miércoles, abril 10, 2013

You Are a Word of God - AA Uriel - Jennifer Hoffman - March 18, 2013

This is the channeled  Archangel Uriel message for March 18, 2013

You are a Word of God, an expression of divine light and unconditional love in human form. The mission you have undertaken in this and in each lifetime is not to blindly follow the Word of God, to do as you are told and follow a path that is created for you or on your behalf. Your mission is to be a Word of God, as a singular and unique expression of God or  Source in human form. This Word is your unique Source power connection, it is through the Word that you create heaven on earth and present your gifts to the world. You as a Word of God embody a unique light in the world. What word do you wish to be and how do you wish to embody it? The choice is yours. The Word gives you power; how you choose to embody and use it allows you to access its power.

Everything is Opening: DNA, Time, Ancient Cultures - a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - April 9, 2013

http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c0.70.247.247/p403x403/69637_486755604693665_1102167280_n.jpgEverything is Opening
(DNA, Time, Ancient Cultures ... and It's All Flowing In, Through & As You)
Infinite Being of Love,
Within you is everything you need to soar to new frequencies of expression. Your DNA has been opened and is now reactivating a fuller expression of your human template. This will appear to you in new ways of relating to other fields of life on Earth. It will become present in your awareness as amplification of key aspects of your being that are consistent across time in space. In essence your core frequencies will become more prominent and noticeably to you, you will experiences these as strong preferences and tendencies which give you ease and joy. Recognize as you notice you have more clear or more strong preferences that this is an indicator that other aspects of your being are merging with your stream of consciousness, amplifying common aspects of you.

SaLuSa 9 April 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

SaLuSa 9 April 2013
We are glad to see your vibrations rise above fear and conflict. Many among you are now able to use great discernment and can make out the cabal’s diversion tactics. The real scope, dear ones, has always been your Ascension and Mother Earth’s. Realize that anything that is not promoting the greater common good, your own development in consciousness and the promotion of conscious love is pretty much irrelevant at this time.
Of course you also have to continue looking after yourself and your family, pay your bills, and do grocery shopping and other daily activities, which many of you look upon as chores. Do not neglect these activities, as they offer you an important opportunity to be present in your life for your loved ones. Make it fun and interesting for you, and mostly don’t forget to be present while doing there.

James Gilliland: 5D, The End of the Matrix and the Ego, Time for Choosing - April 10, 2013


It has become increasingly obvious the old matrix, the archon network is coming to a close. Many are hanging on desperately to the old program, driven by wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences and a false sense of self; which was pressed upon them by the matrix. Some have such an investment into the matrix it will take some real hard lessons to snap them out of it back into their Godhood. With the new grid, the 5d energies pressing hard upon the Earth along with the veils becoming thinner it will be harder and harder for the old program to continue much longer. You have to see how most have been manipulated, fooled into focusing on the outer rather than the inner for their love, joy, acceptance and approval. They have become completely divorced from soul and spirit trapped in the ego and the false self, created by the matrix.

