martes, septiembre 23, 2014

Karen Dover - The Release of Constraints - September 23, 2014

Many of you may have experienced an intense equinox with much emotion surfacing which may have floored you.  The distortions that are taught within the old 3D earth created construct are not supported in the New Earth frequency realities. As the planet itself is raising its frequency then the frequencies that no longer resonate within the human vehicle rise to the surface.   It is to be noted that ANY triggers that have appeared for you over the past linear 48 hours are there to HELP you, you can only release that which you can see and acknowledge at a human conscious waking mind level.
There is no more “hiding” any longer, that which no longer serves the human race will be illuminated from within the human race.  From the simplest teaching to the most complex hidden teaching the frequencies are no longer supported therefore rise to the surface to be released. Any attempts at swallowing down said frequencies and “carrying on” will see much frustration and intense emotional pain manifest within you. The emotional pain is there to be released, the human race has been TAUGHT to accept abandonment, betrayal and grief as a “natural” part of being human and as this is not TRUTH it is not supported.

lunes, septiembre 22, 2014

Kryon - A System or a Random Occurrence

Jahn J Kassl - Become Aware of Your Power – and Stop Creeping! - September 22, 2014

by Jahn J Kassl, September 22, 2014
translated by Franz
The Dead 
Since 7 July up to 28 August, at least 2,133 Palestinians have been killed (in a time span of only 52 days, murdered by the Jews/Zionists  /Israelis). This figure includes 362 persons who could not be yet  identified or their status established. Of the initially verified cases,  1,489 are believed to be civilians, including 500 children (187 girls  and 313 boys), 257 women and 282 members of armed groups. 
Many fatalities involved multiple family members, with at least  142 Palestinian families having three or more members killed in  the same incident, for a total of 739 fatalities. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, over 11,100 Palestinians, including  3,374 children, 2,088 women and 410 elderly were injured. Preliminary estimates indicate that up to 1,000 of the children injured will have a permanent disability and up to 1,500 orphaned children will need sustained support from the child protection and welfare sectors.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El Despertar Cuántico - SEPTIEMBRE 2014

El Despertar Cuántico

Un pensamiento, una forma de vida, un sitio web y un boletín electrónico global

Únanse a nosotros en


Número 187

Creado, canalizado, escrito, publicado y registrado desde 1986 con Amor

por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Este boletín lo confecciona el Espíritu con amor y dedicación a la luz

Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad

*** Lamento el retraso en enviar este número, pero como todos bien saben estas energías nos están arrastrando a todos al vacío, pataleando y gritando. Cuanto más intentamos fijar una fecha de entrega, más se disuelve. Parece que nuestra humanidad misma no está al mando en este momento, mientras todos avanzamos a toda máquina hacia las energías del otoño. Acabamos de regresar de Denver y el Show de Cristal, así que estoy intentando ponerme al día. Las energías pueden ser abrumadoras para cada uno de nosotros diariamente mientas buscamos nuestro lugar en el universo, tratando arduamente de no dejarnos seducir por todo el drama. También me estoy preparando para la Reunión de Ella el mes que viene y las energías ya están pulsando. Mientras entramos en el equinoccio de otoño, vuélvanse como el árbol y desechen lo que ya no le sirve a aquello en lo que se están convirtiendo. Liberar es bueno para el alma, pregúntenle a cualquier árbol. Bendiciones. Gillian

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Equinox Energies And A Short Update From Me – 22 September 2014

AishaNorthNow, you are only a few short hours away from that point in time when your entire planet once more hangs as if suspended in equilibrium when the light and the dark seem to be equally distributed all over. Well, that may be the case, but let us just remind you that this time there is indeed another huge influx of light coming your way just when the time seems to stand still and you with it. You see, once again this window of opportunity that this equinox constitutes will be utilized, and this time it will indeed far surpass any previous occasions.

domingo, septiembre 21, 2014

History Channel: The Book of Enoch ~ Banned From the Bible

ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “La Ilusión De Miedo” - Ronna - Sep 21, 2014
“La Ilusión De Miedo”

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amados maestros, ¿harán un alto conmigo por un momento para hacer un inventario de sus logros recientes, y lo que parece ser para ustedes la derrota o el fracaso? Quisiera que dieran una mirada más de cerca y entendieran mejor de que tratan los procesos de iniciación y ascensión. Están obteniendo un panorama más claro de la actuación de la ley cósmica y de la magnificencia y complejidad de nuestro sub-universo a medida que se retira el velo del olvido y ustedes comienzan a acceder a la sabiduría de su Yo Superior y de la mente Súper consciente. Sin embargo, todavía tienen dudas y están confundidos cuando se les confronta con algunos de sus viejos miedos y emociones.

