado todas las expectativas previas en cuanto a cómo deberían parecer sus vidas en el reino material y obsesionarse tanto con eso. Cada individuo tiene que pasar tiempo a solas para reajustar y sopesar aquellas áreas de su vida, mirando particularmente en donde se está utilizando su energía personal. Es un momento para mirarse cada uno como el creador de todo lo que se está experimentando. Es hora de asumir la responsabilidad por todas las decisiones tomadas de forma individual y colectiva. Esto puede ser abrumador para alguien que quiere vivir fiel a sí mismo y aun seguir viviendo su vida material e interactuar con los demás a su alrededor. Es difícil dejar atrás el yo y las limitaciones impuestas por la sociedad que les han acosado y centrarse realmente en la creación de una vida pacífica y próspera. Sin embargo, esto es lo que se abordará de aquí en adelante.

Brenda Hoffman - Bubbles of Joy - September 28, 2015

Dear Ones,

Today, September 28, 2015, is a day like no other you have experienced on or in earth. You have crossed the barrier from human to Universal being. Of course, many of you question that statement for you feel or look little dfferent from what was true yesterday or last month. Yet, you have opened your heart in ways you cannot yet envision.

Many of you have learned that an open heart is step one for becoming a Universal being – the end product of that statement is how you will dramatically begin to notice new you.


VIDEO (recommended)


Dear Humanity!

It is our joy to be with you and to observe your progress of awakening! Many of you opened their spiritual eyes recently, awakening to their infinite Divine Nature with the desire to let go of old and limiting programmings.

With this we'd like to remind you that everything in the conditional realms is frequency. This concept is helpful especially because it allows you to experience your programs as mere frequencies.

When you are able to understand that the vehicle of your body-mind is a mixture of frequencies, you are also capable to recognize your environment and others by their frequencies.

Physical appearance or words do not change this. You like or dislike a person by their frequency. You like or dislike a message by its frequency. That's how you recognize who is who and what is what. Because every frequency carries information.

domingo, septiembre 27, 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - SUPER CONSCIOUSESS EMBODIMENT and Natural Evolution of our Crystalline Star-Light-Body - 9/27/2015

I am sharing that which I experience and see... which right now is a wide array of absolutely everything (this is typical each gamma/crystalline activation we have, yay!!!). My posts will be all over the place... as all over the place means sharing the vastness in pieces and parts... yet this one will display a teeny weeny bit of how my "brain" functions.... all simultaneously... having to separate all of the thoughts out to see it all to comprehend it and then put it into words that create a picture of what is going on with us all as we upgrade and evolve in light... There is so much that I do not get to share, because there is so much.
I love to ramble, as it allows me to hop around easier... and makes sense to those who already get it or are ready to .... Every sharing is an activation itself. ☼

Shanta Gabriel - AA Gabriel - A Timely Message for September 27 - Your Emergence from the Chrysalis - September 27, 2015

A Timely Message for September 27

Dear Ones,

You came into this life with a longing for Home. Because of this inner longing of your soul, you may have spent all your life trying to fill the missing pieces. You hold an inner knowing deep within that there was something more, something more meaningful, a deeper connection with a part of your soul.

This activity of your inner spirit is evidence of the awakening at this time. Regardless of where you are on your journey, prepare yourself for a quickening. The energy coming with the eclipse and wave of Light is immense and a true blessing, although so much has been hyped about September 27 that you may be feeling frightened.

LIVE --- DarkSkyWatcher Observatory TETRAD 4th Blood Moon Eclipse Moon Hangout

James Tyberonn. - Arcángel Metatrón - El Eclipse de la Super-luna

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de la Luz, unido en esta sesión a Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, ¡y los saludamos en amor incondicional! Queridos humanos, hoy es una energía increíblemente oportuna. Está ahora teniendo lugar una apertura de energía magnífica. Hoy, 27 de septiembre (incluyendo el 28) de 2015, ocurrirá un Eclipse Lunar Total de Luna Llena que se combina energéticamente con el Eclipse Solar del 13 de septiembre, y con el Retrógrado de Mercurio en curso. La energía del Eclipse Lunar Total es un punto cumbre dentro de la energía que sucede en el planeta. Y aunque ustedes están en medio de una época de purga caótica, el eclipse puede brindar un momento de reinicio, un tiempo para contemplación profunda y co-creación de sus metas más elevadas. Este eclipse también brinda el movimiento de avance hacia la fase de energía más alta y significativa de 2015, la de la transformación bio-cristalina que comienza en noviembre, con los 7 eventos meteóricos y el movimiento directo de todos los planetas.

Brenda Hoffman - Un Paso a la Vez - 21 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Aunque las energías que golpean ahora a la tierra son de la variedad de la creación, esas energías no son como ustedes anticipan, porque ustedes están reconociendo todo lo que es nuevo con visión de 3D. Sus palabras e imágenes no son todavía acertadas porque no pueden describir algo hasta que se convierta en su realidad.

Una persona ciega en su mundo 3D no puede entender o visualizar el color rojo. Así sucede con ustedes ahora. No pueden entender cómo ustedes y su mundo están cambiando hasta que sean parte de ese cambio.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - September 27-October 4, 2015

Beloved Ones, 
The world is in a far reaching transition into a higher level of consciousness and this is a difficult time for many as the changes within occur. The people of Earth are asked to let go of all previous expectations in regards to how their lives in the material realm should look like and to be so obsessed with it. 

Each individual needs to spend time alone to readjust and revaluate those areas of their lives, particularly looking at where their personal energy is being utilized. It is a time to look at self as the creator of all that one is experiencing. It is time to take responsibility for all choices made individually and collectively. This can be overwhelming to one who wants to live true to self yet still live their material life and interact with the others around them. It is difficult to move past the self and society imposed limitations that have beset them and to really focus on creating a peaceful and prosperous life. However, this is what will be addressed from this point on.

Feliz Luna Llena y Eclipse Lunar - Luna de Sangre - Septiembre 27, 2015