American Greed - S04E08 - Flipping Frenzy Scam

Illuminati Film Studies: THEY LIVE

A nameless unemployed drifter referred to as "Nada" (Roddy Piper) finds construction work in Los Angeles, and befriends fellow worker Frank Armitage (Keith David), who leads him to a local shantytown soup kitchen. There, Nada notices strange activity around the church; a blind preacher rouses others to awaken, a police helicopter scouts them overhead, and a homeless drifter (George Buck Flower) complains when the TV signal is continually interrupted by a bearded man informing others about those in power. Nada discovers the church is a front: the choir is actually an audio recording next to scientific apparatus, while cardboard boxes fill the room. Nada finds another box hidden in the wall but escapes when the preacher catches him. At night, police bulldoze the shantytown and attack its fleeing inhabitants. Nada returns in the morning to find the church empty, but procures the untouched hidden box. At an alleyway he opens it to find it contains black sunglasses and takes a pair. Nada discovers the sunglasses are special; looking through them he sees the reality of the bleak world. The media and advertising actually contain totalitarian commands of obedience and conformity in consumerism, to control an unwitting human population. Many with authority and wealth are actually humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces. At a store Nada confronts an alien woman, who then speaks into a wristwatch notifying others about him. Two alien police officers apprehend Nada but he kills them, taking their guns and going on a shooting spree against aliens in a bank, while one vanishes using its wristwatch. Nada escapes, destroying an alien flying camera and taking Cable 54 assistant director Holly Thompson (Meg Foster) hostage. At her hill-top home, Nada tries convincing her of the truth while suffering a headache from the glasses. Instead, Holly knocks him through her window and calls the police. Nada tumbles down and escapes, leaving his belongings behind. Nada returns to the alleyway and saves the sunglasses box from a garbage truck. Frank meets him to hand him his wage, but tells Nada, now a wanted man, to stay away. Nada engages Frank in a long fistfight to make him wear the glasses. After he finally does and sees the truth, the two rent a hotel to discuss their predicament. Gilbert (Peter Jason), a member of the shantytown, notifies them about a secret meeting with other activists. There, Nada and Frank are given updated contact lenses to replace their glasses. They learn from the bearded man's broadcast that the aliens control Earth as their third world, depleting its resources and causing global warming before moving onto other planets. The aliens use a signal to camouflage themselves; destroying its source will allow everyone on Earth to see their true form. Frank is given an alien wristwatch, a complex radio and teleportation device. Holly appears, apparently joining the cause before apologizing to Nada. However the police attack the meeting, killing anyone in sight, while Nada and Frank are cornered fighting their way out. Frank accidentally opens a temporary portal by throwing the watch, through which the two jump into a network of underground passages. The two find the aliens in a grand hall celebrating with their elite human collaborators. The homeless drifter from earlier, now a well-dressed collaborator, believes the two to be collaborators as well. He takes them on a tour of the passages, revealed to link the alien society, including a space travel port. A further passage leads to the basement of Cable 54 station, the source of the signal. The two then launch an attack through the building to find the broadcaster on the roof, before meeting Holly and taking her along. As Nada climbs to the signal broadcaster, disguised as a satellite dish, Holly kills Frank. Revealed to be a collaborator, she takes aim at Nada and persuades him to stop as an alien police helicopter hovers overhead. Nada complies by dropping his weapon, but then retrieves a hidden pistol from his sleeve and kills her. He then shoots and destroys the broadcaster before being killed by the aliens, giving them the finger as his last gesture. With the signal destroyed, humans discover the aliens in their midst.

martes, abril 09, 2013

Pleiadian Message to the Lightworkers 2013 - New Earth Rising

Visit of the Galactic Federation of Stellar Nations

Thank you for watching this video from the beginning even if it starts at 18 mins due to the copyrights on some songs. This is only a short presentation about the Galactic Federation of Stellar Nations, also referred to as " The Intergalactic Confederation ", " The Galactic Federation of Light " or simply " The Galactic Federation ". Sharing this video will be a great help to the First Contact Mission. Translate it into another language is a welcome initiative provided you do not modify the content. All additionnal remarks are in the generic. Warm regards,

Pleiadian Quantum Shield of Rejuvention - SolaraAnRa - Abril 9, 2013

Patricia Cota-Robles – Jump Starting Our Renaissance Of Divine Love – 9 April 2013

patriciacotaroblesPlease read this celestial sharing from the Flame of Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your Heart. The Company of Heaven is revealing two vitally important Global Activities of Light that Humanity is being called to participate in this momentous year 2013. We will all be in our right and perfect place for these events. Listen to your heart and respond according to the inner guidance of your I AM Presence. You may be prompted to participate physically or you may be prompted to empower these events through the Oneness of our collective consciousness from wherever you are on the face of the Earth. Whatever the case is, this information is being brought to your awareness because you have been preparing for lifetimes to assist with this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. Please do not let this opportunity to add to the Light of the world pass you by.
2013 is unfolding at warp speed and we are being asked from On High to accelerate on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this precious Planet, the physical manifestation of the recently birthed New Earth. In order to grasp the magnitude of that profound Truth, we must KNOW what the Birth of the New Earth in the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Cause means for each of us. The 5th Dimension is a frequency of Light that transcends separation and duality. Within this higher frequency of vibration, the gross mutations of disease, poverty, hunger, war, greed, crime, corruption, hatred, or pain and suffering of any kind cannot be sustained. Imagine what it will mean for all of us when the 5th-Dimensional patterns of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life are tangibly manifest on Earth!