Jahn J Kassl - Sananda - Turning Point of Space-Time - September 21, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 13, 2014
first published on September 21, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Dream: I am in Brussels, as the day becomes turbid. All human Beings somehow seem to know that the MPR is happening now. There is silence. Then I see myself sitting at a table, the shape of a half-circle. A few other human Beings sit with me at the table. Additional tables are arranged, organized in a half-circle. Meaning: At the tables of the first half-circle, the “regents” have taken a place, and at the other tables sit the still “not free ones”. Obviously this is a meeting wherein the fate of the world is decided and formed.
Suddenly I then perceive myself lying on the ground at a bus station, as I look at the feet of women with my eyes open, who wait for the next bus. It is a wonderful bright and sunny day, in exact contradiction to the atmosphere before the MPR. Life seems to continue, I think to myself, before I realize that somewhere I must have lost all my papers (drivers license, passport, credit cards and money). I think, how do I now get out of here? I give a very intensive request to Heaven in order to help me now.
Thereafter, I find myself with a nun totally dressed in white, and I tell her my situation. Suddenly all documents materialize in my hands, and shortly after that I sit in an airplane flying back to Vienna. (End of dream)

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn ~ The Mega Equinox of Sept 2014 and the Duo of Total Eclipses - Sep 21, 2014

Why the World Seems to Be Going Mad

By  James Tyberonn, All Copyrights Reserved

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light, and I greet you in a vector of hope, and of unconditional love. And so in this session we offer you a unique explanation of the energy encompassing your planet and affecting humanity. It is a confusing time, and 2014 has been a year of change and intensities. We speak with you through the voice of the Angelic via the channel of Tyberonn, and are joined by a collective of energies from the Cosmic Collation of Ascended Masters.
Many of you are viewing the turmoil about you and asking why the world seems to be going mad. We have told you that the Cristos Energy returns to the Earth in 2038. In terms of Polarity this is the energy of Light. What is occurring in the present are the final throes of the dark energy, innate to duality, in a futile attempt to block the return. And we tell you the return will occur and cannot be thwarted.

Eliza - Journal Entry: 09.21.2014

Journal Entry 09.21.2014
Really!  What day is it?  Time has begun to blend and collapse into itself for me, especially on the weekends.  As soon as I get home, the watch comes off and doesn’t get put on again until Monday morning.
I’ve been rather disconnected from matters outside my little world at present with all the interior changes going on as my transition continues.  At times, I am very aware of the presence of my Star Family, but this week, I was visited by other rather special Beings.  I really can’t share much as most of this is of a very personal nature, but I can share that we are loved so very much.  If there is one thing that I have conveyed to my readers, is this sense of all-pervading and encompassing Love that permeates your being when you open yourself up to the possibility that you may, indeed, be more than you ever dreamed.

Eliza: On Windows of Opportunity - September 21, 2014

Eliza: On Windows of Opportunity
Today is a beautiful late summer day, perfect in its conception, with blue skies, light breezes and the scent of coming autumn in the air. On Tuesday, we have the Autumnal Equinox or for the Southern Latitudes, the Vernal Equinox. Always there is a certain amount of intensity to any transition, as we move from one minor cycle to another, but this year, I would imagine just about everyone on the planet is experiencing MAJOR intensity within their lives in one shape or another.
We have a choice on how we can experience change. For my part, I have totally surrendered to the changes that I am currently undergoing. If one has read previous entries on this blog, and come to the conclusion that I’m crazy or egoistical to say some of the things that I have shared, then many people might agree with you… had they not met me in person.
We all have windows of opportunity, to make changes in our lives and to fully surrender to whatever is God’s purpose in our lives.

Ron Head - The voice that speaks to you, and the you that hears the voice, are not separate. ~ The Council September 21, 2014

The Council
We have said that as the position of your planet, relative to your star, approaches what will produce for you the phenomenon you call equinox, we will address the rising frequencies and intensity of energy that you are experiencing. And we will do so, although this is a topic that is frequently spoken and written of. We will approach it from a slightly different perspective, one of our favorite words, to give you a  larger picture.

Consider, firstly, that you are rising above the plane of the galactic equator for the first time in a very long time. This is putting you in a very different energy than you have been in for about twenty-six thousands of your spirals about your star. As you move further and further above this equator, your frequencies will change more and more.

Blossom Goodchild – 21 September 2014

bloss arizona biggerWelcome, once again. It is so good to be back in regular contact … and I am excited to see what you have to offer to us today. Full steam ahead Captain!
The warmest of welcome’s to you and our friends as we come together AS ONE. How wondrous a mission we are all accomplishing. Each individual playing their part … in order to bring about this magnificent CHANGE … EVERYWHERE.
It is indeed magnificent. Any more pointers you can offer? … As we really are ‘cottoning on’ NOW and raring to go.
Dearest souls, that which you consider to be of Great value is warming to our hearts. You are coming from a place within your Beings that is from the finer Essence of your TRUTH. This you can FEEL NOW.
Yes, we can. Well, those that choose to, anyway. Our world, at this time, is in an awful mess in places, yet, by CHOOSING to remain HIGH, we are doing the upmost to make sure that our LOVE is felt throughout. I LOVE the concept you have been speaking of, of late, and I am understanding it more and more. GOOD JOB!