PARA SU INMEDIATA DIVULGACIÓN-Antiguos Miembros del Congreso Investigarán el Fenómeno Extraterrestre - Abril 8, 2013

Mientras el robot Curiosity camina para buscar pruebas de existencia de vida extraterrestre en Marte, antiguos miembros del Congreso caminan para participar en una Audiencia Ciudadana sobre la Revelación de la presencia extraterrestre justo aquí sobre y alrededor de la Tierra. Las Congresistas Darlene Hooley y Lynn Woolsey se unen al Senador Mike Gravel, a la Congresista Carolyn Kilpatrick y al Congresista Merrill Cook para escuchar y preguntar a 40 investigadores, activistas y testigos del ejército, de la agencia y de la política que afirman que hay pruebas de presencia extraterrestre en nuestro mundo ya. La Audiencia Ciudadana sobre la Revelación se celebrará en el Club Internacional de Prensa en Washington DC, del 20 de Abril al 3 de Mayo de 2013, y se desarrollará utilizando los mismos protocolos de las audiencias del Congreso e incluirá 30 horas de testimonios con preguntas y respuestas. ¿Ha habido una presencia extraterrestre interactuando con la raza humana desde mediados del siglo XX, si no durante toda la historia de la humanidad? La Audiencia Ciudadana sobre la Revelación intentará lograr lo que el Congreso no ha sido capaz de hacer durante cuarenta y cinco años, revelar los hechos que rodean al tema más importante de este o de cualquier otro tiempo. El lema de este evento sin precedentes es, “Si el Congreso no hace su trabajo, la gente lo hará”, afirmó el fundador del Grupo de Investigación Paradigma y productor ejecutivo de la Audiencia Ciudadana Stephen Basset, añadiendo, “Es por lo que investigadores y testigos de todo el globo se están uniendo para participar en un evento que será también la base para el próximo documental El Embargo de la Verdad”. “Ya es hora de acabar con este embargo de la verdad sobre la presencia extraterrestre”, declara el Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Astronauta del Apollo 14 y Portavoz Internacional de la Audiencia Ciudadana sobre la Revelación. Puede encontrarse completa información en la website de la Audiencia Ciudadana sobre la Revelación: www.citizenhearing.org Contacto con los Medios de la ACR Janet Donovan: (202) 904-1035 creative.enterprises.int@gmail.com La Audiencia Ciudadana sobre la Revelación es un proyecto del Grupo de Investigación Paradigma. Contacto: stephen Bassett PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344 Traductor: PEC WebSite: http://despertando.me/?p=123665

Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes : Comfortable Complacency, Letting Vengeance Fade And The Prevalent Presence Of Spirit – 9 April 2013

416 small-Channeled through Wes Annac-
If we could only detail every last bit of energetic progress you the ascending humanity have been making upon your paths, than we would be able to uplift and motivate you dear souls in much stronger ways than we will be able to because of the communication gap between us and you. This gap that we speak of is growing smaller and smaller by the moment and as has been said, your belief in your ability to pick up on our impressions will determine its strength.
The sacred bond with the higher realms and with we souls within the higher realms that humanity is beginning to open up to simply cannot go unrealized by the entirety of your collective, and every single one if you will in due time, find the states of consciousness that help you to understand the reality of every facet of what is happening on your world and in realms far beyond the conscious understanding of the physical humanity.
We have so much Light and Love to share with you dearest souls, and we ask for you to open yourselves up and receive this Love as you absorb our communication and feel the impressions we are sending each of you individually. We are connected with every soul who is absorbing this communication, and we will begin to make ourselves known before many of you who find yourselves close with our energies and impressions.

Dana Mrkich – Feeling Stuck In This New Cycle? – 9 April 2013

DanaMrkichFeeling Stuck in this New Cycle?
Freedom is something we all say we want, but it is an interesting quirk of human nature that receiving freedom can feel more challenging than literally being in prison. According to statistics in the U.S, UK and Australia two out of every three prisoners re-offend and return to prison within 3 years of release. Although the reasons for this are multi-layered, a major issue is the struggle to find jobs and have a stable home and family life. Whether consciously or subconsciously, prisoners are drawn back to an environment in which they at least have structure, routine, a roof over their heads, three meals a day and a close-knit community. This is not due to laziness or ‘once bad always bad’.  It is due, in part, to the fact that freedom and expansion requires support and time to develop a completely new set of living skills.
As restrictive as it is to always be told what to do, it can feel completely overwhelming to suddenly be in the driver’s seat of your life after years of receiving direction. This is one of the reasons, among others, that people stay in unhealthy relationships and jobs.  This is also one of the reasons why many are struggling with direction and movement forward in our new evolutionary cycle.

The Price of Belief and Cost of Judgment - By Jennifer Hoffman

http://www.arqhys.com/wp-content/fotos/2012/05/fotos-paisajes-naturales-del-mundo.jpgEvery thought, word and action reflects a belief and they all have an energetic cost in our life. If we look at our beliefs and the judgments we derive from them, in terms of how they either expand or limit the flow of energy in our life, we can also look at our life in terms of value and whether we are unconsciously limiting energy flows in subtle ways. While we think of cost, price and value in terms of money, we have to also apply them to energy because it is through our beliefs and judgments that we mange our energetic resources.
During a recent visit to the eye doctor I spoke with the technician about the benefits of coconut oil, after she told me how dry her hands were.  I could tell that she was unhappy, struggling and felt very limited in her life. She said ‘I can’t afford it’ at least four times during our discussion. She spoke about her mother’s chronic COPD and attributed it to second hand smoke but I felt there was more to it than that, a lifetime spent feeling limited, stifled and blocked exerts a heavy price–if you feel you don’t have enough room to breathe into the fullness of your being, your body will mirror that belief for you. I tried to explain these principles to her but knew that she wasn’t ready to hear me, her beliefs about life’s limitations and judgments of  what was possible were too firmly entrenched for her to consider other options.  Maybe one day she will be, that was not the day.

Ken Bartle/ Jane Evershed – Reports Coming In… Texas & New Orleans Courts Shutting Down – 7 April 2013

judgeandgaffelFor those of you who haven’t seen this from Ken Bartle:
Date: 6 April 2013 6:30:38 PM AWST
To: “Ken”
Subject: RE: US Courts close but not in the media!!!
Hi Ken,
I thought you might want to tell everyone that here in Austin, Tx last night I was speaking with a man who was perplexed. He said his brother had gone to court yesterday and when he got there, no one was there and there were no docs!
I also know someone in New Orleans who works at the court house. She says they shut down. A very powerful attorney is assisting and says he is happy he is no longer an attorney. She said they can not talk about details but they are closed and burning all records. She says they are making private calls to inform folks of the changes.
Also I live in this hotel with government officials staying here for some supposed graduation preparing to happen with the FBI, the secret service, the state troopers, the police and the military. We can all hear each other from our hotel rooms. I overheard them talking about how the war is over. How there will not be another war. How we have entered into a time of peace. How he can not give orders because he does not know how to go forward.
This is all a HUGE wow and the media is not speaking a word!!!
Thought you may like to know!
57 shots o’ rum ago · Care not fer such trifles · Watch this here scrawlin’ · Denounce this misdeed
Spied by 3
Ye an’ thar scurvy dog Charlie Cooper be enjoyin’ this.
Jane Evershed

LOS ELOHIM – SÓLIDAM​ENTE ENTREGADOS AL B​IEN​ - Vinícius Francis - Abril 8, 2013


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Haya Luz en vosotros, amigos de la Tierra! Haya Amor sobre vosotros, seres creados para amar.

Haya entendimiento y sabiduría sobre vosotros, seres creados por y para la comprensión. Haya fe en vosotros, seres que fueron creados para creer. Haya salud en vosotros, seres que fueron creados para disfrutar de lo mejor de la vida.

Haya Luz sobre vosotros, haya inteligencia divina, la misma que es arquitecta todas las cosas en el Universo, para que se abran a la conciencia de que son el todo expresándose en la materia. Vean! Miren a sus cielos siempre que se sientan desorientados y entiendan que ustedes son la más pura extensión divina.

Vean que ustedes están ahí en esta Tierra para proseguir lo que ya viven por la Eternidad. No dejen que coloquen pensamientos en ustedes que los disminuyan!

No permitan que el contraste perfectamente mutable de esa realidad de tiempo y espacio los confunda al punto de perder la conexión con quiénes son en esencia.

Tiempo Para el Cambio - Audiencia mundial para revelar el fenómeno ET

 abril 8, 2013
ufosoverdc dos

Del 29 de abril al 3 de mayo tendrá lugar en Washington la Audiencia Global para la Revelación al Público del fenómeno ET

29 mar (Citizenshearing.org).- Un evento de implicaciones históricas, tendrá lugar en el National Press Club de Washington, DC desde el 29 de abril al 3 de mayo.

Nada menos que 40 investigadores y miembros de agencias militares, así como testigos presentarán públicamente su testimonio durante 30 horas a lo largo de cinco días.