Documento de la existencia de seres interdimensionales / Paper existence of interdimensional beings

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 21 September 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión del 21 al 28 de septiembre, 2014

Beloved Ones,
Those who are able to move beyond the current distractions come together in focus for a world of peace. This energy is being magnified and multiplied by the higher dimensions, for as given before, wherever two or more are gathered there also is the Christ consciousness. The forces of light and love take great delight in joining with the individuals who take part in a worldwide focus to bring in the highest outcome for the Earth and all of humanity. By the efforts of these combined forces of light, many positive and benevolent changes take place in the world. It is a sacred and holy work that is performed with love and reverence by those who heed the call. Lighted souls the world over turn within to offer their deepest and most heartfelt desires to the Creator of All That Is in faith and trust and a deeper understanding that they are each a divine spark of the divine manifesting upon the Earth.
They turn then to contemplate the beauty of the world around them and celebrate the wonders of nature, the incredible sunrise and sunset, the myriads of tiny creatures that surround them, each unique and incredible in their exquisite detail. They drink in the colors of the flowers and notice how each petal seems to radiate light from within. They connect to the trees and listen to their timeless messages of fellowship, nurturance and support. They begin to realize that life thrives on their planet and it is all connected to All That Is and that they also are a innate part of it. They sense that each moment they spend contemplating and admiring the wonders of the world they live on is an endorsement and an acknowledgment of gratitude for the abundance that was created for their enjoyment. It is in this way, they realize, that the universe responds by bringing them more of that which fills their hearts with joy.

Eliza - Archangel Michael’s Shield - September 21, 2014


Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeler: Trillia Gia
It is I, Archangel Michael.  I greet you this day. I come to speak directly to you in this now moment of time.  Feel My Presence and know always that you are never alone. We are family and it is My honor to guide and protect each soul who sends forth a call from their heart flame to Mine. We are well within the

Jahn J Kassl - FINAL ACT OF LOVE, ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL - September 21, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 
In the seclusion from Source the mightiest light columns 
tower into Heaven and the loneliness is the permanent companion 
of these manifested light Beings in human flesh. And there is not one, 
who doesn’t painfully experience this loneliness.
It is the distinction of great Prophets that in seclusion 
their Flame of Devotion to God blazes the strongest. 
The prophets recognize each other, yet they do not know each 
other, the light warriors of the first and last hours enter into God’s 
Light as a unique light expression and merge with the wellspring 
of All-That-Is.

Fran Zepeda - Master Lanto on the September Equinox Energies: You Are The Power of the Universe - September 21, 2014

Master LantoChanneled by Fran Zepeda September 20, 2014

Greetings. The purity of the energies are entering your beings at an increasing rate. Lifting you in gigantic waves of ascension. And in this Lifting, you have a chance and a duty to yourself to rise above the diminishing lower energies that are still clinging to you.
I come to support you in this Lifting, in this refinement of your energies. The purity of the energies are matching the purity of your soul and while sometimes it is difficult to differentiate this purity from the lingering leaving energies of the past, it is well worth your while to intend to rise above this difference.
I take you now on a journey of your pure soul, of allowing yourself to mingle with all your higher aspects now. The energies of Now are in complete support of this. This upliftment, this revealing of the purity and radiance of your soul and your connection with Creator is now leading the way in your journey of ascension.

An Insight into the Lion People Part Two

The next lion man who one will quote from is a white lion man called Devin. He is one of the heads of the Galactic Federation. The information was channelled via Jelaila Starr, who is a lion woman incarnation from the ninth dimension, and is the spokesperson for the Nibiruan Council on Earth. The article mentions the importance of Nibiru in Earth`s ascension. Nibiru is a planet that is home to the lion people and many other races:


“It feels my heart with so much joy to reconnect with you. My communication today is from myself and fellow 9D Nibiruans, your ancient, ancient ancestors, as well as the 5D Nibiruans, your parents. For those who are not familiar with either, a brief introduction follows.

sábado, septiembre 20, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - Asana Mahatari - Framing of the Planet in Light - September 20, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl September 10, 2014
first published on September 20, 2014 in translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
This message is a full satisfaction for me, because it fully confirms at the end of all days my basic criticism of the tactics of the higher realms in shaping the ascension scenario. It was the subject of an extensive discussion with Sananda about two months ago, as this one half-heartedly apologized and largely withdrew from the responsibility with meaningless arguments.
The fundamental decision to prolong the final ascension in order to increase the yield of incarnated awakened souls “went thoroughly into the pants” (German saying for a “thorough failure”), because due to the long waiting the people on the ground were discouraged and turned away from the light, instead of making progress in their awakening. Only higher beings that are not subject to the constraints of linear time can be subjected to such a blunder. It was their lack of psychological understanding that drove them to this wrong decision.