La presentación de los testimonios se dirigirá a los miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de América en un evento sin precedentes históricos.

La Iniciativa de Audiencia Global Ciudadana sobre la presencia extraterrestre, tiene un lema asociado: “Si el Congreso no hace este trabajo, la gente lo hará”, tal y como podemos comprobar en la web del Evento Global que ha sido convocado para los próximos días.

El evento será retransmitido en: Inglés, Español, Chino, Hindú, Japonés y Árabe, con lo que pretende llegar a casi todos los habitantes del planeta.

Adicionalmente, se realizará un documental con los contenidos del evento para su posterior retransmisión global, que tendrá por título:

“Truth Embargo” (“El embargo de la verdad”).

Para más información, pueden consultar la web informativa de la Iniciativa Global:


Entre los 40 investigadores, (pueden acceder al detalle de su perfil en cada enlace) podemos citar a personalidades internacionales de primer nivel tanto a nivel científico como político, astronautas de misiones espaciales, militares, pilotos de fuerzas aéreas, personalidades al servicio de los Departamentos de Defensa de diversos países, etc…

A.J.Gevaerd, Stephen Bassett, Capt. Rodrigo Bravo, John Callahan, Grant Cameron, Dr. Anthony Choy, Peter Davenport , Richard Dolan, Coronel Richard French, Stanton Friedman, Paul Hellyer, Gary Heseltine, Dr. Jesse Marcel, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Nick Pope, Dr. Kevin Douglas Randle, Coronel Ariel Sánchez, Coronel Oscar Santa-Maria, Donald R. Schmitt,Daniel Sheehan, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Robert Wood.






WebSite:  http://despertando.me/?p=123648

Gaia - Isabel Henn -La superficie de la corteza terrestre ha sido devastada o destruida completamente en algunas partes – Marzo 28, 2013

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Éste es un grito de ayuda. Pude sentir su dolor cuando recibí éste mensaje de ella. Dejen de envenenar la belleza de Gaia y no tiren sus desperdicios.

Mis amados seres humanos, Yo Soy Gaia, el alma de su Tierra. Es un placer hablar a través de éste canal que es muy querida y preciada por mí.

Es tiempo para un mensaje. Primero quiero decir gracias por todo el amor que me han enviado durante los últimos años y en especial los meses pasados. Me han envuelto en su amor y su luz. Esto me ha ayudado mucho para realizar la limpieza necesaria con más gentileza.

Podría remover muchas incrustaciones de las viejas energías de esa forma. No todos los terremotos que pudieron experimentar los últimos años fueron debido a estas limpiezas; muchos han sido inducidos por hombres pero me han ayudado, sin embargo, a liberar energías negativas.

AA Gabriel - Marlene Swetlishoff - Marzo 7, 2013

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Amados, Me gustaría darles un discurso sobre la cualidad del Amor llamada tolerancia. Esta cualidad es necesaria en todas las interacciones con otras personas y en muchas situaciones en las que uno se enfrenta a diario.

Es esta cualidad la que permite que cada persona sea única y especial con su propia perspectiva y verdades. Cuando expresamos esta cualidad estamos aceptando de los demás, sus caracteres, hábitos, puntos de vista, creencias, manías, y percepciones.

Podríamos pacientemente enfrentar cualquier situación que se planteara, la que podría tentarnos a ir por mal camino en nuestra intención de caminar cada día en un estado de calma y paz.

En una situación familiar, esta cualidad pide que cada miembro de la familia respete mutuamente sus derechos y puntos de vista.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Mis queridos amigos, el mañana está aquí

 abril 7, 2013
Comet Flying Towards Planet


Miguel: Han alcanzado el fin de un periodo corto de descanso, del cual captamos de nuestro canal, que no estuvieron del todo confortables.

Es tiempo de que evalúen las herramientas disponibles para ustedes para determinar cuáles serán sus contribuciones. ¿En verdad están listos para comenzar?

Si todo se desata mañana, ¿pueden decir que en verdad están listos? Porque, mis queridos amigos, el mañana está aquí.

Hemos establecido a través de nuestros canales confiables que ésta temporada sería el momento en el cual las cosas estarían listas para comenzar, y así lo están. Hemos dicho que esperábamos que se alcanzara cierto punto y se diera la señal. Ya no hay razón para esperar.

Pero hay una pequeña consideración que hay que tomar en cuenta. ¿Ustedes qué harán? No se necesita nada grandioso como, “Cambiaré el mundo”.